Accepting and Displaying Data on Large Screens

Programs using ANSI ACCEPT/DISPLAY statements, enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY syntax, Screen Section and the COBOL system library routines should run correctly on large screens. If an application is developed for a screen larger than the screen it is run on, the extra lines of a multiple-field ACCEPT or DISPLAY are lost. In addition, if the position specified by the AT clause of an ACCEPT or DISPLAY statement is off the screen, the screen is scrolled up by one line.

On Windows, the default screen size uses the current Windows console size (unless the application is started with runw, in which case it defaults to 80x25), but you can configure it to a maximum size of 255x255, which is configured using the screen_lines and screen_cols values within a configuration file specified by COBCONFIG.

Regardless of the actual screen length, the default indicator position for Adis applications is on line 25. By selecting line 255 for any screen size causes the indicator to be displayed on the bottom line of the screen. Refer to the Alter Position of Messages and Indicators section of Adiscf Functions for more information on configuring indicators.