Setting the file properties using directive scanning

You can use a directives scan to ensure dialect-related properties for individual COBOL source files are correct. You can configure the directives scan from Window > Preferences > Micro Focus > COBOL > Directives Determination.

Important: If the project already has the requisite setting, the scan does not set it on a file.

Do the following to perform a directives scan:

  1. Select a file, group of files, directory, or project in COBOL Explorer.
  2. Right-click and choose Determine Directives from the menu.
The following can be set in this way:
Language dialect (COBOL settings)
The scan examines each file to determine a list of possible dialects. These are then compared with:
  • The project dialect. If one of the possible dialects matches the project dialect, the Dialect option doesn't change.
  • A list of dialects in priority order. The most likely dialect is chosen and Dialect set on the file.
SQL settings
If the files contain any EXEC SQL statements, the EXEC SQL and Preprocessor Type options are set accordingly. The scan sets none of the additional directive's options.

A window showing the proposed changes opens after the scan. You choose to accept the changes by clicking OK, or to ignore the changes by clicking Cancel.

Remove any file-specific settings

To remove any file-specific directives:

  1. Right-click your project or a file in COBOL Explorer, and click Remove File Directives.

After any file-specific settings have been removed, the files inherit the settings specified at project, build configuration, or folder level.