| Open Source Select Enterprise

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See how Select Enterprise works and get answers on how this benefits your organization.
  • Enforce company policies from the start
    Developers using Select will see what dependencies they can use directly in the search results.
  • Start Left approach
    Developers can focus on writing great code, Select evaluates the open source compliance for you.
  • Developer-first
    Select stays out of your way. This reduces developer friction towards company policies.
  • Setting up for success
    Set up policies exactly how it fits your organization.

Cyber Resilience
| Open Source Select Enterprise

Request a Live Demo

See how Select Enterprise works and get answers on how this benefits your organization.
release-rel-2024-7-3-9459 | Fri Jul 19 15:51:10 PDT 2024
Fri Jul 19 15:51:10 PDT 2024