Text Casing Options

You can use the settings in Tools > Options > Text Editor > Micro Focus COBOL > Text Casing to configure what case will be used in the editor for code you enter or paste.
Force upper case
Only applicable to native COBOL and must not be used with .NET COBOL.

Check this to force upper case in the COBOL editor. When enabled, any code you paste including the code of inserted snippets is forced to upper case. To switch this on or off, you can alternatively use the Force uppercase in the editor button in the COBOL toolbar.

Case of identifiers
Specifies the case format of the identifiers in the IntelliSense suggestions.
Case of reserved words
Specifies the case format of the COBOL reserved words in the IntelliSense suggestions.
Case of identifiers
Specifies the case format of the identifiers in snippets.
Case of reserved words
Specifies the case format of the COBOL reserved words in snippets.