Generics, Defining - in COBOL and C#

// Generic class
class Point3D<T>

// Generic class with constraints
class Point3D_c<T> where T : IComputable

// Generic interface
interface IComputable<T>

// Generic method
public static Point3D<T> MakePoint3D<T>(T x, T y, T z) 
    return new Point3D<T>(x, y, z);

// Generic method with constraints
public static void MakePoint3D<T>(T x, T y, T z) where T : IComputable 
    return new Point3D<T>(x, y, z);

// Generic value type
struct container<T, Y>
    public T a;
    public Y b;

// Generic value type with constraints
struct container<T, Y> where T : IComputable

// Generic iterator, use a parameterised class
class a<T>
    public static IEnumerable<T> itg(T x)
        int val = 1;
        while (val < 50)
            yield return x;

// Using generic iterator
foreach (string dog in a<string>.itg("Dog")) 
*> Generic class
class-id Point3D using T.

*> With constraints
class-id Point3D using T.
   constrain T implements type IComputable.
*> Generic interface
interface-id IComputable using T.
*> Generic method
method-id MakePoint3D static public using T.
procedure division using by value
       x as T y as T z as T
       returning ret as type Point3D[T].
*> With constraints
method-id MakePoint3D static public using T.
   constrain T implements type IComputable.
*> Generic value type
valuetype-id container using T Y.
   01 a T public.
   01 b Y public.
end valuetype.

*> With constraints
valuetype-id container using T Y.
   constrain T implements type IComputable.

*> Generic iterator, use a parametrised class
class-id a using T.

iterator-id itg static.
01 val binary-long value 1.
procedure division using by value x as T yielding y as T.
    perform until val = 50
        add 1 to val
        set y to x *> Just for example!
end iterator.
end class.

*> To use, parametrise the class
perform varying thg through type a[string]::itg("Dog")
    display thg