Micro Focus provides a wide range of resources to help you get started with the basics of the language:
This course is the ideal first step on your journey to learning about the COBOL language and how to take advantage of what Visual COBOL can do for you. After taking the course you will have a good knowledge of the basics of COBOL and Visual COBOL, and will be ready to build on that general knowledge by learning more about taking full advantage of Visual COBOL to meet the specific requirements of your applications.
The course is available from a link in your Electronic Delivery Receipt email which you were sent with details about your license. Follow the link and click the Documentation tab.
Work through the tutorials in this product Help. It includes a basic tutorial showing you how to create your First Hello COBOL World Application and other more advanced tutorials showing how to use various programming techniques.
Find more information on various aspects of COBOL programming in the rest of this section.
Also, explore our detailed COBOL Language Reference for in-depth information about the syntax and the usage of the COBOL language.
Explore the power of COBOL to prepare your applications for interaction with the latest technologies. JVM COBOL is COBOL with extensions to support the JVM. It offers support for object orientation and access to the available Java class libraries or the .NET CLR. See:
For more, see the resources available in the Related Information.