VisiBroker for Java

Interface DynSequenceOperations

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public interface DynSequenceOperations
extends DynAnyOperations

DynSequence objects are associated with sequences.

Method Summary
 DynAny[] get_elements_as_dyn_any()
          The get_elements_as_dyn_any operation has the same semantics as their Any counterpart, but returns values of type DynAny instead of Any.
 Any[] get_elements()
          The get_elements operation returns the elements of the sequence.
 int get_length()
          The get_length operation returns the current length of the sequence.
 void set_elements_as_dyn_any(DynAny[] value)
          The set_elements_as_dyn_any operation has the same semantics as their Any counterpart, but accepts values of type DynAny instead of Any.
 void set_elements(Any[] value)
          The set_elements operation sets the elements of a sequence.
 void set_length(int len)
          The set_length operation sets the length of the sequence.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyOperations
assign, component_count, copy, current_component, destroy, equal, from_any, get_any, get_boolean, get_char, get_double, get_dyn_any, get_float, get_long, get_longlong, get_octet, get_reference, get_short, get_string, get_typecode, get_ulong, get_ulonglong, get_ushort, get_val, get_wchar, get_wstring, insert_any, insert_boolean, insert_char, insert_double, insert_dyn_any, insert_float, insert_long, insert_longlong, insert_octet, insert_reference, insert_short, insert_string, insert_typecode, insert_ulong, insert_ulonglong, insert_ushort, insert_val, insert_wchar, insert_wstring, next, rewind, seek, to_any, type

Method Detail


void set_elements_as_dyn_any(DynAny[] value)
                             throws TypeMismatch,
The set_elements_as_dyn_any operation has the same semantics as their Any counterpart, but accepts values of type DynAny instead of Any.



DynAny[] get_elements_as_dyn_any()
The get_elements_as_dyn_any operation has the same semantics as their Any counterpart, but returns values of type DynAny instead of Any.


void set_elements(Any[] value)
                  throws TypeMismatch,
The set_elements operation sets the elements of a sequence. The length of the DynSequence is set to the length of value. The current position is set to zero if value has non-zero length and to -1 if value is a zero-length sequence. If value contains one or more elements whose TypeCode is not equivalent to the element TypeCode of the DynSequence, the operation raises TypeMismatch. If the length of value exceeds the bound of a bounded sequence, the operation raises InvalidValue.



Any[] get_elements()
The get_elements operation returns the elements of the sequence.


void set_length(int len)
                throws InvalidValue
The set_length operation sets the length of the sequence. Increasing the length of a sequence adds new elements at the tail without affecting the values of already existing elements. Newly added elements are default-initialized. Increasing the length of a sequence sets the current position to the first newly-added element if the previous current position was -1. Otherwise, if the previous current position was not -1, the current position is not affected. Increasing the length of a bounded sequence to a value larger than the bound raises InvalidValue. Decreasing the length of a sequence removes elements from the tail without affecting the value of those elements that remain. The new current position after decreasing the length of a sequence is determined as follows:



int get_length()
The get_length operation returns the current length of the sequence.

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