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X character position symbol **ERROR** The PICTURE Clause
x"nn" **ERROR** Literals
X/Open Architecture Migration Cookbook Details
X/Open extensions **ERROR** The COBOL Language
X7 status code IMS Option TG DL/I Status Codes
X9 status code IMS Option TG DL/I Status Codes
XD **ERROR** XML Syntax - XD File Description
coexistence Migration Cookbook Coexisting with XDB Database Technology
database CICS Option TG Database Managers Supported
DSNTEP2 utility IDE TG Executing Dynamic SQL statements (MFDSNTEP)
Executing Dynamic SQL statements (MFDSNTEP)
DSNTIAUL utility IDE TG Unloading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2UNL)
Unloading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2UNL)
DSNUTILB utility IDE TG Loading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2LOA)
Loading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2LOA)
environment variable Migration Cookbook Environment Variables
loading rows IDE TG Loading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2LOA)
Loading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2LOA)
precompiler and redirector Migration Cookbook Migrating a Database Location
server Migration Cookbook Overview
unloading rows IDE TG Unloading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2UNL)
Unloading XDB Database Table Rows (MFDB2UNL)
version compatibility Migration Cookbook Version Compatibility
XDB Database Technology Migration Cookbook Migrating from XDB
XDB Link
APPC setup SQL Option Link APPC Setup
APPC Setup group box - PEM(APPC) SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
Application Requester (AR) SQL Option Link Overview
architecture SQL Option Link General XDB Link Processing
bind SQL Option Link Link AR
code mappings SQL Option Link Code Mappings
common problems SQL Option Link Troubleshooting
direct-connect configuration SQL Option Link Overview
DRDA setup SQL Option Link DRDA Setup
enterprise data SQL Option Link General XDB Link Processing
gateway configuration SQL Option Link Configuring the Link for a Gateway Server
Gateway Profile Utility SQL Option Link Overview
gateway server SQL Option Link Configuring the Link for a Gateway Server
host code pages SQL Option Link Host Code Pages
Host Option for TCP/IP SQL Option Link Scheduler Subsystem
IBMRDB SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
Local LU Alias SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
Location Configuration window SQL Option Link Location Configuration Window
LU Alias - local SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
LU Alias - remote SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
mode definition SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
Partner LU Alias SQL Option Link Configuring XDB Link for PEM(APPC)
PEM utility window SQL Option Link The PEM Utility Window
register SQL Option Link Location Configuration Window
system location SQL Option Link Configuring the Link for a Gateway Server
system tables SQL Option Link Configuring the Link for a Gateway Server
TCP/IP setup SQL Option Link TCP/IP Setup
troubleshooting SQL Option Link Troubleshooting
Workstation Configuration window SQL Option Link Workstation Configuration Window
XDB Link Host Option for PEM SQL Option Link PEM Utility
XDB Server SQL Option Link Configuring the Link for a Gateway Server
backward compatibility Migration Cookbook SQL Option
SQL Option for DB2
XDB server name SQL Option Server XDB Server Name
location Migration Cookbook Migrating a Database Location
XDBACF (XDB access control facility) SQL Option Server XDBACF Database
XDBACF database SQL Option Server XDBACF Database
The XDBACF Database
XDBIDX_ location-name SQL Option Server XDBIDX_ location-name
XDBIDX_location-name SQL Option Server XDBIDX_ location-name
(WebSphere MQ) troubleshooting SOA Express Deployment Guide IMS Tracing
IMS Tracing
XDB_ index-name_ location-name SQL Option Server Environment Variables
XDB_index-name_location-name SQL Option Server Environment Variables
XDFLD statement
DBDGEN IMS Option TG Secondary Index Definitions
DBDGEN Statements
Xfh-default Migration Cookbook Details
Xfh2btr Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
XFHTRACE utility Migration Cookbook Details
Xilerator Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
XML SOA Express User's Guide XML Support
API SOA Express Deployment Guide Calling the XML API
customizing SOA Express User's Guide Customizing an Interface to an eBiz Transaction
file status codes **ERROR** XML File Status Codes
parser SOA Express Configuration Guid IBM XML Parser for Java
project export User's Guide Exporting Projects in XML Format
service classes SOA Express Deployment Guide XML Support
servlet SOA Express Deployment Guide XML Support
XML file description
See XD
XML GENERATE statement **ERROR** The XML GENERATE Statement
XML Mapper SOA Express User's Guide Customizing an Interface to an eBiz Transaction
mapping conditions SOA Express User's Guide Defining Mapping Conditions
mappings SOA Express User's Guide Creating a Mapping
validation SOA Express User's Guide Validation
XML PARSE statement **ERROR** The XML PARSE Statement
XML parser for Java
component generation environment SOA Express Configuration Guid IBM XML Parser for Java
XML Schema
deployment SOA Express Deployment Guide Deploying XML Service Classes and DTDs or XML Schemas
redeployment SOA Express Deployment Guide eBiz or Data Access Transaction (XML)
XML syntax extensions
CLOSE statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - CLOSE Statement
COUNT IN clause **ERROR** XML Syntax - COUNT IN Clause
DELETE statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - DELETE Statement
file status codes **ERROR** XML File Status Codes
NAMESPACE clause **ERROR** XML Syntax - NAMESPACE clause
OPEN statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - OPEN Statement
READ statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - READ Statement
REWRITE statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - REWRITE Statement
SELECT clause **ERROR** XML Syntax - SELECT Clause
START statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - START Statement
WRITE statement **ERROR** XML Syntax - WRITE Statement
XML file description (XD) **ERROR** XML Syntax - XD File Description
exception codes **ERROR** XML-CODE Exception Codes
special register **ERROR** Special Registers
XML-EVENT contents **ERROR** Special Registers
XML-EVENT special register **ERROR** Special Registers
XML-NTEXT contents **ERROR** Special Registers
XML-NTEXT special register **ERROR** Special Registers
XML-TEXT contents **ERROR** Special Registers
XML-TEXT special register **ERROR** Special Registers
XMLprojectEJBeBiz.jar SOA Express Deployment Guide Files to Deploy
XMLprojectJBeBiz.jar SOA Express Deployment Guide Files to Deploy
XOPEN Compiler directive **ERROR** The ACCEPT Statement
XRST statement
EXEC DLI IMS Option TG Supported Statements

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