
The Novell Audit Platform Agent (Platform Agent) facilitates auditing events by transmitting log data from multiple applications to the Audit server.

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Platform Agent 2011.1r6
23.9 MB
Dec 24, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 8.4 · 8.5 · 8.6
Release notes


BUG 1020329: This version of Platform Agent supports TLS 1.2 protocol to communicate with the Sentinel server.

Security Vulnerability Fix: This version of Platform Agent resolves CVE-2016-6304.

BUG 1022840: In force caching mode, Platform Agent was unable to send IDM audit events to the sentinel server after 12 hours. This issue is fixed in this release.

BUG 995119: With the previous version of Platform Agent, few of our customers had experienced that the Identity Manager events are not being sent to the Sentinel server. This issue is reported when forceCaching is enabled. This release updates Platform Agent to avoid such scenario.

BUG 1036295: In the logevent.conf file, the default value for LogHost was set to loop-back IP. If the server is not available on the same machine where PA is installed, PA cache all the events and it results in filling up the entire partition. With this release, the default value of LogHost is set to Not Configured and it will not collect events until it is configured with the proper server IP.


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release-rel-2024-10-1-6270 | Sun Oct 6 21:16:47 PDT 2024