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The IDXNAMETYPE option specifies the format of the filename type for both the data file and, if present, the index file.


IDXNAMETYPE = { 0 } { 1 } { 2 } { 3 }


Leave the filename of the data file the same. For the index file, discard any extension and add the extension .idx.
Leave the filename of the data file the same. For the index file, add the extension .idx.
For the data file, add the extension .dat. For the index file, add the extension .idx.
For the data file, use the extension in the FILESUFFIX variable if there is no extension. For the index file, add the extension .idx.


Default: 1


IDXNAMETYPE only affects the data file for Vision files.

The name of the index file (if present) is derived from that of the data file. For example, if the data file name presented to the File Handler is abc.def, the options shown above give the following data and index filenames:

0 abc.def and abc.idx
1 abc.def and abc.def.idx
2 abc.def.dat and abc.def.idx

If the data file name is abc and FILESUFFIX=dat, the following data and index filenames are given for IDXNAMETYPE=3:

3 abc.dat and abc.idx
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