VisiBroker for Java

Interface ServantManagerOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:
ServantActivator, ServantActivatorOperations, ServantLocator, ServantLocatorOperations, ServantManager
All Known Implementing Classes:
_ServantActivatorStub, _ServantLocatorStub, ServantActivatorPOA, ServantLocatorPOA

public interface ServantManagerOperations

     Servant managers are associated with POAs. A servant manager
     supplies a POA with the ability to activate objects on demand when
     the POA receives a request targeted at an inactive object. A
     servant manager is registered with a POA as a callback object, to
     be invoked by the POA when necessary. An application server that
     activates all its needed objects at the beginning of execution
     does not need to use a servant manager; it is used only for the
     case in which an object must be activated during request
     The ServantManager interface is itself empty. It is inherited by
     two other interfaces, ServantActivator and ServantLocator.  The
     two types of servant managers correspond to the POA's RETAIN
     policy (ServantActivator) and to the NON_RETAIN policy
     (ServantLocator). The meaning of the policies and the operations
     that are available for POAs using each policy are listed under the
     two types of derived interfaces.  Each servant manager type
     contains two operations, the first called to find and return a
     servant and the second to deactivate a servant. The operations
     differ according to the amount of information usable for their

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