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Configuring logging for problem diagnosis

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

Because audit emitters cannot use the Micro Focus Consolidated Tracing Facility (CTF) to produce diagnostic information, the SNMP emitter supports an alternative logging mechanism. This enables you to send log information to a file and optionally to the screen.

To use the logging mechanism, you use the agent.log_emitter, agent.log_to_screen and agent.logfilename entries in the configuration file. The sample below, illustrates the use of these entries. The comment lines (those preceded with #) document the allowable values.

# Emitters cannot use Micro Focus CTF trace facilities, so 
# a basic alternative logging method has been provided.
# Logging can go to file and screen, or just to file.
# mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_emitter options
# on                  - enable all logging options
# off                 - do not log anything
# errors              - log only errors
# flow                - log module process flow
# content             - log audit message (partial) content
# errors_flow         - log errors and logic flow
# errors_flow_content - log errors and logic flow and content
mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_emitter = errors

# mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_to_screen options
# on                   - log to console screen
# off                  - do not log to screen, log to file
mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_to_screen = on

# mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.logfilename options
# if screen logging is disabled log to file name given here
mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.logfilename = c:\snmpemitter.log
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