VisiBroker for Java

Interface IteratorOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IteratorOperations

The Iterator interface allows clients to a log to iterate over a list of LogRecords returned from a query() or retrieve() operation. The elements are accessed in order.

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          To discard the results of an operation without exhausting the iterator,
 LogRecord[] get(int position, int how_many)
          When invoking the get() operation on the iterator it returns at most how_many records, starting at the position indicated by the position argument.

Method Detail


void destroy()
To discard the results of an operation without exhausting the iterator,


LogRecord[] get(int position,
                int how_many)
                throws InvalidParam
When invoking the get() operation on the iterator it returns at most how_many records, starting at the position indicated by the position argument. A value of zero for position indicates the first value in the complete iterator sequence.

position - The start position to return from the complete iterator sequence.
how_many - How many records to return starting at the position indicated by position.
InvalidParam - when the position parameter is past the end of the iterator or the requested position is lower than the largest position already requested (i.e., you cannot request values before the position of the last request, so that the iterator cannot be backed up).

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