7. Diff, Merge, Patch, and the Change Palette : Working in the Change Palette : Selecting a Workspace for Performing Merges

Selecting a Workspace for Performing Merges
A merged version cannot be created directly in either the source or destination stream, because these are dynamic streams — all new versions of AccuRev elements must be originally created in workspaces.
The first time you invoke Merge in the Specified Versions pane, AccuRev prompts you to establish a merge workspace, suggesting one that is based on the destination stream. You can also choose a workspace based on the source stream.
A workspace based on the destination stream is preferable. After you perform the merge, you can then accomplish the original task -- propagating a version's changes to the destination stream -- with a single Promote. If you use a workspace based on the source stream, you'll need to Promote twice: (1) from the merge workspace to the source stream; (2) from the source stream to the destination stream. The second one requires you to use another instance of the Change Palette.
Click Cancel in the choose-workspace dialog, and do either of the following:
Reparent one of your existing workspaces to the source or destination stream. Be sure to Update the re-parented workspace before using it to perform merges in the Change Palette.
The Please Choose a Workspace dialog box is also used when patching changes and resolving an element’s twin status. See Patching Changes from the Source Version into the Destination Version and Resolving Twins from the Change Palette for more information.
After you select a merge workspace, its name is displayed at the bottom of the Specified Versions pane. You can change this setting at any time; this enables you to use different workspaces to merge different versions.
Patching Changes from the Source Version into the Destination Version
If an entry in the Specified Versions pane has (patch) status, you can invoke Patch to incorporate the patch defined by the Version and Basis Version settings into the destination-stream version. Select one or more of these versions, and click the button in the pane's toolbar or choose Patch from the selection's context menu. AccuRev prompts you to select a workspace that belongs to you and is based on the destination stream. The patch operation is performed in this workspace, as described in Patch and Patch From.
When the patch operation is complete, the entry disappears from the Specified Versions pane.
Resolving Twins from the Change Palette
Using the Change Palette to promote elements across streams can reveal the presence of elements with a (twin) status, which are highlighted in yellow in the Specified Versions pane. Twin elements (or so called twins) can be created when a file with the same name is created in workspaces off both the source and destination streams and then promoted to their respective streams. Elements that have a (twin) status cannot be promoted across streams until their (twin) status is resolved.
AccuRev provides a twin status resolution wizard and one-step defunct operations designed to help resolve twins quickly and easily. See Resolving (twin) Status for more information. Note that there are considerations when using the twin resolution wizard to resolve twins from the Change Palette.
Multiple Entries for the Same Element
In some cases, the Specified Versions pane of the Change Palette can get populated with multiple entries for the same element. Here is a simple scenario:
Successive changes to an element, buffer.c, get assigned to different AccuWork issue records. For example, this illustration shows a one-version change assigned to issue #41, then a two-version change assigned to issue #42, then a two-version change assigned to issue #43.
Open an Active Issues window for the stream to which the versions were promoted, then select issues #41 and #43 and invoke Send to Change Palette. Since there is a "change package gap", consisting of versions 4 and 5, between the two change package entries for buffer.c, AccuRev cannot combine them into a single patch entry. Accordingly, the two entries are entered into the Change Palette separately and, in this case, a Patch operation is required for one entry before the changes can be propagated to the destination stream.
Working with the Issue Change Palette
If you are working with issues rather than files, the Change Palette GUI and the procedures you use with it are somewhat different than what is described for files in the previous sections.
First of all, remember that you might not need the Change Palette at all if you are cross-promoting a single issue, or multiple issues that do not have any elements in common. Just cross-promote in the StreamBrowser by dragging and dropping the issue(s) from the Active Issue mode of the source stream, to the destination stream. The Change Palette appears if AccuRev analyzes your drag & drop and discovers that some or all of your issues require patching or merging. (See Invoking the Patch by Drag & Drop for a description of the situations where the Change Palette will be automatically displayed.)
In the following example, three issues are drag & dropped from stream p7k_test_dev_4.1 to stream pk7_test_dev5.0_timebox:
However, two of the issues (47 and 48) will require a merge to complete the operation, so AccuRev displays the Change Palette for you:
You will need to address these overlaps that need to be merged before you will be able to promote the issue that is ready to go. The files requiring intervention are highlighted in yellow. Once you have addressed the problems, the Promote button is enabled. Click the Promote button to process the issue which requires no intervention (in this case, 52).
This leaves the issues that require merging. Select them and click the Merge button. If you are merging to a dynamic stream, AccuRev prompts you to specify a workspace in which to complete the patch operation:
When you click Ok, will be presented with one or more Merge screens in which to complete your changes. When done merging your changes, AccuRev prompts you to promote your issues. Click the Promote button, and you are done.

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