To enable core dumps using run-time tunables

  1. Create a run-time tunables file; see Format of a Configuration File for Native COBOL.
  2. Within the file, include the core_on_error tunable. By default, when a core dump occurs, it is saved with the name core or core.<pid>, but you can change this by also including the core_filename tunable. For example:
    set core_on_error=131
    set core_filename="coredumptest.%p%t_%d"
    Note: For a complete list of parameters for these run-time tunables, see the core_on_error and core_filename topics.
  3. Set the COBCONFIG environment variable to the location of the tunables file. If you are running the application from your Eclipse project, you can set this in your project's Properties dialog box by selecting Micro Focus > Run-time Configuration > Environment Variables, and clicking Add.
  4. Run the application for which you are expecting a core dump file. When the run-time system receives an unhandled signal, a core dump file is created.