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PF-Create-Panel (Value 3)

Creates a panel.


The panel's window is created disabled; that is, it is not visible.

PPB-First-Visible-Col pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-First-Visible-Row pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-Panel-Height pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-Panel-ID pic 9(4) comp.
PPB-Panel-Start-Column pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-Panel-Start-Row pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-Panel-Width pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-Visible-Height pic 9(4) comp-x.
PPB-Visible-Width pic 9(4) comp-x.

On Entry:

PPB-First-Visible-Col Positions the window horizontally within the panel. A value of 0 indicates that the left-hand edge of the window is positioned on the left-hand edge of the panel.
PPB-First-Visible-Row Positions the window vertically within the panel. A value of 0 indicates that the top of the window is positioned on the top edge of the panel.
PPB-Panel-Height The number of rows of text in the panel to be created.
PPB-Panel-Start-Column Positions the panel horizontally on the screen. A value of 0 indicates that the left-hand edge of the panel is positioned on the left-hand edge of the screen.
PPB-Panel-Start-Row Positions the panel vertically on the screen. A value of 0 indicates that the top of the panel is positioned on the top edge of the screen.
PPB-Panel-Width The number of columns of text in the panel to be created.
PPB-Visible-Height The number of rows of text in the visible window.
PPB-Visible-Width The number of columns of text in the visible window.

On Exit:

PPB-Panel-ID The identifying handle of the created panel. You should copy this value into a data item in the Working-Storage Section of your program and specify it when using any functions that act on this panel.


Panels allocates an area of memory for the new panel based on its size. The number of bytes of memory used by a panel is determined as follows:

2 * PPB-Panel-Height * PPB-Panel-Width

The size of the new panel can be larger than the screen, but you must observe the following:

  • PPB-Panel-Width must not be greater than 2000.
  • PPB-Panel-Height * PPB-Panel-Width must not be greater than 65535.

Failure to observe either of these limits results in Panels error code 6 being returned.

Once you create a panel, you can change any of its variables except its width and height, using PF-Shift-Panel. The newly created panel is filled with the current backdrop character and attribute.


This example creates a panel that is 20 characters wide by 15 lines high. This panel starts on line 4, column 1 of the screen. The window into this panel starts on the first line and first column of the panel. This window is 20 characters wide by 10 rows deep.

* Panel size is 20 characters wide by 15 lines
       move 20 to ppb-panel-width.
       move 15 to ppb-panel-height.
* The window starts on screen line 4, col 1. Remember that 
* PPB-Panel-Start-Column and PPB-Panel-Start-Row specify a 
* screen position, where 0,0 is the top left corner of the 
* screen.
       move 3 to ppb-panel-start-row.
       move 0 to ppb-panel-start-column.
* The window into the panel is 20 char wide by 10 lines.
       move 20 to ppb-visible-width.
       move 10 to ppb-visible-height.
* The window starts on the first line and column of the panel.
* Remember that 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel.
       move 0 to ppb-first-visible-row.
       move 0 to ppb-first-visible-col.
* Create the panel. It is initially disabled (invisible).
       move pf-create-panel to ppb-function.
       call "PANELS" using panels-parameter-block.
       if ppb-status not = zero
*         (code to abort)
* Save the panel identifier.
       move ppb-panel-id to ws-save-panel-id.
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