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COBCH1771 <type-name> has no visible instance method <method-name>

The type specified in the method invocation expression does not contain an instance method with a compatible signature.

In the following example, none of the methods in the runBonus object are a compatible match because they are static. The last method would be compatible if it were an instance method; therefore, remove the STATIC keyword from its signature to ensure a match.

class-id bonusPout.
method-id main STATIC.
declare myDel as type myDelegate
declare runBonus as type bonusPout.
set myDel to method runBonus::calcBonus
end method.

method-id calcBonus (by value sal1 as binary-long by value sal2 as binary-long) returning finalB as binary-long STATIC.
end method.
method-id calcBonus (by value sal1 as binary-long) returning finalB as binary-long STATIC.
end method.
method-id calcBonus STATIC.
end method.
end class.
delegate-id myDelegate.
end delegate.
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