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Error Messages

The following messages are only written to the Client Manager Service log file, which is located in the logs directory in the global working directory. These messages are prefixed by the timestamp hh:mm:ss (where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds)

ERROR: Add_DataSource: chdir failed for working directory "wdir", errno=number (errortext)

When adding a data source the service creates the working directory for the data source and its subdirectories. It then updates the service’s configuration file and changes the current directory to the data source’s working directory and creates the client’s configuration file. After it creates the client's configuration file, it switches back to the service’s (or global) working directory. This message is used to indicate that the attempt to change the program’s current directory failed. The directory wdir is the target directory for which the chdir command failed. The system error number and associated text should help determine why the operation failed.

ERROR: Add_ExistingDS: chdir failed for directory "dir", errno=number (errortext)

When adding an existing data source the service changes its current directory to the data sources working directory and verifies that its subdirectories exist. When done it changes the current directory back to the service’s working directory. This message is used to indicate that the attempt to change the programs current directory failed. The directory wdir is the target directory for which the chdir command failed. The system error number and associated text should help determine why the operation failed.

ERROR: Add_ExistingDS: chdir failed for working directory "wdir", errno=number (errortext)

When adding an existing data source, the service uses a series of chdir commands to determine if the Client's global working directory contains the required subdirectories. This message is used to indicate that the attempt to change the programs current directory failed, wdir is the target subdirectory for which the chdir command failed. The system error number and associated text should help determine why the operation failed. The most likely cause is that the target directory does not exist.

ERROR: Bad input line 'text_line' in file "globalprofile.ini"

(UNIX only) This message indicates that the file globalprofile.ini has a bad line that is displayed. This file should be created starting from the sample file that is provided with the release. If you are careful when editing it and just change the values of the parameters you will never see this error.

ERROR: Bad section header 'text_line' in file "globalprofile.ini"

(UNIX only) The only section header used in the file globalprofile.ini is [dbridge]. This file should be created starting from the sample file that is provided with the release. If you are careful when editing it and just change the values of the parameters you will never see this error.

ERROR: Bad user id 'userid' specified in file "globalprofile.ini"

(UNIX only) This message indicates that the userid provided on the line “userid = name”, is not recognized as being a valid user-id.

ERROR: Binary configuration file "name" has a bad checksum

Binary configuration files use a checksum to ensure that the file is not corrupt. Do not try to use a binary editor to update a binary configuration file. If you change even a single byte, the checksum will be wrong. You should use the Console, the Client Configurator or the dbctrlconfigure utility (export/import commands) to update the service’s configuration file. The most likely reason for this error would be that the file was patched or the file is corrupt.

ERROR: Binary configuration file "name" is corrupt -- data source number nn has a name of ""

ERROR: Binary configuration file "name" is corrupt -- data source source has no working directory

ERROR: Binary configuration file "name" is corrupt -- data source source has no client directory

These three messages indicate that the binary configuration is corrupt (this should not happen under normal circumstances).

If the service will not start, check the service's log file to see if you got one of these messages. If so, copy the backup configuration file "dbcontrol.bak" as "dbcontrol.cfg" to get around this problem. You will want to first export the file to see if it is missing a data source. If this is the case, add this back in by an "Add Existing Data Source" from the client console, or by editing the file and importing it.

The file "dbcontrol.bak" gets created in the service's config directory when a data source is added or removed. For all other actions that cause the configuration file to be updated (such as disabling a data source), the service does not copy the file "dbcontrol.cfg" as "dbcontrol.bak" before updating it.

ERROR: Binary configuration file "name" has the wrong check word

The service only handles binary configuration files; such files start with an 8-byte pattern that is used to determine if the file is binary or not. If the pattern does not match this message is logged. The most likely reason for this would be that the file is not a binary file.

ERROR: Binary status file "name" has a bad checksum

(Clustered Windows systems only) In addition to the configuration file “dbcontrol.cfg” the service uses the binary file “dbstatus.cfg” to keep track of the state of the various data sources. This file resides in the config sub-directory. This is particularly useful in a clustered architecture when a node switch occurs. It allows the service to restart the process commands that were running before the node switch occurred. This file uses a checksum to ensure that it has not been corrupted. If the checksum is bad, this message is displayed. Do not edit this file under any circumstances. If you get this error, simply delete the file from the config subdirectory. This will simply make the service forget what it was doing prior to being forcibly shutdown and it will revert to starting up normally.

ERROR: Binary status file "name" has the wrong check word

(Clustered Windows systems only) See previous message for details on the file “dbstatus.cfg”. Binary configuration files use a checksum to ensure that the file is not corrupt. Do not try to use a binary editor to update a binary configuration file. If you change even a single byte, the checksum will be wrong.

ERROR: chdir failed for working directory "name", errno=number (errortext)

During normal operations, the service uses the chdir command to change the current directory. This error indicates that the service was unable to switch the service's (global) working directory to the data source's working directory or vice versa. The path of the target directory is specified by name.

ERROR: Client configuration file "name" has bad checksum

If you use the service, you must use binary files for all Client configuration files. Binary configuration files start with an 8-byte pattern. If a Client configuration file doesn't start with this pattern, or if the binary file has been edited and the checksum corrupted, this message occurs.

ERROR: Client configuration file "name" is corrupt, errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the binary configuration file was edited using a binary editor or patched and was corrupted as a result. Using binary editors to update a binary configuration file should be strictly avoided altering a single byte will render the checksum as wrong. To update the client configuration files, use the available options in the Console and the Client Configurator, or use the dbutility export/import commands if you need to make manual edits.

ERROR: Close failed for binary configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This error indicates that an I/O occurred when the service tried to close its binary configuration file after rewriting it. To determine why the error occurred, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Close failed for client configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This error indicates that an I/O occurred when the service tried to close the client’s binary configuration file after rewriting it. The system error number and associated text should help in determining why the close failed.

ERROR: CreateFile failed for file "name", error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) The service uses the CreateFile library procedure to create new files when file security is enabled. This error indicates that the file could not be created. The service will create the file using default security instead. The supplied error number and corresponding text should indicate why the failure occurred.

ERROR: CreateMutex failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which can occur during the startup of the service, indicates that a Windows internal error has occurred while attempting to create a mutex resource. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Createprocess failed for client run, error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which can occur when the service launches a run of DBClient or DBClntCfgServer, indicates that the attempt to create the process failed. The system error number and associated text should help determine the reason for the failure. This error can occur if edit the service configuration file and provide the wrong directory for the Client. We recommend that you update the service configuration file via the Client Console or via the Migrate program if you're upgrading.

ERROR: CreateSemaphore failed for 'script_work_queue_sem', error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which can occur during the startup of the service, indicates that a Windows internal error occurred while attempting to create a semaphore resource used for signaling the script execution thread. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: CreateThread failed for "name", error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message indicates that a Windows internal error occurred while trying to create a thread. The program uses threads to launch scripts as they can take a long time to execute. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Execute_Command returned status -- killing RC session

This message indicates that the service encountered a problem when trying to execute an RPC received from the Client Console or the Client Configurator. The error is fatal and causes the session to terminate. If this error causes the Client Console to hang, restart the Client Console and then reconnect to the service. If the problem persists make sure that you are running a version of the Client Console that is compatible with the service.

ERROR: Execute_IPC_Response returned status

This message indicates that the service encountered an error while processing the response to an RPC that had been sent to a spawned client. The message is usually preceded by another message that provides information about why the failure occurred.

ERROR: Get_IPC_Response(): seq_no validation error; send_no=hhhh, cnt= hhhh, recv_no= hhhh

This message indicates that an internal error occurred when processing a response to an RPC that had been sent to a spawned client. For the service to correctly identify and process an RPC response, the response must have the same sequence number as the RPC command. If the response has a different sequence number, this message is logged and an RPC error status is returned to the Client Console or the Client Configurator.

ERROR: getcwd failed, errno=number (errortext)

The service uses the getcwd command to get the current directory. If the command fails this message is logged. The system error number and associated text that is provided should help determine the reason why this operation failed.

ERROR: Incomplete length word (dd bytes) received for Session nn, closing connection

This message is displayed when the service gets a non-Databridge connection that sends it less than 4 characters. The service expects to get a 4-byte length at the start the first message from the Client Console or a launched run. When it gets less than 4 characters, it logs this message and closes the connection, instead of going back and trying to read the remaining characters, which could hang the run until the connection is closed.

ERROR: Initialization for Session dd did not complete in nnn seconds, terminating connection

This message indicates that a new connection to the service failed to execute the necessary RPCs to setup the session within the expected length of time. This timeout is designed to prevent bogus connections from sitting around tying up resources.

ERROR: IPC session nn is not properly setup, session terminated

This message indicates that a spawned client provided a bad data source name in the signon RPC data after it successfully connected to the service. This should never happen; if it does contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Launch of client failed, errno=number (errortext) -- see file "fork.log" for clues

(UNIX only) This message indicates that the daemon was unable to launch the Client either when starting a run of DBClient or DBClntCfgServer. This error can occur if you enter the wrong directory for the Client when editing service configuration file. We recommend that you update the service configuration file by using the Client Console; or when upgrading, the migrate utility. To determine why the operation failed, refer to the system error number and associated text, and to the file fork.log. The daemon create this file in its working directory when this error occurs.

ERROR: Launched run for data source name did not connect back to service within ddd seconds

This message indicates that a run launched by the service failed to connect to the service and execute the necessary RPCs to setup the IPC connection. The most likely cause for this error is that the launched run encountered an error during startup and terminated prematurely. The 6.6 service implemented a timeout that allows the service to free the resources associated with the run and to send a response to the console that prevents it from hanging.

ERROR: Message length 0xhhhhhhhh exceeds limit -- closing connection

This message is displayed when the service gets a message whose length is too long to be legitimate. This allows the service to protect itself against rogue connections.

ERROR: Message length 0xhhhhhhhh for RC_Initialize RPC is incorrect -- closing connection

This message is displayed when the service gets a non-Databridge connection that sends it an unrecognizable message. The service knows the length of the initial message it gets from the Client Console or a launched run. When this length is wrong, it logs this message and closes the connection.

ERROR: Open failed for client configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service received an error when it tried to open an existing client file configuration file during an add data source command. To determine why the operation failed, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Open failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service received an error when it tried to open a file. To determine why the operation failed, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Open failed for global configuration file "globalprofile.ini"

(UNIX only) This message indicates that the program was unable to access the file globalprofile.ini in the directory /etc/Micro Focus/DATABridge/7.0. This file must be created before attempting to do any Client operations.

ERROR: pthread_create failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(UNIX only) This message, which can occur during the startup of the daemon, indicates that a system error occurred when a thread was being created. The program uses threads to launch scripts as they can take a long time to execute. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: RC session no longer exists, destination index nn for CNS Session nn

This message indicates that an IPC response for a Console or Client Configurator session was received, but an attempt to find the matching session failed because the session no longer exist. This error is not fatal; the response is simply discarded.

ERROR: Read failed for binary configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the program was unable to read the service binary configuration file dbcontrol.cfg. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Read failed for binary status file "name", errno=number (errortext)

(Clustered Windows systems only) This message indicates that the program was unable to read the service binary status file dbstatus.cfg. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Read failed for client configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the client’s binary configuration file dbridge.cfg could not be read. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Read failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the attempt to read the log file descriptor from the file log.cfg failed. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Select failed, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that a sockets select call returned a count less than zero. The error is ignored and the operation is retried after a brief delay.

ERROR: sem_init failed for 'script_work_queue_sem', error=number (errortext)

(UNIX only) This message, which can occur during the startup of the service, indicates that an internal error occurred while attempting to create a semaphore resource used for signaling the script execution thread. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: system command failed for script "filename", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service was unable to launch a script file associated with a data source, either when a run terminated with a non-zero exit status or when a request to launch a script was received. Either the script is in error or the script file doesn't exist.

ERROR: Unable to allocate nnnn bytes of memory

This message indicates that the operating system cannot allocate the specified block of storage because there isn't enough installed memory.

ERROR: Unable to create client configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that an error occurred when the service tried to open and write to the client binary configuration file. To determine why the operation failed, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Unable to create working directory for the daemon

(UNIX only) This message can occur if the daemon is started from the command line under a user ID that doesn't have the necessary privileges to create the daemon’s working directory. Typically this message would not occur; the scripts that launch the daemon require that the working directory be created in advance.

ERROR: Unable to expand block to ddd bytes

This message indicates that the operating system is unable to expand an allocated block of memory, either because there isn't enough installed memory.

ERROR: Unexpected RPC response received for index dd of {CNS | IPC} Session nn

This message indicates that the service received an unexpected RPC response. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Unimplemented command rpcnumber

This message indicates that the Console or Client Configurator sent the service an RPC whose number is not known by the service. Unless you have you are using a service that is older than the Console, you should never get this error.

ERROR: Unknown session type dd encountered in Kill_Session()

This message indicates that an internal error occurred caused by an illegal type in a session. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Value out of range for umask in file "globalprofile.ini"

(UNIX only) This message indicates that the umask line in the file gloabalprofile.ini is bad. This value needs to be an octal number in the range 0 to 0777. It is AND’ed with the default security bits to set the security for a file that is created, just like umask does in UNIX.

ERROR: Write failed for binary configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the program was unable to write the service binary configuration file dbcontrol.cfg. The system error number and associated text should help determine the reason for the failure.

ERROR: Write failed for client configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the program was attempting to create the Client binary configuration file dbridge.cfg. To determine the reason for the failure, refer to the system error number and associated text.

ERROR: Write failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the program was unable to create the log descriptor file log.cfg.

ERROR: XDR_Copy failed; RC_Sess_buflen = 0xhhhh, IPC_Sess_buflen = 0xhhhh

This message indicates that an internal error occurred when the RPC data from a console session run is copied to a send buffer. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: XDR receive failure for sockettype socket nnn

This message indicates that the attempt to read and decode the data for an RPC failed for the specified socket type. The socket type can be CONSOLE, IPC, or LIMBO. LIMBO indicates that the connection type is not yet known. This error may occur when the connection closes.

ERROR: You must be 'su' or userid 'userid' to run the daemon

(UNIX only) This message indicates that the script used to run the service uses a different userid than the one specified in the file globalprofile.ini. To switch the service to a user other than that in globalprofile.ini, start the service after you start a run as the root user.

SOCKETS ERROR: accept call failed for remote console, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service got an error when it tried to issue an accept in response to a connect request. This is a network error; the associated error number and error text may help you determine why it occurred.

SOCKETS ERROR: bind call failed for remote console TCP port number nnn, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service was unable to bind the ipc_port to the given socket. To resolve this problem specify a different port for the ipc_port parameter in the service configuration file. This error usually occurs when the service starts.

SOCKETS ERROR: getaddrinfo call failed, error=number (errortext)

This message appear when the service start up, this is call is used when trying to figure what type of listen requests (IPV4, IPV6 or both) need to be handled. Contact Micro Focus Technical Support if you get this error.

SOCKETS ERROR: listen call failed for remote console, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service was unable to listen for incoming calls on the specified port. To resolve this problem, specify a different port for the ipc_port parameter in the service configuration file. This error usually occurs when the service starts.

SOCKETS ERROR: recv call failed for {CNS | IPC} Session nn, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service encountered an error while receiving data. This typically occurs when the connection is reset.

SOCKETS ERROR: recv call for {CNS | IPC} Session nn detected a closed connection

This message indicates that the service detected a closed connection while receiving data.

SOCKETS ERROR: send call failed for {CNS | IPC} Session nn, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the service encountered an error while sending data. This typically occurs when the connection is closed or reset.

SOCKETS ERROR: setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) call failed for remote console TCP port, error=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur when the service starts up, indicates that the attempt to set the specified socket option failed.

SOCKETS ERROR: socket call failed for remote console TCP port, error=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur when the service starts up, indicates that the attempt to set the specified socket option failed.

SOCKETS ERROR: socket call failed for remote console TCP port, error=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the system is out of sockets. Reboot the system.

SOCKETS ERROR: WSAStartup error nnn

(Windows Only) This message indicates that the attempt to initialize Windows sockets failed. The only thing to do is to reboot and hope that the problem goes away.