Use the following shortcuts to insert the code snippets. Type the shortcut in the editor and then press the tab key to insert the snippet.
Shortcut | Snippet | Description |
accept | Accept From Date or Accept From Time | Enables you to set a variable to the current date or time. |
attribute | Attribute | Inserts a class that implements a custom attribute. |
class | Class-Id | Inserts a class declaration. |
const | Constant | Inserts the declaration of a Data Division level 78 constant |
create | Create | Creates or constructs an instance of a list or a dictionary. |
DateString | .NET Date Format | Enables you to set a localized date format by specifying the desired locale. |
declare | Declare as Type | Declares a local variable. |
delegate | Delegate-Id | Inserts a delegate declaration. |
delete | Delete Key | Deletes an element from a list or a dictionary. |
entry | Entry | Declares an entry |
enum-id | Enum-Id | Inserts an enumeration declaration. |
evaluate | Evaluate Variable | Inserts an EVALUATE statement declaration for the possible values of a variable. |
if | If Then Else | Inserts an IF statement declaration. |
implements | Implement Class/interface | Implements Class/Interface method stubs. |
inspect | Inspect Replacing simple characters or Inspect Tallying before terminator | Inserts an INSPECT statement declaration for either replace or tally. |
interface | Interface-Id | Inserts an interface-id declaration. |
iterator | Iterator-Id | Inserts a declaration for an iterator. |
method | Method-Id(instance) | Inserts an instance method declaration. |
methodstatic | Method-Id(static) | Inserts a static method declaration. |
paragraph | Paragraph | Inserts a paragraph declaration. |
perform | Perform Varying, Perform Varying Thru or Perform Varying Dictionary | Inserts a PERFORM statement declaration. |
pic | Literal or Pic | Inserts the declaration of a string literal or a PIC item in Data Division. |
program-id | Program-Id | Inserts a COBOL program declaration. |
property | Get/Set Property | Inserts a getter and a setter properties. |
read | Read Into Key | Reads an element in a list or reads an element in the dictionary at a given key. |
reset | Reset | Delete all the elements from a list or a dictionary. |
rewrite | Rewrite From Key | Overwrite an element in a list or a dictionary. |
section | Section | Declares a section. |
setnew | Set New | Inserts the code to set an instance object to a new class object. |
try | Try Catch Finally | Inserts a TRY-CATCH-FINALLY statement declaration. |
valuetype | ValueType-Id | Inserts a valuetype-id declaration. |
write | Write From | Writes an element to a list or a dictionary. |