17.3 Discovery Guidelines for Target Hosts

For information about the software, network, and firewall requirements that systems in your environment must meet for the discovery and inventory process, see Requirements for Discovery.

17.3.1 Target Host Discovery Parameters for Migrate Web Interface

Table 17-2 provides guidelines for target type selection, credential format, and syntax for discovery parameters for target hosts using the Migrate Web Interface.

Table 17-2 Guidelines for Migrate Web Interface Target Type and Credentials for Target Hosts

To Discover

Target Type



Amazon Cloud Region

Amazon Cloud Region

  • IAM role
  • or
  • Access Key ID and Secret Key ID

If you are using a AWS-based Migrate server that has an IAM role attached, PlateSpin Migrate by default uses the attached IAM role for accessing the AWS account. However, you can override this default behavior and use the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID credentials for accessing the AWS account. See Table 17-4, Options for Amazon Cloud Region.

Azure Cloud Location

Microsoft Azure Location

  • Subscription ID
  • Application ID
  • Azure user with Subscription administrator role

You must create an Azure Application ID for PlateSpin Migrate to use when it uses the Azure API for replicating and migrating workloads to your Azure Global or Azure China accounts. See Configuring an Application in Azure to Represent PlateSpin Migrate.

Azure Stack Location

Microsoft Azure Location

  • Subscription ID
  • Application ID
  • Management Endpoint
  • Storage Endpoint Suffix
  • Azure user with Subscription administrator role

You need NOT create an Azure Application ID for PlateSpin Migrate to use when it uses the Azure API for replicating and migrating workloads to your Azure Stack account. Specify the following value for the Application ID:


VMware vCenter Cluster

VMware DRS Cluster

VMware vCenter Web service credentials (user name and password)

To configure minimal permissions needed, see Configuring a PlateSpin User with Minimal Permissions on VMware.

All subsequent communications with ESX hosts in the Cluster take place through the vCenter Server. VMware high availability and DRS rules apply for a target VM except during replications. The VM can reside on any available node.

VMware ESXi Hosts managed in a VMware vCenter Cluster

VMware DRS Cluster as Hosts

VMware vCenter Web service credentials (user name and password)

To configure minimal permissions needed, see Configuring a PlateSpin User with Minimal Permissions on VMware.

Each host in the vCenter Cluster appears as a separate potential target in the Web Interface.

All subsequent communications with each ESX host take place through the vCenter Server. High availability and DRS rules apply for a target VM except during replications. The VM must reside on the designated host for prepare, replication, test cutover, and cutover actions.

VMware ESXi host

VMware ESX Server

ESX account with administrator role

To configure minimal permissions needed, see Configuring a PlateSpin User with Minimal Permissions on VMware.

vCloud Organization

VMware vCloud Organization

Organization Administrator credentials (user name and password)


17.3.2 Target Host Discovery Parameters for Migrate Client

Table 17-3 provides guidelines for machine type selection, credential format, and syntax for discovery parameters for target hosts using the Migrate Client.

Table 17-3 Guidelines for Migrate Client Machine Type and Credentials for Target Hosts

To Discover

Machine Type



VMware ESX hosts affiliated with a VMware vCenter Server

VMware vCenter

VMware vCenter Web service credentials (user name and password)

To configure minimal permissions needed, see Configuring a PlateSpin User with Minimal Permissions on VMware.


VMware ESX hosts

VMware ESX

ESX account with administrator role

To configure minimal permissions needed, see Configuring a PlateSpin User with Minimal Permissions on VMware.


All Linux KVM virtual hosts


Root-level username and password

Non-root accounts must be properly configured to use sudo. See KB Article 7920711.