You can only create
enterprise servers on your local machine.
- In Server Explorer, right-click the required directory server connection node, and select
New > Enterprise Server.
- Enter a name in the
Name field.
- Check the
64-bit check box if you need to create a 64-bit server.
Note: The bitism of the enterprise server should match that of the project it is to be associated with.
- Click
Browse to the right of the
Template field, then navigate to the folder that stores enterprise server template XML files.
By default, this is the
$COBDIR/etc folder.
Visual COBOL provides the
ESTemplate.xml template that enables you to create a fully configured
enterprise server region.
You can create additional templates by exporting an active MFDS process repository using the
mfds command. See the
mfds topic for more information.
- Select a template and click
- In the
Associate with pane, select the projects to associate with the server.
See note above.
- Click
The new enterprise server is created and associated with the selected projects.