!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


E character position symbol **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
E function **ERROR** The E Function
/e option Fileshare Guide Erasing a Log File Record (/e)
Erasing a Filename Record
Erasing a File String Record
EBC directive
MDECONV Administrator's Guide Command Line Directives
EBCDIC Mainframe Access Line Sequential Files
EBCDIC character set Administrator's Guide File Format and Data Conversion
Getting Started What's in Mainframe Express?
HCO TG Overview
**ERROR** Character Sets and Collating Sequences
User's Guide Character Sets
National Language Support
Dynamically Converting Data
conversion from ASCII IDE TG Logical Record Length
Logical Record Length
conversion to ANSI Administrator's Guide MDECONV
Migration Cookbook What character set should I use for source files?
conversion to ASCII Getting Started What's in Mainframe Express?
Migration Cookbook What character set should I use for source files?
quoted character string Migration Cookbook EBCDIC Characters
with DB2 Migration Cookbook Why does NLS data I stored in DB2/2, using the HCO add-on to Workbench, sometimes appear wrong in Ma
EBCDIC location Migration Cookbook EBCDIC Locations in Workbench
EBCDIC Locations in Mainframe Express 1.1
EBCDIC to ANSI conversion User's Guide Converting Between EBCDIC and ANSI
eBiz Transaction CICS Option TG SOA Express with CICS Option
defining SOA Express User's Guide Defining eBiz Transactions
defining data fields SOA Express User's Guide Defining Data Fields
generating SOA Express User's Guide Generating eBiz Transactions and Data Access Transactions
importing SOA Express User's Guide Importing eBiz Transactions
initialization logic SOA Express User's Guide Initialization or Termination Logic
modifying a deployed eBiz Transaction SOA Express Deployment Guide Redeploying
moving data SOA Express User's Guide Moving Data
overview SOA Express User's Guide What is an eBiz Transaction?
redeploying after updating (non-XML) SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (non-XML)
redeploying after updating (XML) SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (XML)
restart/recovery SOA Express Configuration Guid SOA Express Server
SOA Express User's Guide Restart/Recovery
screen details SOA Express User's Guide Extending the Screen Details
termination logic SOA Express User's Guide Initialization or Termination Logic
testing SOA Express User's Guide Testing Returned Data
Testing eBiz Transactions and Data Access Transactions
tutorial on creating Getting Started SOA Express Creating an eBiz Transaction
tutorial on editing Getting Started SOA Express Editing an eBiz Transaction
tutorial on generating Getting Started SOA Express Generating a Java Application Client
Testing Using the Java Application Client
Auto-deploying to WebSphere
updating a deployed eBiz Transaction SOA Express Deployment Guide Redeploying
uses Getting Started SOA Express Overview
eBiz transaction Getting Started EE Using SOA Express
eBiz Transaction painter Getting Started SOA Express The eBiz Transaction Painter
SOA Express User's Guide Defining an eBiz Transaction
tutorial Getting Started SOA Express Editing an eBiz Transaction
eBiz Transaction wizard
tutorial Getting Started SOA Express Creating an eBiz Transaction
eBiz transactions
deploying (IMS) SOA Express Deployment Guide Deploying IMS eBiz Transactions
with .NET SOA Express Deployment Guide SOA Express .NET
with IMS SOA Express User's Guide IMS Support
description SOA Express Deployment Guide Files to Deploy
redeployment SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (XML)
description SOA Express Deployment Guide Files to Deploy
redeployment SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (XML)
description SOA Express Deployment Guide Files to Deploy
redeployment SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (XML)
description SOA Express Deployment Guide Files to Deploy
redeployment SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (XML)
.ebt file Administrator's Guide Converting Several Files
ECHO system Administrator's Guide ECHO System
ECI SOA Express Configuration Guid ECI
CLASSPATH for JavaBeans SOA Express Deployment Guide Setting the System Classpath
configuration SOA Express Configuration Guid Configuring SOA Express for use with ECI
installation SOA Express Configuration Guid ECI Java Classes
ECI Classes for Java
Java classes SOA Express Configuration Guid ECI Java Classes
ECI Classes for Java
redeployment SOA Express Deployment Guide Changing ECI Properties
troubleshooting SOA Express Deployment Guide CICS Transaction Gateway Operation
ECI calls
client program CICS Option TG Preparing the Client Program
External Compiler Module Migration Cookbook Overview
edit masks AMB User's Guide Edit Masks
edit routines
field edit AMB User's Guide Fields and Flags for Edit Routines
Editing User's Guide Editing Programs
Assembler program User's Guide Creating, Editing and Navigating Source Code
autocomplete User's Guide Autocompleting Data Names and Procedure Names
baseline User's Guide Compare Baseline
Editing a Baseline
COBOL program Migration Cookbook Editing and Animating (Debugging)
customizing User's Guide Customizing Editing
in hexadecimal Migration Cookbook Details
initial values User's Guide Editing Initial Values
line numbers User's Guide Autoinserting and Removing Line Numbers
PL/I program PL/I User's Guide Introduction
profile User's Guide Customizing Editing Profiles
shortcut Migration Cookbook Details
SPF style User's Guide Working with SPF Editing
window User's Guide Watching a Test Run
word delimiter User's Guide Customizing Editing Profiles
Assembler program Getting Started Editing the Source Errors and Rebuilding
BMS map Getting Started Viewing BMS Maps
COBOL program Getting Started Editing the Source Errors and Rebuilding
Mainframe Express editor AMB User's Guide Editing Using the Mainframe Express Editor
multiple data files Getting Started Editing Multiple Data Files
Editing rules
DBCS characters **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause (DBCS)
Editing sign **ERROR** Algebraic Signs
Editing sign control symbol **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
Editingrules **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
Editor Migration Cookbook Using Mainframe Express
bookmark markers User's Guide Editor Navigation Bar
breakpoint markers User's Guide Editor Navigation Bar
compilation error markers User's Guide Editor Navigation Bar
navigation bar User's Guide Editor Navigation Bar
specifying in Drag and Drop Mainframe Access Specifying Editors to use in Drag and Drop
starting appropriate Getting Started Viewing the Project's Files
EI command
Dimensions Administrator's Guide Commands Sent to SCM
classes SOA Express Configuration Guid Enterprise JavaBeans classes and Java Naming classes
deployment SOA Express Deployment Guide Deploying an EJB
generating instead of JavaBeans SOA Express Deployment Guide Changing JavaBeans to EJBs
servlet deployment SOA Express Deployment Guide Deploying the EJB Servlet
troubleshooting (deployment) SOA Express Deployment Guide Deploying EJBs
EJECT statement **ERROR** The EJECT Statement
Element **ERROR** Elements
Elementary item **ERROR** Concept of Levels
parameter conformance **ERROR** Elementary Items
returning item conformance **ERROR** Elementary Items
size **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
symbols **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
Eliminating the CCITCP2 daemon Mainframe Access Configuring the Direct Connect TCP/IP Feature
$ELSE statement **ERROR** $ELSE Statement
Embedded non-text hexadecimal character User's Guide Non-text Hexadecimal Characters in COBOL Programs
Embedded SQL
copybooks SQL Option Precompiler Creating COBOL Code with Embedded SQL
Using Copybooks
SQLCA SQL Option Precompiler Creating COBOL Code with Embedded SQL
SQLDA SQL Option Precompiler Creating COBOL Code with Embedded SQL
toolkit for MS SQL Server Migration Cookbook Details
GDG restrictions IDE TG Generation Data Group Restrictions
Generation Data Group Restrictions
EMPTY-CHECK option **ERROR** The ACCEPT Statement
job entry system User's Guide Spool Files
mainframe batch utility IDE TG Emulations of Mainframe Utilities
Emulations of Mainframe Utilities
MVS IDE TG MVS Emulation
MVS Emulation
ENABLE PROGRAM CICS command CICS Option TG Global and Task-related Exit Programs
Encryption and decryption of password Administrator's Guide Password Encryption and Decryption
End marker **ERROR** End Markers
$END statement **ERROR** $END Statement
END statement
DBDGEN IMS Option TG DBDGEN Statements
MFJSORT IDE TG Program Control Statements
Program Control Statements
PSBGEN IMS Option TG PSBGEN Statements
End User License Agreement Getting Started End User License Agreement (EULA)
END-IF statement User's Guide Fragment Definition
Creating a Fragment
End-of-file status **ERROR** The READ Statement
END-OF-PAGE phrase
WRITE statement **ERROR** The WRITE Statement
END-PERFORM statement User's Guide Fragment Definition
Creating a Fragment
ENDDO statement
MFSGEN IMS Option TG MID and MOD Statements
Device Definition
Endevor Mainframe Access Admin Endevor
C1DEFLTS file Mainframe Access Admin Endevor C1DEFLTS File
dependent regions Mainframe Access Admin Endevor Dependent Regions
see Endevor support Mainframe Access Introducing the Endevor Support
setup errors Mainframe Access Admin Endevor Setup Errors
Endevor members
exporting Mainframe Access Exporting Files To the Mainframe
importing Mainframe Access Importing Files From the Mainframe
Endevor support
benefits Mainframe Access Benefits
customizing Mainframe Access Introducing the Endevor Support
features Mainframe Access Endevor Support - Features
footprints Mainframe Access Retrieving Endevor Footprints
transaction logs Mainframe Access Accessing Endevor Transaction Logs
ENQ CICS function Getting Started Overview
Enter key
in CICS Option Getting Started Running the Application
ENTER statement **ERROR** The ENTER Statement
Enterprise Server
CCITCP2 Configuring CCI Using Directory Server Instead of CCITCP2
Running CCITCP2 as an NT Service
support Mainframe Access Admin Enterprise Server/Mainframe Transaction Option Support
using with CICS Option CICS Option TG Overview
entry fields
resizing Getting Started with AMB Resize Entry Fields
ENTRY link file command Assembler Option TG Other Link File Commands
Entry name map
CICS-specific User's Guide CICS-specific Entry Name Map Files
creating User's Guide Creating an Entry Name Map File
Creating the Entry Name Map File Using a Text Editor
creating an alias User's Guide Creating an Alias
making available to run-time system User's Guide Making Entry Name Map Files Available to the Run-time System
Entry point
ASMTDLI Migration Cookbook ASMTDLI
IMS Option IMS Option TG IMS86ENT - Initialization and Entry Point Control
entry point
in Assembler module Assembler Option TG Multiple Assembler Modules with Calls Using Entry Points
Entry point mapping User's Guide Entry Point Mapping for COBOL and Assembler Programs
aliasing User's Guide Creating the Entry Name Map File Using a Text Editor
changes Migration Cookbook Entry Point Mapping Facility
PL/I programs PL/I User's Guide Entry Point Mapping
entry point mapping Assembler Option TG Entry Point Mapping
entry_point_mapper run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
entry_point_mapper_alias_exists_error run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
entry_point_mapper_search_order run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
ENTRY statement **ERROR** The ENTRY Statement
Siemens BS2000 COBOL **ERROR** The ENTRY Statement
entry_point_mapper run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
entry_point_mapper_alias_exists_error run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
entry_point_mapper_search_order run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
Enum-ID paragraph **ERROR** The Enum-ID Paragraph
Environment Division
defining AMB User's Guide Default Template Definitions
DG I COBOL **ERROR** Environment Division
Microsoft COBOL **ERROR** Environment Division
RM/COBOL **ERROR** Environment Division
Siemens BS2000 COBOL **ERROR** Environment Division
Environment variable Migration Cookbook Using Mainframe Express
Environment Variables
CCITCP configuration Configuring CCI Environment Variables and the CCI.INI File
CCITCP2 Configuring CCI CCITCP Environment Variables
Fileshare Guide Using CCITCP
CCITCPS_ Configuring CCI CCITCP Environment Variables
CCITCPT_ Configuring CCI CCITCP Environment Variables
CCITIMEOUT Mainframe Access Environment Variables
CCITRACE Configuring CCI CCITRACE Environment Variable
COBDIR Fileshare Guide Fileshare Server
for MDECONV Administrator's Guide Using the MDECONV Environment Variable
FS Fileshare Guide Fileshare Server
FSCOMMS Fileshare Guide Single User Mode
mapping filename Migration Cookbook Details
MFAIMBEDDEDHEX Mainframe Access Drag and Drop
Environment Variables
MFAMAXHOTLINKS Mainframe Access Environment Variables
MFAMAXSENDLENGTH Mainframe Access Environment Variables
MFA_SERVER_PARMS Mainframe Access Specifying Servers, Nodes and Ports
MFREXX_LSEQ_RECSIZE_MAX User's Guide Specifying Record Length for Zero-length Line Sequential Files
MFSUB IDE TG MVS External Writer
MVS External Writer
VDBASE.BACKUP Administrator's Guide Automatically Creating Backups of Projects
VSE_STARTUP_CFG User's Guide Specifying the Location of the VSE JCL Configuration File
environment variable
Environment variables
AUTO_CAT Administrator's Guide Populating the Catalog
COBCPY SQL Option Precompiler Including Copybooks in Programs
TX_TN3270_FORCE_ALT Administrator's Guide Telnet 3270 Terminal Emulators
environment variables
setting Administrator's Guide Run-time Configuration Tunables
ENVIRONMENT-NAME mnemonic-name **ERROR** The DISPLAY Statement
ENVIRONMENT-VALUE mnemonic-name **ERROR** The DISPLAY Statement
MVS Mainframe Access Server Functionality
environment_mapper run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
EOP phrase
WRITE statement **ERROR** The WRITE Statement
EPILOG Assembler compiler directive Migration Cookbook EPILOG and PROLOG
EQU statement
MFSGEN IMS Option TG MFS EQU Statement
MFSGEN Language Control
ERASE clause **ERROR** The ERASE Clause
ERASE phrase **ERROR** The DISPLAY Statement
ERR directive
MDECONV Administrator's Guide Command Line Directives
ERRFILE option for Compare and Synchronize Monitor Mainframe Access Starting
Error 114 Migration Cookbook Mixing Addressing Modes
Error 205 Migration Cookbook Mixing Addressing Modes
Error codes Mainframe Access Status Codes and Error Messages
Drag and Drop Mainframe Access Application Program Interface
error codes Mainframe Access Admin Mainframe Access Messages
Error conditions
PL/I Debugger PL/I User's Guide Error Conditions
ERROR declarative **ERROR** The USE Statement
Error message User's Guide Output Window
CCI Configuring CCI CCI Status Messages
DB2 ECM tool HCO TG Error Messages When Compiling Program
DFCONV utility Administrator's Guide Data File Converter Error Messages
ECHO system Administrator's Guide Categories of Output and Messages
IMS Option IMS Option TG DBD, PSB and MFS Messages
Popup Window Errors
IMS Option with CICS Option IMS Option TG Error Handling with CICS
MDECONV Administrator's Guide MDECONV Error Messages
SQL preprocessor HCO TG Error Messages When Compiling Program
terminal command IMS Option TG Terminal Command Errors
zeroload IMS Option TG Zeroload Errors
error message
compiler IDE TG COBOL Compiler Errors
COBOL Compiler Errors
Error messages
COBOL run-time Fileshare Guide COBOL Run-time Errors
communications Fileshare Guide Communications Errors
Fileshare Server Fileshare Guide Fileshare Server Messages
related to Fileshare Fileshare Guide Error Handling
transaction processing Fileshare Guide Transaction Processing Errors
error processing
overriding AMB User's Guide Overriding Error Processing
Error Status event AMB User's Guide Customizing Database Calls
errors and exceptions
bad command or filename SOA Express Deployment Guide Generating JavaBeans and EJBs
Generating .NET Components
can't find CGStarterEJBBean SOA Express Deployment Guide EJBs
GUI doesn't appear SOA Express Deployment Guide Running
InitialContext exception SOA Express Deployment Guide EJBs
MQOPEN with reason code 2092 SOA Express Deployment Guide CICS Tracing
MQQueue exception SOA Express Deployment Guide EJBs
NameNotFound exception SOA Express Deployment Guide EJBs
output fields blank SOA Express Deployment Guide JavaBeans
RequestInterpreter.class not found SOA Express Deployment Guide Generating JavaBeans and EJBs
retrying SOA Express Deployment Guide WebSphere MQ Operation
Unable to locate home object SOA Express Deployment Guide EJBs
error_on_duplicate_entry_point tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
Escape key
in CICS Option Getting Started Running the Application
ESDS file format Administrator's Guide Specifying the Input File parameters
Specifying the Output File
converting file Migration Cookbook Converting ESDS Files
External Security Manager CICS Option TG Security Exit Programs
Estimate storage requirements SQL Option Server Storage Requirements
End User License Agreement Getting Started End User License Agreement (EULA)
Euro currency symbol User's Guide Euro Currency Symbol
Application Output window User's Guide Application Output Window
EVALUATE statement **ERROR** The EVALUATE Statement
Siemens BS2000 COBOL **ERROR** The EVALUATE Statement
Evaluating and improving database performance SQL Option Server Evaluating and Improving Database Performance
license License Management Overview
Evaluation rules
arithmetic expression **ERROR** Formation and Evaluation Rules
condition **ERROR** Condition Evaluation Rules
Event triggering CICS Option TG IBM MQSeries
Event Triggering
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-pointer **ERROR** The SET Statement
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
events AMB User's Guide Events
database AMB User's Guide Execute DB Calls at Events
EXAMINE statement **ERROR** The EXAMINE Statement
Examine window User's Guide Using the Examine Window
Example SQL Option Server Example
DCLGEN tool HCO TG DCLGEN Tool Examples
DDL Processor tool HCO TG Examples
DSNTIAR tool HCO TG Example
Export Data tool HCO TG Examples
Generate Copybook tool HCO TG DCLGEN Tool Examples
Import Data tool HCO TG Examples
Examples SQL Option Server Examples
COBOL language **ERROR** Examples
comprehensive sample program SQL Option Precompiler Sample COBOL Program with Embedded SQL
DSNTIAR SQL Option Precompiler Example
dynamic SQL-fixed list select SQL Option Precompiler Fixed-List Select Statements
dynamic SQL-non select statement SQL Option Precompiler Non-Select SQL Statements
dynamic sql-varying list select SQL Option Precompiler Varying-List Select Statements
EXEC SQL ... END-EXEC block SQL Option Precompiler Creating COBOL Code with Embedded SQL
in the Deployment Guide SOA Express Deployment Guide Examples
Excel spreadsheet
exporting to User's Guide Access Database
EXCEPTION declarative **ERROR** The USE Statement
Exception flag User's Guide Output Variables
exception handling
in interface code (EJB) SOA Express Deployment Guide The button_actionPerformed() Method
in interface code (JavaBeans) SOA Express Deployment Guide The button_actionPerformed() Method
Exception Status event AMB User's Guide Customizing Database Calls
EXCI CICS Option TG Calling CICS Programs from Batch Jobs
Exclusive file lock **ERROR** The OPEN Statement
Exclusive open mode **ERROR** Sharing Files on Multi-user Systems
Exclusive use database IMS Option TG Exclusive Use Databases
.exe file
not supported Migration Cookbook Using Mainframe Express
colons on host variables Getting Started Modifying the Build Settings
REXX exec User's Guide Introduction
EXEC CICS in Assembler Option copybooks and macros Assembler Option TG Compiling Assembler Copybooks and Macros Containing EXEC CICS Statements
EXEC CICS START command CICS Option TG Asynchronous Processing
EXEC DLI statement IMS Option TG EXEC DLI Statements
EXEC SQL HCO TG Compiling From the IDE
EXEC SQL ... end-EXEC SQL Option Precompiler Creating COBOL Code with Embedded SQL
EXEC SQL INCLUDE command SQL Option Precompiler Creating COBOL Code with Embedded SQL
EXEC statement **ERROR** The EXEC(UTE) Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC Statement
EXEC TSO command IDE TG TSO Commands and Micro Focus Extensions
TSO Commands and Micro Focus Extensions
Executable file User's Guide Files Needed for Debugging
EXECUTE statement **ERROR** The EXEC(UTE) Statement
applications AMB User's Guide Generating and Executing Applications
programs AMB User's Guide Generating and Executing Applications
behavior User's Guide Customizing Execution and Debugging Behavior
point User's Guide Skipping Statements and Moving Around a Program
tracing path Migration Cookbook Details
changing path of Getting Started Changing the Path of Execution
EXHIBIT statement **ERROR** The EXHIBIT Statement
Microsoft COBOL **ERROR** The EXHIBIT Statement
EXIF abend code CICS Option TG EXIF
System exit IMS Option TG System Exits
Exit Assembler debugger command User's Guide Halting Execution
exit code
compiler IDE TG COBOL Compiler Errors
COBOL Compiler Errors
EXIT FUNCTION statement **ERROR** The EXIT Statement
EXIT METHOD statement **ERROR** The EXIT Statement
EXIT PERFORM statement **ERROR** The EXIT Statement
The PERFORM Statement
Siemens BS2000 COBOL **ERROR** The EXIT Statement
Exit program
developing CICS Option TG Developing Exit Programs
IMS Option IMS Option TG Assembler Exit Programs
MFJSORT utility IDE TG Exits
EXIT PROGRAM statement **ERROR** The EXIT Statement
EXIT statement **ERROR** The EXIT Statement
JCL user exit event Administrator's Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
EXLST Assembler macro Assembler Option TG Using VSAM for File Handling
EXP function **ERROR** The EXP Function
EXP10 function **ERROR** The EXP10 Function
EXPANDS phrase
Repository paragraph **ERROR** The Repository Paragraph
Explicit attribute **ERROR** Explicit and Implicit Attributes
Explicit Procedure Division reference **ERROR** Explicit and Implicit Procedure Division References
Explicit scope terminator **ERROR** Explicit and Implicit Scope Terminators
Explicit specification **ERROR** Explicit and Implicit Specifications
Explicit transfer of control **ERROR** Explicit and Implicit Transfers of Control
Explore Folder User's Guide Files Tree View
The Workgroup View
copying Getting Started Copying Using Windows Explorer
Exponent **ERROR** Literals
Exponent symbol **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
CICS resource definitions to mainframe Administrator's Guide Exporting Resource Definitions to the Mainframe
Export COBOL Reports User's Guide Creating Program Reports
Export Data tool HCO TG Exporting Data
Export format
DEL HCO TG Overriding Defaults - DEL
Endevor members Mainframe Access Exporting Files To the Mainframe
Librarian members Mainframe Access Exporting Files To the Mainframe
Panvalet members Mainframe Access Exporting Files To the Mainframe
partitioned dataset members Mainframe Access Exporting Files To the Mainframe
sequential dataset Mainframe Access Exporting Files To the Mainframe
Express AMB User's Guide Actions
Expressions SQL Option Server Expressions
ExpressLane compatibility Migration Cookbook Version Compatibility
EXTANS directive
MDECONV Administrator's Guide Command Line Directives
EXTATT operand CICS Option TG The EXTATT, MAPATTS, and DSATTS Operands
EXTEBC directive
MDECONV Administrator's Guide Command Line Directives
EXTEND phrase
OPEN statement **ERROR** The OPEN Statement
ASCII Migration Cookbook What character set should I use for source files?
L type Migration Cookbook Floating Point
memory Assembler Option TG Memory Requirements
for FCT Migration Cookbook Overview
showing and hiding Getting Started Showing/Hiding File Extensions
JCL and IDCAMS User's Guide Extensions to JCL and IDCAMS
library User's Guide Libraries
name Migration Cookbook Linker Options
secondary sparse routine IMS Option TG External Secondary Sparse Routines
name Assembler Option TG Multiple Assembler Modules with Calls Using External Names
External Call Interface
backward compatibility Migration Cookbook CICS Option
External CICS Interface
EXTERNAL clause **ERROR** External and Internal Items
Data Description Entry Skeleton
file description entry **ERROR** File Description Entry Skeleton
Local-Storage Section **ERROR** Local-Storage Section
Thread-Local-Storage Section **ERROR** Thread-Local-Storage Section
External Compiler Module HCO TG Compiling DB2 Programs with HCO
Migration Cookbook Overview
External data item **ERROR** External and Internal Items
External file connector **ERROR** External and Internal Items
External File Mapper
environment_mapper run-time tunable Administrator's Guide Run-time Tunables
External floating-pointdata item **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
External Library Management Systems Mainframe Access Admin External Library Management Systems
External program **ERROR** The TYPEDEF Clause
The CALL Statement
example **ERROR** Call Prototypes
EXTERNAL PROGRAM clause **ERROR** The Program-ID Paragraph
External repository **ERROR** External Repository
External Security Manager CICS Option TG Security Exit Programs
External switch **ERROR** The Special-Names Paragraph
The SET Statement
external writer IDE TG MVS External Writer
MVS External Writer
Extfh.cfg Migration Cookbook Details
EXTRACT EXIT CICS command CICS Option TG Global and Task-related Exit Programs
Extract Item command
Dimensions Administrator's Guide Commands Sent to SCM
EZASOKET support CICS Option TG Running EZASOKET Applications

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