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The ACCEPT Statement

Mnemonic-names associated with the implementor-names ARGUMENT-NUMBER, ARGUMENT-VALUE, ENVIRONMENT-NAME and ENVIRONMENT-VALUE are supported as described in the section The Special-Names Paragraph.

Mnemonic-name may be associated with one of the following implementor-names: COMPILER-INFO, CONSOLE, CPU-TIME, DATE-ISO4, job-variable-name (BS2000 job variable), PROCESS-INFO, SYSIPT, TERMINAL or TERMINAL-INFO.

Job-variable-names only work when the BS/2000 add-on is present to provide the necessary run-time support.

SYSIPT, TERMINAL, or CONSOLE specifies the system file from which data is to be read. SYSIPT refers to the system file of that name. TERMINAL refers to the system file SYSDTA (normally assigned to the data terminal). CONSOLE refers to the system console.

When a mnemonic-name is associated with a job-variable-name, it references the associated operating system job variable which is to be read in. If the job variable cannot be read in for some reason, the runtime system issues an error message, and the program is then either continued or aborted, as determined by a compiler directive. In the former case, /* is assumed as the value of identifier.

When mnemonic-name is associated with COMPILER-INFO, CPU-TIME, PROCESS-INFO, or TERMINAL-INFO, it specifies the information which is to be requested. COMPILER-INFO refers to information provided by the compiler. CPU-TIME, PROCESS-INFO, TERMINAL-INFO and DATE-ISO4 refer to information provided by the operating system.

CPU-TIME is moved in accordance with the rules of the MOVE statement from a field with the description PIC 9(6)V9(4).

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