ArcSight Platform enables you to visualize, identify, and analyze potential threats by incorporating intelligence from the multiple layers of security sources that might be installed in your security environment. You can deploy a combination of security, user, and entity solutions into a single OPTIC Management Toolkit (OMT) environment. ArcSight Platform relies on a common layer of services called Core, which includes functions such as Search and user management.
The User’s Guide for ArcSight Platform provides guidance for using the features available in Core, ArcSight Recon, and ArcSight SOAR. This guide also serves as the context-sensitive Help when you are logged into ArcSight Platform.
The Administrator’s Guide for ArcSight Platform provides concepts, use cases, and guidance for installing, upgrading, managing, and maintaining the ArcSight Platform in your chosen environment. This includes information about using the features in ArcSight Transformation Hub and OMT.