VisiBroker for Java


public interface SYNC_WITH_TARGET

Equivalent to a synchronous, non-oneway operation. The server-side ORB shall only send the reply message after the target has completed the invoked operation. Note that any LOCATION_FORWARD reply will already have been sent prior to invoking the target and that a SYSTEM_EXCEPTION reply may be sent at anytime (depending on the semantics of the exception). Even though it was declared oneway, the operation actually has the behavior of a synchronous operation. This form of synchronization guarantees that the client knows that the target has seen and acted upon a request. This is the highest level of synchronization can the OTS be used. Any operations invoked with lesser synchronization precludes the target from participating in the clients current transaction.

Field Summary
static short value

Field Detail


static final short value
See Also:
Constant Field Values

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