Network Configuration

When deployed in a network or client-server configuration, Micro Focus XDBC requires two configuration files:

You may use any of the following configuration variables in net.ini. The table below lists the variables, along with their defaults and brief descriptions. For complete descriptions, including examples, follow the links.

Variable  Default  Description
KEY_CONNECT 1234 Used to encrypt the user ID and password sent over the network
PACKETSIZE 8192 Specifies the size of buffer used to aggregate send operations
READ_TIMEOUT 0 Specifies the time to wait for read completion
RETURN_ERRNO  No Returns the operating system error code for communication errors
WRITE_TIMEOUT 0 Specifies the time to wait for write completion

For your convenience, a sample net.ini is is installed with the Micro Focus XDBC package in the lib subdirectory. Most of the configuration options are commented out in this sample. To use an option, remove the comment hash sign (#) to apply a setting, and then resave the file.

Click here to view a sample configuration file net.ini.