Database Management Systems (DBMSs)

Lists supported and tested DBMSs along with the Visual COBOL features that use them.

All RDBMS testing is done on both 32- and 64-bit platforms based on RDBMS client software availability.

With regard to support for each of these third-party RDBMS supported version, Micro Focus :

  • Provides support until the standard end-of-service (EOS) date provided by the RDBMS vendor
  • If your deployment requires support for a given RDBMS beyond the vendor's EOS dates, check with SupportLine for availability of Extended Support Plus options.
  • Encourages you to include third-party RDBMS consideration when planning an upgrade to your Micro Focus product

With regard to resolving reported issues with Micro Focus software while using a third-party RDBMS, Micro Focus :

  • Attempts to resolve issues for supported DBMSs on tested or untested platforms
  • Investigates issues involving planned but not yet supported RDBMSs, and attempts to resolve non-architectural issues that also occur in the latest supported RDBMS version

This version of Visual COBOL supports the following Database Management Systems:


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Before deploying a COBSQL application, be sure to install and configure all applicable third-party software.

Note: COBSQL (Pro*COBOL) is supported for native COBOL only.
Availability - Windows platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Windows X X
Availability - UNIX platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SUSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
IBM System z running Red Hat Linux X X
IBM System z running SUSE Linux X X
Itanium running HP-UX X X
x86-64 running Solaris X X
SPARC running Solaris X X
XA Switch Module
When the Enterprise Server feature is enabled, the Oracle XA switch module is provided for COBSQL (Pro*COBOL), and is available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above.
Certification of RDBMS Precompilers for Native COBOL
Certification of RDBMS precompilers with Micro Focus products is the responsibility of the RDBMS vendor, rather than Micro Focus. Certification information can be found within the relevant Oracle documentation. If you have an Oracle MetaLink account, document # 43208.1 provides details of all language compilers certified by Oracle for use with their precompilers.
COBSQL supports the following database preprocessors:
  • Oracle Pro*COBOL Version 12.2 and 18c database preprocessors
  • Sybase Open Client Embedded SQL/COBOL Version 11.1 or later
  • Informix Embedded SQL/COBOL Version 7.3 or later
On Windows x86 and x86-64 platforms, when compiling with COBSQL for use with Oracle, do not use the COBSQL directive option NOMAKESYN, since this directive results in COMP host variables, and on Intel platforms these are incompatible with the native byte order expected by Oracle.
For this version, COBSQL was tested with Oracle Pro*COBOL version 12.2 and 18c.


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Note: DB2 ECM is supported for native COBOL only.
Availability - Windows platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Windows X X
Availability - UNIX platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SUSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
IBM System z running Red Hat Linux X X
IBM System z running SUSE Linux X X
Itanium running HP-UX X
x86-64 running Solaris
SPARC running Solaris X X
PowerLinux LE running Red Hat Linux X
PowerLinux LE running SUSE Linux X
XA Switch Module
When the Enterprise Server feature is enabled, the DB2 XA switch module is provided and is available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above.
Certification of RDBMS Precompilers for Native COBOL
Certification of RDBMS precompilers with Micro Focus products is the responsibility of the RDBMS vendor, rather than Micro Focus. You can find IBM document certification information for DB2/COBOL applications within the IBM Information Center for DB2, in the topic Support for database application development in COBOL.
DB2 ECM supports the following database preprocessors:
  • IBM DB2 LUW Version 10.5 or later
  • IBM DB2 Connect Version 10.5 or later
For this version, DB2 ECM was tested with DB2 LUW 10.5 and 11.1.


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Availability - Windows platforms
Feature/Platform Native and JVM COBOL 32-bit Native and JVM COBOL 64-bit
x86-64 running Windows X X
Availability - UNIX platforms
Feature/Platform Native and JVM Managed COBOL 32-bit Native and JVM Managed COBOL 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SUSE Linux X X
x86-64 running Solaris X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
IBM System z running Red Hat Linux X X
IBM System z running SUSE Linux X X
Itanium running HP-UX X X
SPARC running Solaris X X
PowerLinux LE running SUSE Linux X
PowerLinux LE running Red Hat Linux X
XA Switch Module - Windows platforms
When the Enterprise Server feature is enabled, the ODBC One-phase Commit, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL switch modules are provided and available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above.
XA Switch Module - UNIX platforms
When the Enterprise Server feature is enabled, the ODBC One-phase Commit switch module is provided and is available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above.

The PostgreSQL switch module (early adopter program) is available on the following platforms:

  • x86-64 running Red Hat Linux
  • x86-64 running SUSE Linux
Native COBOL
  • OpenESQL supports access to relational databases using ODBC 3.0-compliant drivers
  • Refer to your driver vendor's documentation to determine whether your driver is suitable for use with OpenESQL
OpenESQL supports access to relational databases using JDBC 4.0-compliant JDBC drivers. The following table shows the tested DBMSs and their corresponding JDBC driver filenames:
Tested DBMS Versions JDBC 4.0 Compliant Drivers
DB2 LUW 10.5

DB2 LUW 11.1

db2jcc4.jar (and db2jcc_license_cu.jar)
Oracle 12.2 ojdbc7.zip1
Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Microsoft SQL Server 2016

Microsoft SQL Server 2017

EDB PostgreSQL 10.5 postgresql-42.0.0.jre7.jar
1Some Oracle JDBC drivers are distributed as .zip rather than .jar files.

2 On Windows platforms, if you are not using Windows authentication, no additional resources are required. However, if you are using Kerberos authentication with a driver version of 4.0 or later, although integrated authentication is not required, you might need to follow additional configuration steps as described in the driver documentation. No additional resources are required for UNIX platforms.

To use JDBC DataSource Objects, you must also install and configure a JNDI server.

  • If you are using a Java application server, it includes a JNDI server you can use to configure DataSource objects. This process is described in the Java documentation for the application server.
  • If you are not using a Java application server, or if you require a standalone JNDI server to configure DataSource objects for initial evaluation and development, see the To install and configure Simple-JNDI topic for instructions on downloading, installing, and configuring the open source JNDI server Simple-JNDI for this purpose.
For this version, OpenESQL was tested with:
  • Oracle 12.2 and 18c
  • DB2 LUW 10.5 and 11.1
  • SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2017
  • PowerLinux LE using DB2 LUW 10.5 only (UNIX platforms only)
  • EDB PostgreSQL 10.5 on all Windows platforms, and on the following UNIX platforms:
    • x86-64 running Red Hat Linux
    • x86-64 running SUSE Linux
  • MySQL 5.7 (5.3 ODBC drivers only) on all Windows platforms, and on the following UNIX platforms:
    • x86-64 running Red Hat Linux
    • x86-64 running SUSE Linux
Note: Micro Focus provides compatibility for PostgreSQL and MySQL but does not directly contribute to or support either open source project. Any issues relating to the functionality of either DBMS should be addressed through an open source support vendor.
Support for the following is planned for future release on Windows platforms:
  • Azure SQL Database (Managed Instance)
  • Azure SQL Database (Logical server)
  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition

Support for the following is planned for future release on UNIX platforms with either x86-64 running Red Hat or x86-64 running SUSE Linux:

  • SQL Server 2017
  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition