

Executes compilation of provided files.


This task requires some properties to be defined beforehand to ensure that the correct type of compilation is performed for the specified file extension:
  • mf.cfg - name of the build configuration.
  • fileextn.<file extension> - file extension properties are prefixed fileextn followed by a file extension; for example <property name="fileextn.cbl" value="cobol"/>. The value of the property indicates the type of compilation that should be executed.

The task requires a target for each type of compilation specified in the value of a property. The target performs the actual compilation of the file passed to this task.

The target name must follow the syntax:

FileCompile.${mf.cfg}.${fileextn.<file extension>}

For example, taking the following properties:

<property name="mf.cfg" value "singleFileConfig"/>
<property name="fileextn.cbl" value "cobol"/>

Would imply the presence of the following target

<target name="FileCompile.singleFileConfig.cobol">


Attribute Description Required
fileslist The list of file names to process, delimited by a comma (",") with or without spaces Yes


Compiles files from fileslist:
<executefilecompile filesList="${fileslist}" />