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The OS ESM Module

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

The OS ESM module uses the Windows OS as an external security manager. It is quite simple, with only a handful of configuration options (for passtoken support), and it only supports ESF Verify (user signon) requests. It uses the Windows LogonUser function to check whether the user has supplied the correct password and is allowed to log into the system. Windows security policy rules such as restricted logon hours will be applied automatically, and if a user's password has expired and they have not supplied a new password, the request will be rejected with a must-change-password status. In other words, a signon using this ESM will behave much like a conventional Windows login.

If the user requested a password change, the ESM module will call the Windows NetUserChangePassword function to attempt to change the password. Again, this is essentially the same as a conventional Windows login where the user specifies a new password.

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