VisiBroker for Java

Interface TypedEventLogOperations

All Superinterfaces:
LogOperations, org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedEventChannelOperations
All Known Subinterfaces:
TypedEventLog, TypedNotifyLog, TypedNotifyLogOperations

public interface TypedEventLogOperations
extends LogOperations, org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedEventChannelOperations

TypedEventLog receives and forwards typed events via a CosTypedEventChannelAdmin::TypedEventChannel. TypedEventLog is created by and emits log generated events via the TypedEventLogFactory interface

Method Summary
 TypedLogRecord[] typed_query(java.lang.String grammar, java.lang.String c, org.omg.DsTypedEventLogAdmin.TypedRecordIteratorHolder i)
          The typed_query() operation searches the typed log for all log records that match the given constraint.
 TypedLogRecord[] typed_retrieve(long from_time, int how_many, org.omg.DsTypedEventLogAdmin.TypedRecordIteratorHolder i)
          The typed_retrieve() operation reads the typed log records in the log sequentially starting from any given time.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.DsLogAdmin.LogOperations
copy_with_id, copy, delete_records_by_id, delete_records, flush, get_administrative_state, get_availability_status, get_capacity_alarm_thresholds, get_current_size, get_forwarding_state, get_interval, get_log_full_action, get_log_qos, get_max_record_life, get_max_size, get_n_records, get_operational_state, get_record_attribute, get_week_mask, id, match, my_factory, query, retrieve, set_administrative_state, set_capacity_alarm_thresholds, set_forwarding_state, set_interval, set_log_full_action, set_log_qos, set_max_record_life, set_max_size, set_record_attribute, set_records_attribute, set_week_mask, write_recordlist, write_records
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedEventChannelOperations
destroy, for_consumers, for_suppliers

Method Detail


TypedLogRecord[] typed_retrieve(long from_time,
                                int how_many,
                                org.omg.DsTypedEventLogAdmin.TypedRecordIteratorHolder i)
The typed_retrieve() operation reads the typed log records in the log sequentially starting from any given time. It allows clients to retrieve TypedLogRecord that contains typed information about an event.

from_time - Indicates which time to start from.
how_many - Indicates how many log records to retrieve, and the sign of the how_many parameter indicates the direction (positive for forward retrieval or negative for backward retrieval).
i - The log records are returned as a sequence and an iterator may be provided as an out parameter to deal with large retrievals. If the iterator is not needed, then the iterator will hold a nil object reference


TypedLogRecord[] typed_query(java.lang.String grammar,
                             java.lang.String c,
                             org.omg.DsTypedEventLogAdmin.TypedRecordIteratorHolder i)
                             throws InvalidGrammar,
The typed_query() operation searches the typed log for all log records that match the given constraint. It allows clients to obtain TypedLogRecords that contain the typed information about an event (interface name, operation, argument list used for typed event communication).

grammar - The grammar parameter indicates how to interpret the constraint string. The default grammar is "EXTENDED_TCL" specified in the Notification Service.
c - The constraint parameter specifies which log records the client wishes to receive.
i - The log records are returned as a sequence and an iterator may be provided as an out parameter to deal with large query results. If the iterator is not needed, then the iterator will hold a nil object reference.
InvalidGrammar - if the implementation does not support the grammar specified.
InvalidConstraint - if the constraint string is invalid.

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