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Display Statistics

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

Use this page to view statistics and status information about the Directory Server.


This table shows information about the repository.


Shows the directory containing the repository of all registered object information. If the path is relative it is relative to the Directory Server current directory.


Shows the last action performed on the repository.


This table contains statistics about the objects stored in the local repository.


Shows the number of servers stored in the local repository.

Communications processes

Shows the number of communications processes stored in the local repository.


Shows the number of listeners stored in the local repository.


Shows the number of service operations stored in the local repository.


Shows the number of request handlers stored in the local repository.


Shows the number of implementation packages stored in the local repository.

XA Resources

Shows the number of defintions of XA resources stored in the local repository.

Total Count

Shows the total number of objects stored in the local repository.

Request Processing

This table contains information about incoming client requests.

TCP Requests

Shows the number of TCP requests received since the Directory Server was started. These can come from either program clients or Web browser clients.

UDP Requests

Shows the number of UDP requests received since the Directory Server was started. These come only from program clients.

MLDAP Requests

Shows the number of TCP or UDP MLDAP requests received since the Directory Server was started. These can be generated by enterprise servers or program clients

Maximum Thread Count

Shows the maximum number of concurrent MLDAP requests that have been processed at any time since the Directory Server was started

Current Thread Count

Shows the number of MLDAP requests currently being processed.


This table contains some of the current Directory Server option settings.

User Access

Shows what level of access is available to users. Possible values are:

Restricted Access is allowed only by an authorized user who has logged on.
Unrestricted Access is allowed by any user.
Server Monitor

Indicates whether the server monitor is currently active or not. The server monitor checks whether all enterprise servers registered with the Directory Server and not marked "Stopped" are responding to potential client requests. If they are, their status is marked as "Started", otherwise, if they are currently marked as "Started" and they are not responding, they are marked as "Not Responding".

Having the server monitor on ensures that the Current status field for a server is up to date, even if the server itself cannot contact the Directory Server for some reason, for example, a network connection or machine failure.

You can enable and disable the server monitor and change the time interval between checks on the Configure Options page.

Journal Level

Indicates what level of journal logging is in force.


This table contains the paths that the Directory Server is using for its own resources.


Shows the setting of the COBDIR environment variable, which holds the location of your installed development system or standalone Enterprise Server. This field might be empty if the Directory Server is being run as a Windows service, as this environment variable is not one that is set by the Windows system.


Shows the location of the system programs that make up Enterprise Server.


Shows the location of the graphics files that the Directory Server uses in its interface.

Help and documentation

Shows the location of the documentation for Enterprise Server.

Trace and journaling

Shows the location of the trace files and journals created by Enterprise Server.

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