Examples of Using the Dynamic CTF Command Line Utility

Restriction: This utility is only available on Windows platforms.

The following example removes tracing for low-level I/O run-time events, but also adds tracing for memory allocation/deallocation and catalog events in the File Handler for the COBOL application running as process ID 6765.

cblctd -Cf mf.rts:fsys -Ct mf.mffh.xfh:memory,catalog -p 6765  

The following example applies the CTF tracing options listed in the myctfopts.log file to the COBOL application running as process ID 1244. The options in the log file should take the same format as described in the Dynamic CTF Syntax Options section.

cblctd -f myctfopts.log -p 1244  

The following example can be used to turn on CTF tracing dynamically while an application is executing.

Firstly, ensure that the CTF Configuration file being used defines the initial set of component events that you require to be traced. Then, disable the output of all component events by specifying mftrace.level=none in the CTF Configuration file. CTF tracing can now be enabled after the application has started executing by modifying the trace level. When no events are enabled there is no performance overhead on the application execution.

So, if your configuration file defined run-time events to be output and the COBOL application is running as process ID 4892, you could use the following to enable tracing:

cblctd –Lc mf.rts:debug –p 4892

Similarly, tracing can be disabled dynamically:

cblctd –Lc mf.rts:none –p 4892