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Exit Interface Definition

Contains the information required by the exit routines for processing at each exit point. A pointer to this structure, together with the exit point identifier, is passed to each exit function.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.


typedef cblt_rtncode (*PFI_IDP_EXIT)(mf_uns32      exit_point,
                                     IDP_EXIT_INFO *exit_info);

On Entry:

exit point
Exit point in the request handler:
1 External data value modification - input parameter
2 Internal data value modification - input parameter
3 Unmapped named external input parameter
4 End of input request processing
5 Start of response processing
6 Internal data value modification - output parameter
7 External data value modification - output parameter
8 End of response processing
9 End of request processing
Usage depends on the exit point

On Exit:

Usage depends on the exit point

Return codes:

Depends on the exit point.

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