COBCH1936 parameter-name is not a generic parameter for this method

The referenced parameter-name is not a generic parameter allowed for the method.


The following example shows invalid use of the T parameter within the method. In this case, the constraints paragraph should refer to the generic method's parameter and, instead, it refers to the class parameter.

       class-id GenericClass using T.
       method-id M2 using U (parm as U).
           constrain T is reference type.
       end method.
       end class.


Correct the code to specify a valid parameter with the method - e.g. the constraints paragraph inside the method should refer to a parameter of the generic method which in this case is U.

Or, if the constraints is for the generic class parameter, place that constraints paragraph under the class-id, and not under the method-id:

       class-id GenericClass using T.
           constrain T is reference type.

       method-id M2 using U (parm as U).

       end method.
       end class.