Installed Files

Below are lists of the files installed with Micro Focus XDBC.

Local Micro Focus XDBC

Windows Description
acuxdbc04.exe SQL processor spawner
acuxdbc04.dll SQL processor
acuxdbc11.dll ODBC driver
gds10.dll Indexed file driver
sql.msg Error message file

Local Tools

Filename Description
mfdbcutil.exe System catalog (repository) tool
mfdbc.dll ODBC driver for Micro Focus XDBC
xdbcquery.exe Command-line query tool
tver.exe Version query
mfsql.bat Command-line query script
mfaddfile.bat Adds named XFD file or file list to system catalog (repository)
mfinit.bat Creates a system catalog (repository) and information-schema views
mfgenconf.bat Generates a Micro Focus XDBC configuration file that includes the required configuration variables set to the values that you define. It also enables you to specify an alternate directory name for GENESIS_HOME and an alternate configuration file name
mfxset.bat Allows you to customize many of the options used by the batch files. Items such as configuration file, default user and password, GENESIS_HOME, system catalog, and other options are stored in this file. mfxset allows you one centralized location to set your custom configuration options

Local Samples

Filename Description
mfdbc.cfg Default configuration file
mfdemo.bat / Creates a system catalog and loads it with sample veterinary data
mf_data New data directory set up by the demonstration program
mfsyscat System catalog
The path for each sample file below begins with
  • \sample\mfdbc\
  • demo_list.txt
  • code\accounts.cbl
  • code\animals.cbl
  • code\clients.cbl
  • code\pets.cbl
  • mf_data
  • xfd
List sample files


Filename Description
mfdbc.dll / ODBC driver
MFDBCSetup.dll / ODBC driver setup
mfodbcsql.bat / ODBC SQL processor

To use the installed ODBC driver, the following registry entry is created:

"Setup"="C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\XDBC 2.0\\bin\\MFDBCSetup.dll"
"Driver"="C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\XDBC 2.0\\bin\\mfdbc.dll"
"CPTimeout"=<not pooled>

To use the installed ODBC client driver, the following registry entry is created:

"Setup"="C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\XDBC Client 2.0\\bin\\MFDBCSetup.dll"
"Driver"="C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\XDBC Client 2.0\\bin\\mfdbc.dll"

Network Client

Filename Description
acuxdxbc03.dll / Client network driver
net.ini Network options

Network Server

Filename Description
xdbcsrvr.exe / xdbcsrvr Micro Focus XDBC server component network daemon
mfdbcs.bat / Performs functions on xdbcsrvr server daemon:
  • -help
  • -info (pings daemon)
  • -kill (kills daemon)
  • -start (starts daemon)
acuxdbcs.exe / acuxdbcs Performs functions on xdbcsrvr server daemon:
  • -help
  • -info (pings daemon)
  • -install (installs the server as a service on a specified port)
  • -kill (kills daemon)
  • -remove (removes the server as a service on a specified port)
  • -start (starts daemon)
  • -version (gets the version of the tool)

Java Tools

Filename Description
vortex.jar JDBC driver and Java class file