COBQA0002 - Use portable COBOL syntax instead

Information message only. An IDE quick action is available if you want to convert the highlighted .NET type to a COBOL predefined type.


The light bulb quick action, Convert to COBOL Syntax, is available for some .NET types that have a corresponding predefined managed COBOL type. You can convert such types to COBOL predefined types - for example, System.UInt64 converts to binary-double unsigned.

Using COBOL predefined types ensures that your applications are platform independent and you can easily export them from Visual Studio and edit them with Visual COBOL for Eclipse.

To convert a type:

  • Click the light bulb quick action, Convert to portable COBOL syntax, in the editor:


You can choose to simplify the current occurrence of a fully qualified name or simplify all occurrences of that name in the current file (click Document) or in the current file and any copybooks displayed in the expanded copybook view in it (click Program).