Scale-Out Repository Information

This page displays information on the PAC and its corresponding Scale-Out Repository (SOR) and regions.

Click Reconnect to close the current connection to this SOR. ESCWA will then attempt to establish a new connection.

Note: Reconnecting might affect other users and take some time.

Connection Information

Type of Scale-Out Repository (SOR) being used:
  • Redis
  • Coherence
TLS Connection
Identifies if the connection to the Redis Server is TLS enabled.
Redis Server Address
Specifies the address of the Redis Server used by this SOR (ip-address:port).
Using Redis Sentinel
Identifies if this SOR is using Redis Sentinel.
Redis Sentinel Address
Specifies the Redis Sentinel instance that provided the master address (ip-address:port).

Performance and Availability Clusters

The name of this Scale-Out Repository's (SORs) PAC.
The version of the product the PAC is running on.