Cut and Paste

You can copy screen data to the Clipboard and then paste it into other sessions or applications, such as Microsoft Word. You can also configure how text is selected when you copy and paste. From a session in Reflection, you can:

Use the Clipboard (3270 and 5250)

In 3270 and 5250 sessions, the Clipboard has a few features that are only available from the Reflection menu: Paste Next, Cut and Append, Copy and Append.

Use Paste Next when you have more data in the Clipboard than will fit in a field, and you want to paste the remaining data into another field. Where the Paste command would start at the beginning of the data in the Clipboard, Paste Next starts at the beginning of the remaining data (that is, the Clipboard contents minus what was pasted in the previous field). Consecutive uses of Paste Next gradually empty the Clipboard.

To paste data into multiple fields

  1. With data in the Clipboard, place the cursor in the first target field.

  2. Move the cursor to the next target field.

  3. From the Ribbon Paste button menu (or the Reflection Browser Edit menu), click Paste Next.

  4. (Optional) Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.

Use Cut and Append or Copy and Append when you want to add to the Clipboard contents instead of replacing the Clipboard contents.

To append data to the Clipboard contents

  1. Select the data you want to add to the Clipboard.

    NOTE:You can select a word in a field by double-clicking the word or select all of the words in a field by triple-clicking the field.

  2. From the Ribbon Cut or Copy buttons (or the Reflection Browser Edit menu), choose Cut and Append or Copy and Append.

Copy and Paste Host Data

You can copy entire host screens or selected data to the clipboard, then print the data, paste it to other host screens, Microsoft Office products installed on your computer, or other types of files.

To send host screens or data directly to Microsoft Office products, see Integrate Host Data with Office Tools.

To copy selected data from the current screen to other locations

  1. Navigate to the host data you want to copy.

  2. Select specific data to copy, then press CTRL+C.

    NOTE:You can select a word in a field by double-clicking the word or select all of the words in a field by triple-clicking the field.

  3. Navigate to the location where you want to paste the data. This can be on the same host screen, another host screen, or even in another application.

  4. Press CTRL+V.

Copy data in a tabular format

You can copy data from the screen and paste it into an application that accepts tabular data (for example, a spreadsheet). By default, table columns are set by analyzing vertical space alignment. Optionally, you can configure Reflection so that columns are set by replacing multiple spaces or tabs with a single tab. (See Configure Clipboard Settings.)

To copy data from the current screen to a spreadsheet

  1. Select the host data to copy.

  2. Copy the data as follows:

    The steps depend on your user interface mode.

    User Interface Mode



    On the Session ribbon Clipboard group, click the Copy drop-down menu and then select Copy Table.

    Reflection Browser

    On the Reflection menu, choose Edit and then Copy Table.

  3. Open the spreadsheet and press CTRL+V.

To copy host screens from Screen History to another location

  1. Select the screen that you want to copy.

    NOTE:Only text areas of the host screen are included in the recorded image; host graphics images are not included.

  2. From the toolbar in the Screen History task pane, click the Copy button.

  3. Choose Copy as Text or Copy as Bitmap.

  4. Navigate to the location where you want to paste the host screen. This would typically be a file in another application (word-processing, e-mail, and so on).

  5. Press CTRL+V.

Undo a Cut or Paste

You can undo the latest cut or paste you make in an IBM terminal window.

To undo a cut or paste

On the Reflection Ribbon, click .


  • When you undo a cut or paste, any data you have typed in since that cut or paste is removed.

  • After you undo a cut or paste, you can choose to redo it by clicking again.

Select and Mark Text on a Terminal Screen

Reflection provides two different styles for selecting and marking text on the terminal screen, using either your keyboard or your mouse.

You can select and mark any rectangular area on the screen, or you can select and mark contiguous lines on the screen. You can also set the default behavior for your terminal sessions.

To set the default for selecting text on VT sessions

  1. In the Settings dialog box, select Configure Terminal Settings.

  2. In the Terminal Setup dialog box, select the Keyboard & Mouse tab.

  3. To set text selection so that selected text forms a rectangle (instead of wrapping), select Rectangular selection.

To set the default for selecting text on IBM sessions

  1. In the Settings dialog box, select Configure Terminal Settings.

  2. To set text selection so that selected text forms a rectangle (instead of wrapping), select Rectangular selection (mouse).

To select text using the non-default behavior