Fileshare Trace

This facility provides specialist tracing of the transactional file handler technology.

Fileshare is a transactional File Handler for VSAM and other Micro Focus COBOL files, and Fileshare trace would be required only if you have Fileshare configured for use.

To enable tracing, in the case of standalone Fileshare, you can start the Fileshare server with the -tr f option - this option will write the trace information to the console window and also to a file called fsscreen.lst in your Fileshare directory. (If you are starting Fileshare as a service, only the .lst file is written to.)

Whilst Fileshare is running, you can also toggle tracing on/off using either of the following methods: if you have access to the Fileshare console window, press F2 to toggle on/off; or, if you have Fileshare administrative privileges, log on to FSVIEW and execute the trace toggle command.

When toggling the tracing on/off, where the tracing information is recorded depends on how Fileshare was started. If started with the option above, both the console window and fsscreen.lst record the tracing information (unless it was started as a service - see above). If Fileshare was started without the tracing option, only the console window will record the tracing information, and when started as a service, only fsscreen.lst will record the tracing information.

Micro Focus recommends that you delete any existing fsscreen.lst files before starting a Fileshare server, otherwise your new trace output will be concatenated to the existing file, which can be confusing when trying to diagnose problems.

Generally, Fileshare trace should be used only for specific cases during testing, because it can have a great impact on performance.