X"91" function 47

Disables insertion of a null character x"00" before data characters whose value is less than x"20" in line sequential files.

Note: This function is not supported in JVM COBOL.


call x"91" using result


  Using call prototype (see Key) Picture
result cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.
function-code cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.
parameter FD name of file

On Entry:

function-code Value 47
parameter The file-identifier specified in the File Description (FD). Must refer to a line sequential file which is currently open.

On Exit:

result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.


This function lets you disable null insertion for individual files regardless of the setting of the run-time switch N.

This function cannot be used if the file is declared as EXTERNAL.