
This guide is intended to help you resolve error situations that can be traced back to the Workflow Manager.

In general, you can distinguish between expected and unexpected error situations. For example, an expected error situation would be one when the user enters an incorrect connection password.

Unexpected error situations can further be grouped into situations that were foreseen by the software and those that were not. For example, a foreseen error situation would be that the connection to the remote system is broken, and an example of an unforeseen error situation would be a programming error in the software.

Depending on the type of error, the user or system administrator has different sources of help to deal with the situation.

For expected and unexpected but foreseen error situations, an error dialog in the Eclipse Workbench is displayed. For example:

TSXZS0006 Connect to CSIMVS:6150 was not successful.

MFDAS01: Mainframe access problem. Reason: The password is not authorized.

The information provided in the Error dialog box will enable you to handle this type of problem.

If the error was reported by the underlying MFA server software, a server message ID is displayed in the dialog, in the example above this would be TSXZS0006.

For unexpected but foreseen error situations, in the Error dialog box, click Details to display the caught exception:

at com.microfocus.zserver.zexplorer.model.MvsDataset.fetchChildren(
at com.microfocus.zserver.zexplorer.model.MvsDataset.fetchChildren(
at com.microfocus.zexplorer.subsystem.mvs.rse.MvsDatasetAdapter.internalGetChildren(
at com.microfocus.zexplorer.subsystem.mvs.rse.MvsDatasetAdapter.getChildren(
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.view.SystemViewLabelAndContentProvider.getChildren(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer.getRawChildren(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer.getRawChildren(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.getFilteredChildren(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer.getSortedChildren(
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.view.SystemView.access$4(
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.view.SystemView$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(


at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
Caused by: com.microfocus.zserver.communicator.MFDasException: MFDAS01: Mainframe access problem. Reason: A communication error was detected, refer to MFAERROR.LOG.

The exception type often provides information as to what caused the problem. In the example above there is some kind of network connection problem which could, for example, mean that the connection to the network was interrupted or that MFA server is not up and running. 

If the information found in the error dialog is not sufficient to solve the problem then view the error log for further information. See Troubleshooting for information on how to access the error log, how to enrich it with debug information, and how to send that information to Micro Focus Customer Care.

Unexpected and unforeseen error situations will not typically produce an error dialog, but in some cases, information related to a software exception that is not caught is recorded in the error log.

See Troubleshooting for more information on how to find the cause of problems that might stem from the Application Workflow Manager, and suggested solutions. It also describes the information that Micro Focus Customer Care need when you cannot solve the problem yourself.

See Sample error situations for more information on the way the software reacts during specific error situations.

See Known issues for more information on known software errors, including tips on how to deal with them.