Step 3: Create Workflow Stages and Transitions

Now that you have created the workflow and specified conditions for it, you can create workflow stages and transitions. You can create stages and transitions manually, but we will use the Stage Generator to automatically generate these workflow objects for us.
  1. In the Workflow Editor toolbar, click the Stage Generator GUID-62E2E958-F27A-49AC-A23C-9F392047D21B-low.png button. The Stage Generator dialog box appears. You use the Schema fields with type of Choose field to specify the field in the AccuWork schema whose values represent your workflow stages. You use the Value field to indicate the values for which you want to create workflow stages.


  2. Select the desired field and values for your workflow stages (here we have chosen the Status field and selected all of the values defined for that field in the AccuWork schema), and click the Add Stages button. AccuRev populates the workflow with one stage for every value selected in the Stage Generator (New, Scheduled, and so on), and one transition for each stage (to New, to Scheduled, and so on):


  3. The next step is to use these transitions to link one stage to another to create the workflow.
  4. To link the New stage to the Scheduled stage, for example: right-click the Scheduled stage and choose Add Link > to Scheduled. When finished, the workflow diagram for the New and Scheduled stages looks like this:


  5. Repeat this procedure to link the remaining stages in the workflow in the same way: link Scheduled to WIP, WIP to Done, and so on.
  6. Next, make a few small changes to the workflow diagram so that it more closely reflects the workflow process:
    • Delete the to New transition (new issues are created with a Status of New, and thus are placed in the New stage by default. This means that they do not come from another stage in the workflow).
    • Link the WIP and Review stages to reflect the process by which an issue is returned to the submitter for more information.
    • Use the Workflow Editor drag-drop feature to rearrange the workflow layout as desired.

    When finished, the resulting defects workflow should look something like this:


  7. Click Save.