VisiBroker for Java

Interface IORInterceptorOperations

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IORInterceptor, IORInterceptor_3_0, IORInterceptor_3_0Operations

public interface IORInterceptorOperations
extends InterceptorOperations

Interceptor used to establish tagged components in the profiles within an IOR. In some cases, a portable ORB service implementation may need to add information describing the server's or object's ORB service related capabilities to object references in order to enable the ORB service implementation in the client to function properly. This is supported through the IORInterceptor and IORInfo interfaces.

Method Summary
 void establish_components(IORInfo info)
          A server side ORB calls the establish_components() method on all registered IORInterceptor instances when it is assembling the list of components that will be included in the profile or profiles of an object reference.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InterceptorOperations
destroy, name

Method Detail


void establish_components(IORInfo info)
A server side ORB calls the establish_components() method on all registered IORInterceptor instances when it is assembling the list of components that will be included in the profile or profiles of an object reference. This method is not necessarily called for each individual object reference. In the case of the POA, these calls are made each time POA::create_POA() is called. In other adapters, these calls would typically be made when the adapter is initialized. The adapter template is not available at this stage since information (the components) needed in the adapter template is being constructed.

info - The IORInfo instance used by the ORB service to query applicable policies and add components to be included in the generated IORs.

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