COBCH1684 Missing information for parameter <param-name> in XML comment for <name>

The source code contains parameter comments, but not all parameters have been specified.

If you include an XML comment for one parameter, you must also include comments for all other parameters.

In the following example, you must add an XML comment for the #message2 parameter.

class-id a.
 *>> <summary> 
 *>> Displays a message 
 *>> </summary> 
 *>> <param name="message1"> The message to be displayed in the console window.</param>
 method-id MsgOut.
 procedure division using by value #message1 as string by value #message2 as string.
 display #message1
 display #message2
 end method.
 end class.

When specified correctly, the parameter comments appear on the ToolTip.
