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Client Errors

Client errors appear onscreen and in the log file, unless noted.

These messages are prefixed by the timestamp hh:mm:ss (where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds). Frequently, errors are preceded by a relational database message. When that occurs, refer to your relational database documentation.


Often, a primary problem will cause several secondary problems, resulting in additional errors. Try to find the earliest error and solve that problem first before proceeding. In many cases, solving this one problem resolves the other problems without any additional work.

ERROR: AA value 0xhhhhhhhhhhhh of LINK_AI image does not match that of previous CREATE image for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during the data extraction phase of a process or clone command, indicates that the AA value in the after image of a DMSII link does not match the AA value of the previous CREATE image for the specified data set record. This situation, which should never occur under normal circumstances, indicates a Databridge Engine error.

ERROR: All Engine COMMIT parameters are zero; at least one of them needs to have a positive value

This message, which can occur at the start of a process or clone command, indicates the resulting commit parameters are in error, as they do not specify any situation under which the Engine should try to do a commit. Since this could result in the system running out of log space or the update process running extremely slowly, the Client will exit with an exit code of 2060 and request that the situation be rectified by updating the configuration file.

ERROR: Ambiguous command cmd, matches both cmd1 and cmd2 commands

In response to command line console input, this message indicates that the text of the command cmd, which the operator typed, matches more than one command. Make sure that you type enough characters to make the command unique.

ERROR: Archive file contains a malformed record: record_text

This message can occur during a reload command if the input scanner does not find the record to be in the expected format. If you edited the unload file created by the unload command you are likely to get this message or any of the other reload command error message. The second line of the message is the record that the program is having a problem with.

ERROR: Archive file "name" contains no data or cannot be read

This message can occur during a reload command, if an unexpected end of file situation occurs. A possible reason for this would be if the unload command that created the file did not complete the command successfully.

ERROR: Archive file does not start with a version record of the form "V,version"

This message can occur during a reload command, if the file specified on the command line is not a control table unload file. The first record of this file is always "V,version" where version is the version of the Client control tables.

ERROR: Attempt to ALTER SESSION to set NLS_LANGUAGE failed

This message, which only applies to the Oracle Client, can occur when the client starts up. It indicates that Client is attempting to execute an ALTER SESSION SQL command to set the NLS_LANGUAGE to AMERICAN, AMERICA. This is necessary, as all of the SQL data that the Client creates is formatted to use the period as the decimal character. Since we cannot do this for the SQLLoader runs, we must format the SQLLoader data using the proper decimal character. The Client handles all of this automatically. This message might indicate that the userid you are using does not have enough privileges.


This message, which only applies to the Oracle Client, can occur when the client starts up and detects a AL32UTF8 database. When this occurs, the Client executes an ALTER SESSION SQL command to set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS to CHAR, which prevents data truncation errors from occurring when 8-bit characters are translated to multi-byte characters. The Client handles all of this automatically. This message might indicate that the userid you are using does not have enough privileges.

ERROR: Attempt to clear DAOPT_Nulls_Allowed option for key items failed

The Client does not normally allow keys to have the NULL attribute. This would invalidate the SQL that is used to perform update and delete operations, where the WHERE clauses tests the key items for equality. If the items are NULL, you cannot test them for equality. The client attempts to reset the bit that indicates the item allows nulls. This message is displayed in the unlikely situation where the update statement fails.

ERROR: Attempt to connect to a NULL data_source; add datasource specification to configuration file

This message indicates that there is no datasource parameter specified in the [signon] section of a client that uses ODBC or CLI. You must specify a datasource parameter so that the client can connect to the database using ODBC or CLI.

ERROR: Attempt to delete record from table 'name' after a duplicate deleted record was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message can occur during a process or clone command and it only applies to Miser databases. It indicates that after the Client got a duplicate record while trying to mark a record as deleted, and it then tried to delete the record, the delete resulted in a SQL error. This message may appear after other related error messages that should be addressed first.

ERROR: Attempt to delete record from table 'name' during a modify was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message can occur when processing a MODIFY record during change tracking. It indicates that, while handling this request as a delete/insert (typically done when the values of keys change), the Client encountered an error during the delete operation. See the database API error that precedes this message to determine the reason why the delete statement failed.

ERROR: Attempt to delete record from table 'name' during a two step modify was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to delete the record from the specified table during a two-step modify, which is invoked when the value of the depends item for an item with an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause changes. If the value of this item decreases, the Client updates the rows that remain in the OCCURS table and deletes the rows that are no longer present. This error appears if the delete operation fails and may appear after other related error messages that need to be fixed first.

ERROR: Attempt to delete record from table 'name' was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to delete the record from the specified table. If deleted records are being preserved the delete operation is actually an update. This message may appear after other related error messages that should be addressed first.

This message can also occur during an insert that results in a duplicate record and the attempt to recover by doing an update results in no rows being updated. The client attempts to recover from this situation by doing a delete/insert. You will get this message if the delete fails.

ERROR: Attempt to delete records from table 'name' during a modify was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to update a record because it did not exist in the database. When a failed update involves an OCCURS table, the insert statement fails. The Client attempts to recover from the situation by deleting all of the records and reinserting them in the table. This message, which rarely occurs, indicates that the delete failed. This message will be preceded by database error messages that might be helpful in determining why this happened.

ERROR: Attempt to delete records from table 'name' was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to insert a record into a table and is preceded by several other error messages, warnings, and database error messages that help you determine why this happened. The chain of events leading to this message is:

  1. The Client is unable to insert a record into a table because doing so would result in a duplicate record.
  2. It attempts to do an update instead but finds no matching rows.
  3. When the item has an OCCURS clause, the Client attempts to recover from this situation by doing a delete/insert -- it tries to delete all occurrences of the item and reinsert them.
  4. If the delete fails, you get this message.

ERROR: Attempt to drop history table 'name' while "inhibit_drop_history" option is enabled

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client attempted to delete a history table while the inhibit_drop_history parameter was set to True. This parameter is designed to safeguard against accidentally dropping history tables.

ERROR: Attempt to drop index 'name' on table 'name' failed

This message can occur during a process or clone command when a table that has data that needs to be preserved is recloned. When the records need to be preserved in a nonstandard manner, the program drops the index of the table and runs a cleanup script to delete unwanted records instead of dropping the table and recreating it. The most common source of this error is that the table in question does not have an index, possibly because the index creation during the original clone failed. The program traps this error and continues execution after printing a WARNING. Look at the database error messages that precede this error for clues as to why the drop index operation failed.

ERROR: Attempt to establish IPC connection with DBClntControl failed

This message, which applies to the DBClient and DBClntCfgServer programs, indicates that the IPC connection to the service/daemon could not be established. This connection is used to route output messages to the console via the service/daemon and to allow the console/configurator to issue RPCs to the clients and get the results passed back.

This is an internal error that is an indication that something is seriously wrong with either the DBClntControl program or the system. You should first try to stop and restart the service and if that does not do any good you should consider rebooting the system to clear up the problem.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record into table 'name' after delete was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client unsuccessfully tried to recover from a failed insert by doing a modify. The client then tries to delete the record or all the occurrences of the given key and tries to reinsert them. This message is an indication that this last insert failed. At this point the client gives up and stops. See the preceding database API error messages for details on why the insert failed.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record into table 'name' after failed update was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message, which can occur during a process or a clone command, indicates that the program was unsuccessful in performing an update because the target record does not exist. The program then tried to do an insert, which also failed because a duplicate was found. A possible cause of this error is that one of the keys is NULL. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record into table 'name' during a modify was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message can occur when processing a MODIFY record and the update statement fails to find the record (that is, the row count is 0). The client attempted to recover from this by doing an insert, which failed. Refer to the database API error messages for details on why the insert failed.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record in table 'name' during a two step modify was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, …

This message can occur during a process or clone command and indicates that the Client could not insert the record into the specified table during the two-step modify. A two-step modify is used when the value of the depends item changes for an item with an OCCURS DEPENDING on clause. If the value of this item increases, the Client updates the rows that were present in the OCCURS table and inserts the remaining rows. This error appears if the insert operation fails. This message may appear after other related error messages that should be addressed first.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record in table 'name' was unsuccessful

This message, which can occur when a data set is cloned without using the bulk loader. It indicates that an error occurred when the client tried to do a COMMIT after max_clone_create count records were inserted into the table. See the preceding database API error messages for details on why the commit failed.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record into table 'name' was unsuccessful - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message can occur when a data set is cloned without using the bulk loader. It indicates that an error occurred when the Client tried to insert the record into the table. Refer to the database API error messages for details on why the insert failed.

ERROR: Attempt to insert record into table 'name' was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to insert the given record into the table. The Client always attempts to recover from a failed insert that is caused by the record already being in the database. If we get a different error, then this message is displayed and the client stops. Refer to the database API error messages for details on why the insert failed.

ERROR: Attempt to load record into table 'name' was unsuccessful - Keys: column_name = value, ...

This message, which is limited to the SQL Server Client, indicates that an error occurred while setting up the host variables during data extraction or that the BCP API’s bcp_sendrow procedure returned an error. In either case, look at the message that precedes this one in the log file to help identify the actual reason for this error.

ERROR: Attempt to mark record as deleted in table 'name' failed (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that the process or clone command (used in conjunction with the delete record preservation feature) was unable to update a record and set the appropriate column to indicate that it has been deleted. Refer to the SQL error messages for clues about why this error occurred.

ERROR: Attempt to reclone DataSet name[/rectype] without recloning DataSet name1 3[/rectype1]

The clone command is attempting to reclone the specified data set and the following conditions exist:

  • The configuration parameter automate_virtuals is set to True.
  • The specified data set is the primary source for a virtual data set that gets its input from more than one DMSII data set.
  • The data set that is the secondary source of data has been cloned previously and is not specified on the command line.
  • Recloning is only allowed for the data set that is the secondary source of the data. For dexample, assume SV-HISTORY and SAVINGS both provide data for the virtual data set SVHISTORY-REMAP, and SV-HISTORY is the primary source of data for SV-HISTORY-REMAP that must be cloned first. An attempt to reclone SV-HISTORY without recloning SAVINGS results in this error. If you want to reclone SV-HISTORY, you must also reclone SAVINGS. If you specify them both on the command line, the program performs operations in the right order. However, you can reclone SAVINGS without recloning SV-HISTORY.

ERROR: Attempt to rename table 'name' failed

This message can occur during the execution of a reorg command. It indicates that an error occurred while attempting to rename a table. When the parameter use_internal_clone is set to True, the redefine command sets up the reorg scripts to use a SELECT INTO statement (CTAS in the case of Oracle) to create a new copy of the table that has the new layout. Added columns are assigned their initial values. Before running the script that does the copy, the reorg command executes a SQL statement that renames the old table. You will see this message when the rename fails. If the reorg script that does the copy fails, the new table is dropped and the old table is renamed back to its original name. You will also see this message if the rename fails in this case.

ERROR: Attempt to run user stored procedure '{m_tablename | r_tablename}' failed

This message, which only applies to MISER databases, can occur during a process or clone command and indicates that an error occurred while running the stored procedure. This message may appear after other related error messages that need to be fixed first.

ERROR: Attempt to treat duplicate insert record as an update for table 'name' failed (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, ...

The Client traps all duplicate record errors that occur during the execution of insert SQL statements. It then changes the insert statements into update statements and re-executes them. This error is displayed when this happens while processing an update as a delete/insert. If the resulting update statement fails, this error message is displayed because it cannot find the target record to change. If this error occurs, contact Technical Support.

ERROR: Attempt to update table 'name' was unsuccessful (AFN=afn, ABSN=absn, SEG=seg, INX=inx) - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client could not update the specified table. This message may appear after other related error messages that need to be fixed first. This error does not apply to situations where the Client encounters an update with no matching rows; the Client automatically recovers from that situation.

ERROR: Bad bit (0xhhhhhhhh) in {DataItem | DataSet | DataSource | DataTable | DMSItem} column mask

This message occurs when DBClntCfgServer attempts to update an Client Control Table entry and gets an invalid bit mask. This is an internal error in the Client Console or the Configurator. Contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Bad data mask string index, column 'name' in table 'name' cannot be masked

This message, which is limited to the SQL Server Client, indicates that the data mask specified for the given column is incorrect. Data masks, which are stored in the masking_info column of the DATAITEMS Client control table, are constructed as 32-bit integers, where the low 8 bits are the masking function code (0 indicates no masking, 1 indicates “default” masking, 2 indicates “email” masking, 3 indicates “random” masking and 4 indicates “partial” masking). The rest of the value is the index into the masking_parameter array in the client configuration file, where these values must be specified.

The Client uses this information to add a specification of the form “masked with (function=name([parameters])”. Only the random and partial functions have parameters. The random function can be applied to numeric columns, while partial function can be applied to columns of char or varchar type. This error indicates that the specified string is in error.

ERROR: Bad {index | table} suffix value nn specified for table 'name' in DATATABLES

This message occurs during a generate or reorg command if the index_suffix or create_suffix column of the corresponding DATATABLES entry has a value that is out range or there is no [n] specification in the configuration parameters create_table_suffix or create_index_suffix.

ERROR: Bad input line 'text' in globalprofile.ini

This message, which is limited to UNIX clients, indicates that file globalprofile.ini contains a bad input line. Do not add comments or any other lines to the file, as this will most probably cause this error.

ERROR: Bad section header 'name' in globalprofile.ini

This message, which is limited to UNIX clients, indicates that first line of file globalprofile.ini has been modified. The first line of this file must contain the section header [dbridge].

ERROR: bcp_bind failed for column 'name' in table 'tabname'

This error message that only applies to the SQL Server client indicates that the client was unable to bind the specified column to host variables while setting up the BCP API to load the table in question. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care if you get this error

ERROR: bcp_init failed for "database..table"

This error message that only applies to the SQL Server client indicates that the call on the BCP API’s bcp_init procedure failed. Check the database name and the table name and then Contact Micro Focus Customer Care if you get this error.

ERROR: bcp_sendrow failed for table 'tabname'

This error message that only applies to the SQL Server client indicates that the call on the BCP API’s bcp_sendrow procedure failed. Check the ODBC error that is associated with this error as there might be a simple explanation such as the database is out of storage space.

ERROR: Begin_Transaction during data extraction for table 'name' not using the bulk loader failed

This error message, which is limited to data extractions that do not use the bulk-loader (or the BCP API). Such extractions are handled by separate data connections that use transactions to limit the number of updates that are done before doing a COMMIT. Begin transaction should not fail, as it does not do much other than disabling auto-commits. The size of the transaction is controlled by the configuration parameter max_clone_count.

ERROR: Binary filter generation failed with exit code nnnn

This message indicates that the makefilter run that the client launched failed. The client launches makefilter at the end of a define or redefine command and when exiting the Client Configurator. You need to fix the error in the filter source and rerun makefilter to fix this situation. There is no need to rerun the command, as it completed successfully.

ERROR: Binding of variables failed for SQL statement sql_stmt

This message is only applicable when using host variables, which are enabled by setting the configuration parameter aux_stmts to a non-zero value. This indicates that an internal error occurred while binding program variables to various columns of an SQL statement. In this mode, all SQL statements use bound variables. Before the SQL statements are actually executed, the values are copied into these variables by the program. This technique allows the SQL statement to be re-executed using different data since the SQL remains constant. Only the content of the host variables changes.

ERROR: Bulk copy record count (mmm) and actual record count (nnn) differ for table 'name'

This message, which is only displayed if the configuration parameter verify_bulk_load is set to 2, indicates that there is a mismatch between the number of rows in the table and the number of rows that the client loaded. Look at the bulk loader log file for the table in the working directory and also in the discards directory where you will undoubtedly find a discard file for the given table. If the parameter verify_bulk_load is set to 2, this situation causes the client to abend. However, if it set to 1, you only get a similar warning, and the client ignores the error.

ERROR: Bulk load failed (rc = dd) for table 'name' using sql*loader - see file "sqlld.tablename.log" for more information

This message indicates that there was a problem loading the extract records to the corresponding database table using the bulk loader. The first place you should look is the bulk loader log file in the working directory. This will usually indicate what the problem is. The most common problems are:

  • The maximum error threshold was exceeded causing the bulk load to abort the operation.
  • The database’s bin directory is not in the PATH causing the attempt to run the bulk loader to fail.
  • The database or table space is out of space.

In the case of the Microsoft SQL Server Client the sequence (rc = d) specifies the exit code of the launched command file that does the bcp. An exit code of 1 indicates that bcp returned a nonzero exit code and a return code of 2 indicates that bcp_auditor utility determined that the bcp failed, even though bcp returned an exit code of 0.

ERROR: Cannot access Databridge control tables -Make sure that a 'configure' command was executed previously

This message can occur for any Client command except dbutility configure. It can indicate either of the following:

You did not run the dbutility configure command and therefore the client control tables were not created.


(more common) You are trying to execute a dbutility command with a relational database user ID that is different from the one that originally created the Client control tables. In this case, use a relational database query tool to sign on to relational database with the same user ID that dbtility is using. Then, enter the following:

For Microsoft SQL Server:

select name, uid from sysobjects where type = 'U'

For Oracle:

select table_name from user_tables

The resulting display includes the name of all of the user tables owned by the user ID. If all of the Client control tables do not appear, the problem is in the user ID you were using. For more information, see the Databridge Installation Guide.

ERROR: Cannot access user# for user userid

(SQL Server Client only) When you sign on to the relational database, the Client reads the Microsoft SQL Server table sysusers to find the user index for your user ID. The user index is important because the relational database uses the user index (numeric) rather than the user ID (character string) to mark table ownership.

When this error occurs, it is typically preceded by messages that help to illustrate what went wrong. If this error persists, contact your relational database administrator.

ERROR: Cannot find entry point "EBCDIC_to_ASCII" in extended translation {DLL | shared library} "filename"

The attempt to locate the entry point EBCDIC_to_ASCII in the data translation DLL failed. Make sure that there is not another DLL with the same name that Windows is finding instead. The best way to avoid this problem is to put the DLL in the Databridge Client program directory and setup the PATH environment variable to include this directory. Because the Client is executed from this directory, and the DLL is also present in that directory, you should not run into this problem.

ERROR: Cannot open lock file for data source name, errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the Client cannot open the lock file used to implement a file lock for the data source. A common cause of this error is that the locks directory does not exist. If you did not use migrate to do the update, you must create the service's (global) working directory and the locks sub-directory in order to be able to run the client. For more information, see the Databridge Installation Guide.

ERROR: Cannot run a cmd_name command while the data source is locked

This message indicates that a Databridge run has the data source locked. When a run hangs, you must cancel the run to release the lock file. The process_id of the run that locked the file and the command it is executing is provided in the lock file source_database.lock (where source is the name of the data source and database is the name of the relational database). This file is located in the locks subdirectory of the service's (global) working directory.

ERROR: chdir failed for directory "path", errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur when processing the user_script_dir line of a text configuration file or when updating this parameter in a binary configuration file. It can also occur when running a user script. When file security is enabled, user scripts must reside inside the service's working directory, as they will then be protected by file security. When the client needs to verify that a user script or the specified user script directory complies with this rule, it does a couple of _chdir and _getcwd commands while trying to verify this. This error is an indication that a directory is missing or that the parameter user_script_dir is pointing to a non-existent directory

ERROR: CheckTokenMembership() failed for group 'name', errno=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which only applies when file security is enabled, indicates that the system call to verify the userid's membership in a group failed. The client uses this call to determine if the user is allowed to run the client, by determining if the user has write permissions for the files in the working directory.

ERROR: Cleanup of table 'name' failed

The Client was unable to delete selective entries from the specified table during the drop or dropall command. The Client typically drops tables. However, if tables contain non-DMSII data or are populated from more than one data source, the Client uses the cleanup scripts to delete the records in question. Look at the relational database messages that precede this error for more information.

ERROR: Client aborting rpc_description call

This message is preceded by other messages such as relational database API errors. The rpc_description indicates the specific operation (such as connect, initialize, switchaudit) that was in progress when the Client error occurred. This message indicates that a fatal error occurred while processing the given DBServer RPC.

ERROR: Client Control Table version mismatch (found number, expected number) - Run the "dbfixup" program to correct this situation

(dbutility only) This message indicates that the client control tables have the wrong version. You must run the dbfixup program to correct this error. This message typically occurs if you upgrade from an earlier version of the Client and do not run the dbfixup program before you run the Client. If you use the Migrate program, it automatically runs dbfixup.

ERROR: Client Control Table version mismatch (found number, expected number) - The {service | daemon} will automatically run "dbfixup" to correct this situation

This message indicates that a client launched by the service has detected that the client control tables have the wrong version. The service automatically launches the dbfixup program when this happens. The console is usable as soon as the data source turns green (it is marked as offline during the execution of dbfixup). The properties of data source will be missing until you do something that causes them to be refreshed.

ERROR: Client/host interface level mismatch: client = ver1, host = ver2

This message can occur when the Client connects to DBServer, if the version of DBServer is too old to be compatible with the Client. Specifically, this message indicates that DBServer returned an illegal value for the negotiated protocol level. We recommend that you always use matching host, Enterprise Server, Client, and Console software.

ERROR: Close failed for binary configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This is an indication that there was a problem writing the binary configuration file to disk. The errortext explains the cause of the failure. The most common cause is that the config directory has not been created or you do not have write access the config directory or the file dbridge.cfg.

ERROR: Close failed for Null Record file, errno=number (errortext)

An error occurred while closing the NULL record file during a define or redefine command. The most likely problem is a lack of disk space. The system error included in the message should explain why the error occurred.

ERROR: Close failed for text configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This is an indication that there was a problem writing the text configuration file to disk. The errortext usually indicates the cause for the failure. The most common cause is that the config directory has not been created.

ERROR: Column 'name' in table 'name' is not an AA Value -- this is not supported

This message only occurs what you clone embedded subsets and the client tries to execute a bulk delete operation which deletes all the child record that belong to given parent in the virtual data set tables that implements the embedded subset. This message is indicative of a configuration error as the parent record must be using AA values as the index; without that the parent/child relationship cannot be implemented.

ERROR: Command aborted due to error in cross checking DMSII Links

The define or redefine command is being aborted because the Client encountered errors when checking the integrity of DMSII links. This message is preceded by one or more error messages indicating which tables have links to nonexistent or inactive tables. The most likely cause of this error is that you are attempting to do a partial redefine of the data source with a data set that is the target of a link not being included in the redefine command.

ERROR: command_name command failed to complete

This message indicates that the Client command could not complete successfully, where command_name is a client command such a process, clone or redefine. Typically, this message is preceded by an explanatory error.

ERROR: COMMIT ABSN command requires a numeric argument

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT ABSN command.

ERROR: COMMIT ABSN value out of range

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT ABSN command.

ERROR: COMMIT command must be followed by {Absn <n> | Update <n> | TIme <n> | TRans <n> | Stats}

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT command.

ERROR: COMMIT TIME command requires a numeric argument

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT TIME command.

ERROR: COMMIT TIME value out of range

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT TIME command.

ERROR: COMMIT TRANS command requires a numeric argument

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT TRANS command.

ERROR: COMMIT TRANS value out of range

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT TRANS command.

ERROR: COMMIT UPDATES command requires a decimal argument

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT UPDATES command.

ERROR: COMMIT UPDATES value out of range

This message is a result of an invalid user input for a dbutility console COMMIT UPDATES command.

ERROR: Commit_Transaction during data extraction for table 'name' not using the bulk loader failed

This error message is limited to data extractions that do not use the bulk-loader (or the BCP API). Such extractions are handled by separate data connections that use transactions to limit the number of updates that are done before doing a COMMIT. The size of the transaction is controlled by the configuration parameter max_clone_count. The failure of the COMMIT is most likely a database resource issue. The preceding database API error messages should help in determining the source of the problem.

ERROR: Configuration file "name" contains no valid information

This message indicates that the specified configuration file contains no data or valid information (for example, there are no section headers in the file).

ERROR: Configuration file [name] section: error_message - Input Line: input_text

This message is associated with a large number of errors that can appear when processing a text configuration file. If you use binary configuration files, these messages are confined to the import command.

[name] is the relevant section in the configuration file. input_text is the actual line of text in which the error occurs. For information about configuration file syntax, see Appendix C in the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Configuration file contains invalid line: input_text

This message typically appears when you have omitted the semicolon (;) from a comment line that precedes the first section header in the configuration file.

ERROR: Configured numeric date format (number) for item 'name' in table 'name' is not supported, {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} -Keys: columnname = value

This message can occur during a process or a clone command when processing a data item whose sql_type column contains a value of 13 (numeric_date). The configuration parameter numeric_date_format is used to define the format for numeric dates. This error indicates that the format specified in the configuration file is not supported.

ERROR: CreateDirectory failed for directory "name", error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message indicates that attempt to create a directory failed, the errortext is the explanation of the error and it should help identify the cause of the error.

You should not try to change file security, except by running setfilesecurity program. This program is located on the root of the install directory.

ERROR: CreateFile failed for 'Console_Reader_Thread'

(Windows only) This message is an internal error, which indicates that the console thread’s attempt to read input from the keyboard failed. As a result, the console is inoperative. Except for this, the run proceeds as if the console were not enabled.

ERROR: CreateFile failed for data file "name", error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that the Client cannot create the specified data file for hold bulk loader data. The indicated system error should explain the cause of the problem.

ERROR: CreateFile failed for file "name", error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message can occur when opening a new file for write and file security is enabled. The client creates the new file using the Windows library CreateFile procedure, which uses a DACL that is constructed to reflect the access rights based on the security defined at install time. The error will most likely indicate that the user does not have the proper privileges to create the file. Another advantage of using file security is that it allows the service and the command line to share files when the service is run using the built-in SYSTEM account.

ERROR: CreateMutex failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that a Windows internal error has occurred while attempting to create a mutex resource. If this error occurs, contact Technical Support.

ERROR: CreateSemaphore failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that a Windows internal error occurred while attempting to create a semaphore resource used by the table creation thread. If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: CreateThread failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which can occur during a process or clone command and indicates that an internal system error occurred while attempting to create a thread (bcp_launcher, index_creator or console thread). If this error occurs, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Creation of control table name failed

This message can occur during a dbutility configure command or when the control tables are created by the Console or the Client Configurator. It indicates that an error occurred while creating the specified Client control table. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

For more information see OCI Errors or ODBC Errors.

ERROR: Creation of history table 'name' failed

This message, which can occur during a reorg command, indicates that the command was unable to create the given history table. The configuration parameter enable_dynamic_hist allows the Client to dynamically create history tables without having to reclone the data set in question. See the database API error messages that precede this error message to determine why the creation of the table failed.

ERROR: Creation of keys failed for primary table 'name'

This message can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates that an error occurred while the Client attempted to define the keys for a primary table. This message is preceded by another error message that explains the actual cause.

ERROR: Creation of keys for OCCURS failed for table 'name'

This message, which can occur during a define or redefine command, indicates that an error occurred while trying to insert the keys for an OCCURS table into the DATAITEMS Client control table. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Creation of keys within split failed for table 'name'

This message can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates the following:

  • A DMSII data set has more columns than the relational database limit, and therefore, must be split into two or more relational database tables.

  • An error occurred while creating the keys for a secondary table.

See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Creation of table 'name' and its procedures failed

This message can occur during the cloning of a data set using a process or clone command if the Client is unable to create a table and its stored procedures. See the relational database message that precedes this error for more information about what went wrong.

ERROR: Critical columns missing from table 'name', cannot create cleanup script

This message indicates that the generate command could not find some of the columns that are created by setting the external_columns column of the DATASETS Client control table to a nonzero value. The most common cause of this message is that the external_columns column was assigned a value without running a define or a redefine command, or that the active column for the item in question was set to zero in DATAITEMS. It is recommended that you use user scripts to perform all such actions that the redefine command runs and that you never change the value of the active column in DATAITEMS.

ERROR: Data item number nnn referenced in filter file does not exist for table 'name'

This message is an internal error that indicates the binary filter file is not in sync with the client control tables. Try recreating the filter by either running the makefilter utility's import command or run a redefine command with the -R option (Redefine All) to remedy this situation. This situation should never occur, as whenever you run a redefine command or you run the Client Configurator makefilter is automatically launched. However, you need to pay attention to the cases where the program is unable to compile the filter due to errors in the filter source file. Look in the makefilter log file to determine why the compile failed.

ERROR: Data source does not support transactions (SQL_TXN_CAPABLE = NONE)

This message, which is applicable to ODBC and CLI clients, indicates that the database does support transactions. You cannot run the Databridge Client with a database that does not support transactions. This error indicates that your relational database is not properly set up.

ERROR: Database {name | NULL} failed to open [twice]

The requested relational database failed to open. (If you do not specify a database name and you are connecting to the default database, the Client displays "NULL" as the database name.)

In this case, check the following:

  • Is the relational database server running?
  • Did you enter the correct relational database server name?
  • Did you enter the correct relational database name?
  • Did you enter the correct ODBC data source name?
  • Did you use the correct user ID for the relational database?
  • Did you use the correct password?

Check your settings for environment variables, dbridge.cfg configuration file, and command line options.

The Client establishes two connections with the relational database server. This error indicates a failure on the second connection when the word twice is present.

ERROR: Database password cannot be decoded

This message can occur when the Client reads a text configuration that contains an encoded password that is corrupt. This error happens most often when the file has been edited. To resolve the problem, replace any passwords and then use dbpwenc or the export command to encode them.

ERROR: Databridge call failed for rpc_description (Transport or RPC error)

This message is preceded by a SOCKETS ERROR or other message that occurs during the processing of a remote procedure call. rpc_description indicates the specific operation that was in progress when the Client error occurred (for example, connect, primary_set, set_option, data sets, initialize, switchaudit). This message can occur in any command that establishes communications with DBServer.

ERROR: Databridge control tables are not empty, use dropall command first - To bypass this check, use the 'u' option for the configure command

This message indicates that you are attempting to run a dbutility configure command that overwrites the existing client control tables. This message is intended as a safeguard so that you do not accidentally overwrite the existing client control tables. For information about -u and other dbutility command options, see Appendix B in the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: DataSet List specification not allowed for a DataSource that is not defined

This message occurs during a reload command when you specify a list of data sets to reload for a data source that is not found in the client control tables. The partial reload of only a few specific data sets is only supported if the data source exists and contains entries for the specified data sets.

ERROR: DataSet List specification not allowed when loading all DataSources

This message occurs during a reload command when you specify a data source name of _all and a list of data sets to reload. The partial reload of only a few specific data sets is only supported if the data source is explicitly named, it exists and it contains entries for the specified data sets.

ERROR: DataSet name not found

This message appears during a clone or a refresh command when one of the following occurs:

  • You did not enter the correct DMSII data set name on the command line.

  • The active column for this data set is set to 0 in the DATASETS Client control table.

ERROR: DataSet name[/rectype] does not have history tables; DSOPT_HistoryOnly bit must be 0 in ds_options

This message, which can occur during a define or redefine command, indicates that the ds_options column of the DATASETS table entry for the data set is incorrect. The DSOPT_HistoryOnly bit can only be set when the DSOPT_Save_Updates (8) bit is also set. This is an indication that your user scripts are incorrect.

ERROR: DataSet name[/rectype] failed reorganization, correct the error or reclone – mode dd

This message can occur at the start of a process or clone command if the Client finds a data set whose mode is 33. This situation can occur if you attempt to run a process or clone command after running a reorg command where the reorganization of a table fails for the data set in question.

To resolve this problem, do one of the following:

  • Set the ds_mode to 0 and reclone the data set.


  • Fix the reorganization script and rerun the reorg command after you set the ds_mode to 31 for the data set in question.

ERROR: DataSet name[/rectype]has an invalid mode dd

This message occurs during a process command (at data set selection time), if the ds_mode column of the Client control table contains an illegal value dd. Use a relational database query tool to enter a valid dd value.

ERROR: DataSet name[/rectype]has an invalid value (dd) in the status_bits field

This message occurs at the start of a process or a clone command (at data set selection time), if the status_bits column of DATASETS Client control table contains an illegal value dd. Use a relational database query tool to enter a valid dd value.

ERROR: DataSet name[/rectype] has been reorganized (mode = dd); you must first run a reorg command

This message can occur at the start of a process or clone command (at data set selection time), if the Client finds a data set whose mode is 31 or 34. This situation can occur if you attempt to run a process or clone command after running a redefine command that needs to be followed by a reorg command.

After you inspect the reorg scripts to make sure that the actions they are about to perform are reasonable, run a reorg command. Reorg scripts ALTER tables, which is nearly impossible to reverse.

ERROR: DataSet name[/rectype] has been reorganized; you must first run a redefine command

This message can occur during a process or clone command (at data set selection time), if the DBSelect RPC call returns a status indicating that the data set has been reorganized. This situation can occur if you attempt to clone a data set that was defined before the data set was reorganized in DMSII. Simply run a redefine command and (if necessary) a generate command before attempting the clone again.

ERROR: DataSet name's {real_ds_num | virtual_ds_num} column points to an inactive or non-existent structure number

This message only applies when the automate_virtuals parameter is set to True. It indicates that the real_ds_num or virtual_ds_num column for the specified data set points to an inactive or non-existent structure. The proper handling of virtual data sets that get input from more than one real data set requires that all data sets involved have their active columns set to 1. Use a relational database query tool to correct this situation.

ERROR: DataSource name already defined, use redefine command instead - To bypass this check, use the 'u' option for the define command

This message occurs if you attempt to run a define command for a data source that is already defined. It is a protection against inadvertently running a define command when you meant to run a redefine command. If you intended to use a define command, use the -u option on the command line.

ERROR: Day of year value val out of range for item 'name'in table 'name'. {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value,...

This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that the specified day value is incorrect in a MISER or LINC database date or in a Julian date. In the case of LINC or Miser dates, this should never happen. If it does, contact Technical Support. In the case of a Julian date, the value in the DMSII database is in error (for example 400).

This is not a fatal error. The date is stored as NULL or if the item is a key, the record is discarded.

ERROR: Definition of data items for table 'name' failed

This message can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates that a failure occurred while defining the data item for the specified table. For more information on the cause, refer to the messages that preceded this one onscreen or in the log file.

ERROR: Delete of control_tablename entries for datasource failed

This message can occur during a define, redefine, drop, or dropall command. It indicates that the records in the given Client control table could not be deleted. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Delete_all for table 'name' failed

This message indicates that the processing of a DELETE_ALL request failed. This request is used while updating embedded subsets. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file) for more information about why the delete statement failed.

ERROR: Deletion of records from client control tables failed for DataSource name

This message can occur during the define command, it is always preceded by more specific error messages. It is an indication that the define command could not delete the entries that existed in the client control tables. See the database API message that preceded this message for more information.

ERROR: DeSelect for DataSet name[/rectype] ignored, it has no structure index assigned

This message can occur during a process or clone command if the program encounters an internal error when attempting to deselect a data set. This operation is used when the AA values of a data set are invalidated by a DMSII garbage collection reorganization. When a search of the table that contains the selected data sets fails for the data set to be deselected, this message is displayed.

ERROR: DIOPT_Store_as_GUID option only valid for ALPHA(36) items -- option ignored

(SQL Server Client only) This message occurs when you try to set the bit in question for a DMS item that is not an ALPHA(36). Setting this bit causes the client to treat the data as a GUID and setup the column to have a data type of UNIQUEIDENTIFIER.

ERROR: DMSII database timestamp does not match value in control tables, further processing is not possible

The column db_timestamp, which was recently added to the DATASOURCES client control table, holds the DMSII database’s timestamp. This is normally filled in when the data source is defined and is used to make sure that client is using the same database as when the data source was created. If the column is 0, the test is not preformed. The client will update this column in this situation. If you need to bypass this error, simple set the db_timestamp column, which is binary, to all zeroes.

ERROR: DMSII date contains an illegal numeric value val for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value,...

This message indicates that dbutility encountered an illegal numeric value while processing the item which is being interpreted as a DMSII date. This error message applies to both numeric and alpha dates. It can be caused by a number that is longer than 8 digits; a value that contains illegal digits; an incorrect value in the dms_subtype column; or bad DMSII data. This is not a fatal error. The date is stored as NULL or, if the item is a key, the record is discarded.

ERROR: DMSII date/time contains an illegal time value tval for item 'name'in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that the Client encountered an illegal numeric value while processing the item which is being interpreted as a DMSII time. This error message applies to both numeric and alpha times. It can be caused by a number that is longer than 6 digits; a value that contains illegal digits; an incorrect value in the dms_subtype column; or bad DMSII data. This is not a fatal error. The time is stored as NULL or, if the item is a key, the record is discarded.

ERROR: Drop of control table name failed

This message can appear during dbutility configure or dropall commands. It indicates that the drop of the specified Client control table, data table, or data table’s associated stored procedures has failed. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Drop of table 'name' failed

This message can appear during a drop, or a dropall command. It indicates that the drop of the specified data table, or data table’s associated stored procedures, has failed. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Drop of table 'x_name' failed

This error can occur during a reorg command when the parameter use_internal_clone is set to True. It indicates that after the reorg command created a new copy of the table, the attempt to drop of the old table, which was previously renamed, failed.

ERROR: email() masking function is illegal for item 'name' in table 'name' data type = dtype

This error message, which is limited to the SQL Server client, indicates that an attempt was made to mask the specified column using a masking function of "email". This function is only valid for columns whose data type is char or varchar.

ERROR: Embedded DataSet name[/rectype] cannot be selected because its parent structure is not active

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the Client encountered an embedded data set whose parent structure is not selected. Set the active column of the parent structure to 1 in the DATASETS Client control table.

ERROR: Engine did not send BI/AI pair for update to DataSet name[/rectype] which allows key changes - Clear bit 0x1000 in ds_options of DATASETS entry if you wish to ignore this error

This message indicates that the Databridge Engine did not send updates as BI/AI pairs as the Client requested. Clear the bit, which is displayed as a hexadecimal mask. This situation can occur if you have bad user scripts that force the data set to use AA Values or RSNs by improper methods. You should set the DSOPT_Use_AA_Only (0x800) bit in ds_options to do this. If you use the deprecated bit DSOPT_Include_AA (16) and clear the item_key columns you will get this error.


Clearing this bit is inadvisable if the key changes are actually taking place.

ERROR: Execution of script "filename" failed

This message can occur during a reorg command and indicates that the execution of a reorg script failed. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Expected LINK_AI record for DataSet name[/rectype] not received from Server

This message indicates that a Databridge Engine error occurred during the data extraction of a data set that has DMSII links. The data extraction for such data sets consists of CREATE images followed by LINK_AI records. The Client combines these before writing the resulting record to the bulk loader file (or pipe, on UNIX). If a CREATE record is followed by another CREATE record this error is issued. Contact Micro Focus Support in the unlikely event that you get this error.

ERROR: Failed to get SID for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message, which only applies when file security is enabled, indicates that the system call to get the security ID for the given user name failed. Contact Micro Focus Support if you get this error. The Client will revert to using default security when this happens.

ERROR: Fetch of DATATABLES failed

This message can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates that the FETCH of the external table names following the SQL select statement for the DATATABLES Client control table failed. For details, see the relational database API message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file).

ERROR: fgets failed for console input, errno=number (errortext)

(UNIX only) The dbutility console reads the keyboard to get a console command. If you run dbutility as a background run, an attempt to read from the keyboard will result in this error and cause the console thread to terminate. On UNIX, you can use a couple of the kill signals to communicate with the back ground run.

ERROR: File "name" specified in -f option does not exist

This message, which is confined to dbutility, indicates the argument of the –f option is not a valid filename. If you just specify a file name, the program looks for the file in the config directory. If you want to point to a file in any other place you need to specify the fully qualified name of the file.

ERROR: fseek failed for Null Record file, errno=number (errortext)

This error can occur when reading or write the NULL record files. If the error occurs during a process or clone when trying to read the file, you can try running a redefine command with a -R option to rebuild the file. If you get this error during a define or a redefine command, the only recourse you have is to set the parameter read_null_records to False.

ERROR: func masking function parameter contains a decimal point for item 'name' in table 'name' data type = dtype

This error message, which is limited to the SQL Server client, indicates that the validation of the masking parameter string specified in the configuration file failed for the column in question. This could happen for a masking type of “random” applied to a column that has in integer data type or a masking type of “partial” that has 3 argument, two of which are integers.

ERROR: func masking function parameter contains non-numeric characters for item 'name' in table 'name' data type = dtype

This error message, which is limited to the SQL Server client, indicates the validation of the masking parameter string specified in the configuration file failed for the column in question. This is limited to a masking type of “random” which has two numeric parameters.

ERROR: Generation of AA item 'name' in DATAITEMS table failed for 'tabname'

This message can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates that the specified item could not be placed in the DATAITEMS table. The AA Value is the offset of the record in the DMSII data set (that is, its absolute address). The column, which is named my_aa or my_rsn, contains the AA Value or RSN (record serial number) of the record. For more information about the cause of the failure, see the relational database message that precedes this error.

ERROR: Generation of BITOR function failed

The Oracle client uses a BITOR function to perform logical OR operations on the various options column in the control tables. The generate command creates this function when it does not exist. Oracle has a native BITAND function that performs logical AND operations. This message indicates that the creation of the BITOR function failed. For more information about the cause of the failure, see the relational database messages that precede this error.

ERROR: Generation of Client Control Table version entry in DATASOURCES failed

This message can occur during a dbutility configure command or when the control tables are created by the Client Configurator. It indicates that the Client cannot generate the DATASOURCES table entry that holds the version of the Client control tables. For details about this problem, see the relational database messages that precede this error. One possible cause is that the userid does not have the required privileges.

ERROR: Generation of common scripts failed

This message applies to the Databridge Client for Oracle only. It can occur during a generate command, and it indicates that an error occurred while running one of the three common scripts that create or replace stored procedures used by the scripts the program uses to create or drop tables and stored procedures. The stored procedures are named exec_DDL, drop_proc, and drop_table. Try dropping these procedures using SQL*Plus and then rerun the generate command. The OCI messages that precede this error should provide further information as to why this error occurred. The most likely cause for this error is that you do not have the appropriate privileges to perform this operation.

ERROR: Generation of DATASETS entry failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message can occur during the define or redefine command. It indicates that an error occurred while inserting an entry into the Client control table DATASETS for the specified data set name. For more information about the cause of the failure, see the relational database message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file).

ERROR: Generation of DATASETS entry failed for Global_DataSet

This message, which can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates that an error occurred while inserting an entry for Global_DataSet into the DATASETS Client control table. This entry is used for holding the global stateinfo during update processing when the optimize_stateinfo and/or the use_globalstateinfo configuration parameters are enabled. For more information about the cause of the failure, see the relational database message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file).

ERROR: Generation of DATASOURCES entry failed for name

This message can occur during a define or a redefine command. It indicates that the Client could not insert a record into the DATASOURCES Client control table. For more information about the cause of the failure, see the relational database message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file).

ERROR: Generation of external column item 'name' in DATAITEMS table failed for 'tabname'

This message, which can occur during a define or a redefine command, indicates that the Client could not generate the entry for the external column item in the DATAITEMS Client control table. For details, see the relational database message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file).

ERROR: Generation of item name in DMS_ITEMS table failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message can occur during the define or redefine command. It indicates that an error occurred while inserting an entry into the Client control table DMS_ITEMS for the specified item and data set. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Generation of [KEY] item 'name' in DATAITEMS table failed for 'tabname'

This message, which can occur during a define or a redefine command, indicates that the Client could not insert an entry into the DATAITEMS Client control table for the specified item, which s a key in the index for the specified table. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: getcwd failed, errno=number (errortext)

See message "ERROR: chdir failed for directory "*path*", errno=*number* (*errortext*)", as these errors happen under very similar conditions.

ERROR: History table definition failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

The define or redefine command could not create the entry for the history table for the specified data set in the DATATABLES, or it could not create the entries for its columns in the DATAITEMS Client control tables. See the relational database messages that precede this error for more information about what went wrong.

ERROR: History table 'name' does not include a timestamp [or an identity] colum

In order to use history tables, the tables must have a timestamp column to determine the order in which to apply the changes. In the case of the Databridge Client for Microsoft SQL Server, an identity column is equally well suited for this purpose. If the Client finds no such column during a generate command, it displays this error, which causes the generate command to fail. Make sure that you have not set active=0 in DATAITEMS for the columns that the define command automatically creates for history tables.

ERROR: History table 'name' does not include an 'update_type' column

In order to use history tables, the table must have an update type column, which specifies the type of update involved (insert, delete, or update). If the Client finds no such column during a generate command, it displays this error, which causes the generate command to fail. Make sure that you have not set active=0 in DATAITEMS for the columns that the define command automatically creates for history tables.

ERROR: Host password cannot be decoded

This message can occur when the Client reads a text configuration that contains an encoded password that is corrupted, most typically because the file was edited. If this is a text file, replace the password and use dbpwenc or the export command to encode it.

ERROR: Illegal argument for 'g' option

This option is used to pass information from the Client Manager Service (or daemon, on UNIX) to the spawned run. It isn't applicable to dbutility. Call Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Illegal concatenation for items 'name1' and 'name2', resulting column is too large

This error indicates that concatenation is illegal because the resulting column would exceed the maximum length for the corresponding data type.

ERROR: Illegal date value val for item 'name' in table 'name', day set to newday - Keys: columnname = value,...

This message only occurs when the correct_bad_days parameter is set to a non-zero value. It indicates that the DMSII date item contains invalid day values, which the Client is changing to make the date valid. A day value of 0 is changed to 1 with no warnings regardless of the value of the correct_bad_days parameter.

ERROR: Illegal date value val for item 'name' in table 'name', month set to newmonth - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message only occurs when the correct_bad_days parameter is set to 2. It indicates that the DMSII date item contains invalid month values, which the Client is changing to make the date valid.

ERROR: Illegal date value val for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message can occur during the process and clone commands. It indicates that the date extracted from the DMSII data is in error. The most likely causes of this error is bad DMSII data or an incorrect value in the dms_subtype column. This is not a fatal error. The date is stored as NULL or, if the item is a key, the record is discarded.

ERROR: Illegal date value val for item 'name' in table 'name', value of year out of range, {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message can occur during a process or a clone command. It indicates that the year portion of the date is invalid for the relational database data type. The year portion of an item with a SQL type of smalldatetime is limited to the range 1900–2079. Similarly, the year portion of an item of SQL type of datetime is limited to the range 1753–9999. The data types of date and datetime2 that were introduced in SQL Server 2008 have a range of 0001-9999. If you are dealing with a SQL type of smalldatetime consider changing it to datetime instead.

To make the client use these data types (instead of smalldatetime and datetime) in SQL Server, set the parameters use_date and use_datetime2 to True in the Client configuration file. No additional customization is needed.

The program recognizes a MISER date of 99999 as a special date used by MISER systems and stores it as 6/6/2079 when the SQL type is smalldatetime and 12/31/9999 when the SQL type is datetime. This is not a fatal error. The date is stored as NULL or, if the item is a key, the record is discarded.

ERROR: Illegal dms_subtype number for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that a member of a DMSII date GROUP has a dms_subtype value that is not 1, 2, 3, or 4. Note that the only acceptable DMSII GROUPs are those with 2 or 3 numeric items. DMSII date groups are set up by setting the DIOPT_Clone_as_Date (2) option in the di_options column of the DMS_ITEMS entry for the group, followed by the setting of the dms_subtype columns for the members of the group.

This message can also indicate that a DMSII item with a data type of REAL marked as to cloned as date, has an illegal dms_subtype value. For a complete list of the valid dms_subtype values for dates refer to the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Illegal hex character 'char' found in encoded string

This message can occur when the Client tries to decode passwords when reading the configuration file at the start of a run. Passwords are always encoded in binary configuration files. Password encoding is optional in text-based configuration files and can be done with the export command or the dbpwenc utility.

ERROR: Illegal month name mmm for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that the Client encountered an illegal month name while processing a DMSII ALPHA date. If the month names are not in English, you need to use the months specification in the configuration file. This is not a fatal error. The date is stored as NULL or, if the item is a key, the record is discarded after it is written to the corresponding file in the discards subdirectory.

ERROR: Illegal numeric data (value) for field name[number] in archive file

This error can occur during a reload command. If you did not modify the file, report the error to Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Illegal [numeric] time value number for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that the Client encountered an illegal numeric time value while processing the item which is being interpreted as a TIME(1). This is not a fatal error and is most likely caused by bad DMSII data. The date is stored as NULL or, if the item is a key, the record is discarded.

ERROR: Illegal numeric value specified for {count | length}

This error can occur during a tcptest command if an illegal numeric value is specified for the count or length parameter of the command. A value that causes the count to go negative also results in this error. Do not use extremely large values for the count, as this would make the test run for a very long time using up a lot of mainframe CPU time.

ERROR: Illegal numeric value specified for 'F' option argument

The argument of the /F option for the Client is an audit file number, which must be in the range of 1 to 9999.

ERROR: Illegal numeric value specified for port

This message can occur during the scanning of the port number from the command line argument for a define command. It indicates that the specified port number is not syntactically correct.

For example, “dbutility define 12,5” would generate this message because it is not a syntactically correct number. An example of correct syntax is the following:

dbutility define 1255

ERROR: Illegal numeric value specified for -t option argument

This message can occur during the scanning of the -t command-line option, which has a numeric argument. It indicates that the specified argument is not syntactically correct. You can specify the trace mask as a decimal number or a hexadecimal number which must be prefixed with “0x”.

ERROR: Illegal numeric value specified for 'V' option argument

The -V option is used with the dbutility unload command to specify the control table version. When you upgrade, the dbfixup program creates control tables that are readable by the client from which you are upgrading. This allows you to safely reload these control tables and use the previous version if you experience a problem.

ERROR: Illegal operator nnn in filter for table 'name'

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter present for the given table. It indicates that the binary filter file dbfilter.cfg is malformed. Try recompiling the binary filter by using the import command of the makefilter utility to get a fresh copy of the binary filter. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Illegal string

This message can occur while processing text configuration files or the UNIX globalprofile.ini file. It indicates that an illegal string value was entered into the configuration file for a parameter whose argument is a quoted string. This message is always followed by a second error message that lists the input record.

In the case of Windows, the most common cause of this error involves the use of back slashes in file names. You must enter a back slash as two back slashes because the first is interpreted as a force character. Failure to do this results in this error.

ERROR: Illegal update type dd for table 'name'

This internal message only occurs when the aux_stmts configuration parameter is set to a nonzero value. It can occur during the process or clone command, and indicates that the section of code that generates the SQL statement for an update encountered an undefined update type.

ERROR: Improper section header in configuration file line: input_text

This message, which can occur when a text configuration file is being processed, indicates that section header is not defined or is not formatted using the following syntax:


ERROR: Improper test with NULL only legal operations are "=" and "!="

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter present for the given table. It indicates that the binary filter file "dbfilter.cfg" contains a bad test that has a second operand of NULL. You can only test for equality (=) or inequality (!= or <>) with NULL. Examine your filter source file, correct the error and try recompiling the binary filter by using the import command of the makefilter utility to get a fresh copy of the binary filter. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Technical Support. Under normal circumstances makefilter should be flagging the filter statement as being in error; this situation is not expected to ever happen.

ERROR: Incomplete script file "name", missing '/***/'

This message can occur during a process or a clone operation, while running a script to create a data table. It indicates that the script file script.create.*tabname* was not created correctly or is corrupt. First, check that an error did not occur during the last generate command. If the script file is corrupt, run the generate command again to create a new script file. You will need to use the -u option to force it to generate new scripts.

ERROR: Index creation failed for control table name

This message can occur during a dbutility configure command or when the control tables are created by the Console or the Client Configurator. It indicates that an error occurred while creating the index for the specified Client control table. See the relational database message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Index creation failed for history table 'name'

This message, which can occur during a reorg command, indicates that the command was unable to create the index for the given history table. See the database API error messages that precede this error message to determine why the creation of the index for this empty table failed.

ERROR: Index creation failed for table 'name'

This message, which can occur during a reorg command, indicates that the command was unable to re-create the index for the given table. The reorg command typically will drop the index for a table before altering it, when a column that is a member of the index is involved in the alter command. The command also drops and recreates the index for table whose index type is changed (for example, a unique index is changed to a primary key). See the database API error messages that precede this error message to determine why the creation of the index for this empty table failed.

ERROR: Index thread failure, creating index directly

This message, which is limited to UNIX clients, indicates that the attempt to create the index thread failed. When this occurs, the main thread creates the index instead. If this error persists, refer to the thread creation error to determine why it is failing.

ERROR: Insufficient temporary value entries -- contact Micro Focus support

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter present for the given table. It indicates that the filter you are using is too complex for the program to handle. Contact Micro Focus Technical Support to get a new version of the makefilter utility that has a larger temporary value array. Alternatively you may want to consider simplifying your filter statement.

ERROR: Internal error, undefined column type number for columnname encountered in Process_Archive_Record()

This message indicates an internal error in the reload command. Contact Micro Focus Technical Support unless you modified the archive file.

ERROR: Invalid boolean argument specified for {sched | verbose} command

The command entered in the command-line console contains an invalid Boolean argument. A Boolean argument is of the form {yes | no} or {true | false}. This applies to the sched and verbose commands.

ERROR: Invalid concatenation for item 'colname' in table 'tabname'

The client only supports concatenation of two ALPHA items or two unsigned NUMBER items. You can also use a NUMBER item that is cloned as ALPHA in place of an ALPHA item, or an ALPHA item that is cloned as a NUMBER in place of a numeric item. Any other combination results in this error message being displayed by the define and redefine commands.

ERROR: Invalid database update type number received

This message can occur during a process or a clone command. It indicates that the Databridge host software returned an undefined update type (for example, an update type that is not CREATE, DELETE, MODIFY, STATE, MODIFY_BI, MODIFY_AI, LINK_AI, DELETE_ALL or DOC). To get more information on this message, you must get a trace of DBServer communications (-t 0x45) and send the trace to Micro Focus Technical Support.


An alternative is to turn off cloning (set active column to 0) for the offending data set.

ERROR: Invalid length specification for datatype 'name' in external column 'colname'

This message, which occurs when text-based configuration files are being processed, indicates that the sql_length specification in the given external_column parameter is invalid for the corresponding data type.

ERROR: Invalid SQL type 'name' for external column 'colname'

This message, which occurs when text configuration files are being processed, indicates that the parameter sql_type in the given external_column specification is invalid.

ERROR: Invalid stop_time or end_stop_time value dddd, dddd, values set to 0

This message can occur during a process or clone command if the controlled_execution configuration parameter is enabled. It indicates that the program detected an error in the values of the stop_time and end_stop_time columns it read from the DATASOURCES client control table. These values are integers that represent a time of a day using 24-hour time (hh:mm format). If the value hh is not in the range 0:24 and mm is not in the range 0:59, both entries are set to 0 and this error appears.

ERROR: Invalid structure index number received

This message indicates a problem on the host. In this case, the Databridge Engine is sending a DMSII structure index number that is invalid (for example, a structure index number less than 0). Structure indexes are assigned when the Client sends DB_Select requests to the Engine for each data set that is to receive updates or extracts at the start of a process or clone command. This index is used to associate DMSII records with the data set they belong to. A structure index of 0 is only used for STATE records, it indicates that the information applies to all selected data sets (that must all have a ds_mode of 2). To get more information on this message, you must trace DBServer communications (-t 0x45) and send the trace to Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Invalid value nnn for dms_concat_num column in DATAITEMS for table 'tabname' item 'colname'

This message indicates that the Client detected a bad item number in the dms_concat_num column. While this error can occur during any Client command, it typically happens when loading the control tables. The most likely cause of this error is from a non-existent item number in the dms_concat_num column. After a DMSII reorganization or when changes occur in GenFormat, DMS items numbers can change. If you use hard-coded numbers in your user scripts, you many end up concatenating different columns than the ones you originally specified. Use subqueries in your user scripts instead of hard-coded numbers.

Fix your user script and force a redefine command to make the change take effect. Setstatus_bitsto 8 for the data set in question or use the-Roption for theredefine` command.

ERROR: IO errors in writing {bcp format | sqlldr control | script} file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message can occur during a generate or createscripts command. It indicates that an error occurred while writing to the specified file. The system error message errortext should give you a handle on why this error occurred.

ERROR: IO errors in writing file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This error message, which can occur during an unload command, indicates that an error occurred while writing a record to the archive file whose name appears in the message. The system error should explain the cause of the problem.

ERROR: It is illegal to change the keys for a DataSet when it is using a DMSII SET for the index

The Client Configurator currently does not support changing the values of item_key in DMS_ITEMS for data sets that are using a DMSII SET as the source for the index.

ERROR: Item 'name' (dms_item_type = number) cannot be cloned

This message, which typically should not occur, is an indication that the specified dms_item_type column contains a value that the program cannot deal with. If you happen to have a DATAITEMS entry whose type is GROUP (29), attempting to set the active column to 1 results in this error, unless the sql_type of the item is set to date.

ERROR: Item 'name' in control table name has an illegal sql_type of nnn

This message, which is not likely to be seen, indicates that when attempting to set up the host variables for updating a control table a column with an invalid SQL data type code was encountered.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' cannot be cloned as three booleans

The program clones DMSII NUMBER(1) items as a field of three Booleans when the DIOPT_Clone_as_Tribit bit (16) in the di_options column of DMS_ITEMS is enabled. If you try to use this option with a DMSII NUMBER whose length is not 1 you get this error.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' cannot be cloned using a TIME data type, {record will be discarded | time set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message occurs if you try to clone a DMSII TIME(12), represented by a dms_subtype value of 4, as a SQL Server TIME data type. Use a numeric time instead, as this is not supported.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' cannot be flattened to a string result is too long

This message only occurs when you try to flatten a single item with an OCCURS clause to a string. It indicates that the resulting column is too long for a char or varchar data type. You need to consider other ways of dealing with this particular OCCURS clause.

ERROR: Item 'name' (type nnn) cannot be tested for NULL as it is not nullable in DMSII

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter present for the given table. It indicates that the binary filter file "dbfilter.cfg" contains a test for NULL for an item that is not nullable in DMSII. You need to rewrite the filter statement for this table, as what you are trying will not yield the results expected.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' is not an unsigned NUMBER or an ALPHA item, flattening to a string is not supported

This message only occurs when you try to flatten a single item with an OCCURS clause to a string. It indicates that the item is not an unsigned NUMBER or an ALPHA item, which are the only two data types for which flattening to a string is supported.

ERROR: Item name in DataSet name[/rectype] points to a non-existent or inactive DataSet (strnum=nnn)

This message only applies when the configuration parameter enable_dms_links is enabled. It indicates that the specified item points to a non-existent or inactive data set. This situation is clearly an error, as the link must point to a valid table. You must either set the active column to 0 in the DMS_ITEMS table for the link in question, or set the active column to 1 in the DATASETS table for the target data set of the link.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' contains an illegal numeric value val, {record will be discarded | date set to NULL | time set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that the Client encountered an invalid number. The program recognizes numbers that have all their digits set to 0xF to be NULLS; any other number that has a value that is not 0–9 in any digit position except for the sign is treated as bad. A bad number is stored as NULL unless the item is a key, in which case the record is discarded. Note that if the DAOPT_Allow_Nulls bit (1) in the da_options column of DATAITEMS is not set, the number is stored as all nines (9) or all zeros (0), depending on the setting of the configuration parameter null_digit_value.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' contains an invalid time value hh:mm:ss, {record will be discarded | time set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates that the Client detected an invalid time value while processing a DMSII item as a time value. This error can occur when the DMSII data is bad or when the item is not an actual DMSII time. For details on interpreting DMSII items as time values, see "DMSII Times" in Chapter 2 of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' has an illegal {dms_item_type | dms_subtype} value of nnn

This message, which can occur during a createscripts command indicates that the item in question is in error. This is the result of bad user scripts. You need to fix this before proceeding any further, as it will cause the Client to fail.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' points to non-existent DMS item numbered nnn

This message, which can occur during a createscripts command indicates that the item in question is in error. This is the result of bad user scripts. The most likely cause of this error is that the item number in the dms_concat_num column does not exist. You need to fix this before proceeding any further, as it will cause the client to fail.

ERROR: Item 'name' in table 'name' which is a member of a date group is not an integer value, {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message appears when you have defined sql_type to a date data type and dms_subtype to 1, 2, 3, or 4, but there is a non--numeric member in the DMSII GROUP. The DMSII date GROUP can contain only numeric fields that must be appropriately identified as year, month, and day. For more information on setting the dms_subtype column for dates, see Chapter 2 in the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Last Database Error = number

This message is printed when a SQL error occurs while processing updates. This message is followed by the actual SQL statement that provoked the error.

ERROR: Load of Databridge control tables failed

This message can occur during any Client command except for dbutility configure, refresh, runscript, and tcptest. It indicates that an error occurred while reading the client control tables. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Log file prefix is too long, maximum allowable length is 20, value truncated

You can specify a prefix for the Client log files in the Client configuration file, however this prefix is limited to 20 characters. If you use a longer prefix, you get this error. The default prefix is “db”. We recommend using the data source name as the prefix, when you have more than one data source.

ERROR: Logswitch command failed

The log switch command, which can be issued from the Console, closes the current log file and open a new one with a different name. See the error messages that precede this message in the log file to see why the command failed.

ERROR: Mask type value nn out of range

(SQL Server Client only) This message indicates that the masking type, which resides in the low 8-bits of the masking_info column of the DATAITEMS table has a value that is not in the range 0 to 4. It is an indication that you have a bad user script.

ERROR: Masking function 'func' does not support parameters, masking string ignored

(SQL Server Client only) This message indicates the masking type, which resides in the low 8-bits of the masking_info column of the DATAITEMS table does not have parameters. This includes the “default” and “email” masking functions. Zero the rest of the entry to fix this problem, which is caused by a bad user script.

ERROR: Maximum bcp errors threshold exceeded for table 'tabname', load aborted

(SQL Server Client only) This message indicates that the table in question has gotten more discards than the value specified while issuing bcp_sendrow calls into the BCP API. At this point the client will close off the bcp connection and silently discard any additional records received for this table, which will end up needing to be recloned.

ERROR: Merge of neighboring items only valid for ALPHA and unsigned NUMBER - unable to merge items 'name1' & 'name2'

The Client merges two neighboring items of like type to form a bigger item when the di_options bit DIOPT_MergeNeighbors (0x1000000) is set in the DMS_ITEMS table entry for the first item. This feature is only supported for items of type ALPHA or unsigned NUMBER. If you try to merge any other type of items you get this error.

ERROR: Mismatched AFN values for reorganized DataSets: 'name1' AFN = afn1 and 'name2' AFN = afn2

This message, which can occur during a redefine command, indicates that not all the data sets to be reorganized have the same AFN value in their stateinfo. Most likely, the value of the active column changed for one of the data sets.

ERROR: Missing END operator in filter for table 'name'

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter present for the given table. It indicates that the binary filter file "dbfilter.cfg" contains a filter that does not end in an END operator. This indicates that an internal error occurred in the makefilter utility that should never happen; contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Missing entry points in DLL "name"

(SQL Server Client only) When using the BCP API, the Databridge Client loads the ODBC DLL and sets ups a table of addresses through which it makes the BCP API calls. This allows the Client to work with the version of the ODBC DLL that supports the features needed. Microsoft includes the SQL Server version number in the DLL name, so we can link the DLL, as its name changes with every version of the ODBC driver.

This message indicates that one of the BCP API entry points that we need is not present in the ODBC driver being used.

ERROR: Missing length specification for SQL type sql_type (nn) in external column 'colname'

This error, which can occur during text configuration file processing, indicates that the sql_length specification for the given external_column parameter is invalid.

ERROR: name command requires a {boolean | decimal numeric | valid | valid numeric | valid string} argument

This message is a response to bad input from the dbutility command-line console for a command, which requires the given type of argument. Boolean arguments can be True or False (or “T” or “F”). Decimal arguments cannot be entered as hexadecimal values. Numeric values can be decimal or hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers must be prefixed by “0x”. String argument are typically text and optionally enclosed in double quotation marks. You must use double quotation marks when the data contains a non-alphanumeric character

ERROR: Name 'name' is not a valid {user | group} name

This message, which only applies when file security is enabled, indicates that the system call to get the security ID for userid or a group name failed. The client uses this call to determine if the user is allowed to run the client and when setting the ACL for a file or directory it creates. If you need to change the file security settings for the client, use the “setfilesecurity” program for this. Do not use regedit.

ERROR: No active structures were found

This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that no data sets are selected for cloning or updating. In other words, the active columns in the DATASETS client control table are set to 0 (cloning off). This situation could occur when you use a SQL statement to change the value for the active column, but you do not use a WHERE clause.

ERROR: No configuration file name specified as an argument to the 'f' option

This message indicates that the -f option is not followed by a file specification. You cannot specify a null configuration file by omitting the parameter for the -f option.

ERROR: No data received from {DBServer | DBEnterprise Server} for nnn minutes, aborting client

This message is displayed when the parameter max_srv_idle_time is set to a non-zero value. It indicates that no data was received from the server for the specified amount of time and the client is about to stop. The client will exit with an exit code of 2059 after resetting the connection to the server. When using the service, the service will attempt to restart the client after a brief delay.

ERROR: No item with dms_subtype set to 254 was found in table 'name'

This message will only occur when you replicate DMSII embedded subsets using virtual data sets. It indicates that the virtual data set is not properly defined. A value of 254 in the dms_subtype column of the item is used to indicate that the item is a parent key (that is, it contains the AA Value of the parent item). The virtual data set in question thus implements the embedded subset.

ERROR: Non-link item 'name' in table 'tabname' cannot follow link items, command aborted

When using DMSII links, the Client requires that all links be placed at the end of the table. Adding non-DMSII columns to the end of the table results in this error. To rectify this problem, you need to change the value of the item_number columns of the links in DATAITEMS so that they land after all non-link items.

ERROR: Null Record file does not contain an entry for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that the null record entry for the specified data set is missing from the file. The most common cause of this error is enabling the configuration parameter read_null_records for a data source that was already replicated. To rectify this problem, run a redefine command with the -R option to rebuild the null record file.

ERROR: Null Record file "*datasource*_NullRec.dat" is corrupt

This message, which can occur during the define and redefine commands, indicates that the specified file is corrupt because the Client could not locate a record that is supposed to be in the file. To rectify this problem, re-run the redefine command with the -R option to rebuild the null record file.


If you reload the Client control tables from the unload file that the command creates and rerun the command, you will most likely get this message, which you can safely ignore.

ERROR: Old masking string is not applicable to masking function 'func'

(SQL Server Client only) When you use the Client Configurator to setup the masking string, it manages the string in conjunction with the client (DBClntCfgServer). If you change the masking type and keep the old masking string index, you will end up getting this message. To fix this, replace the masking string or make it be empty. The client will remove unused strings and it will reuse entries that are already present.

ERROR: Open failed for archive file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This error, which can occur during a Client reload command or a DBClntCfgServer configure command that drives the Client Configurator. It indicates that the program got a system error when trying got open the archive file.

ERROR: Open failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message can occur during any command that attempts to open a new file for write. The included system error should explain the cause of the problem. In order to implement file security on Windows, all such file opens use common code that creates the file using the Windows library CreateFile procedure, which allows a DACL that defines the file security to be supplied. Once the file is created with the proper security we close it and reopen using ANSI C library procedures, you will get this error in the unlikely situation where the fopen or open call fails. In the case of UNIX clients all such file open operations go through common code that displays this message in case of error.

ERROR: Open failed for filter file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter file "dbfilter.cfg" present in the config subdirectory for the data source. It indicates that the attempt to open the filter file for read failed. The provided system error number and its associated test string should provide you with some clues about why this error occurred. You can try deleting the binary filter file and rerunning the makefilter import command to recreate the file.

ERROR: Open failed for global configuration file "/etc/Micro Focus/Databridge/6.6/ globalprofile.ini"

In order to be able to run UNIX clients you must first create the file /etc/Attachmate/ DATABridge/6.6/globalprofile.ini. This file serves the same purpose as the Windows registry for the Client. It defines the directories where the software was installed and the global working directory where the client lock files are created in the locks subdirectory. This file also defines the userid under which the daemon is to be run. If you do not create this file, the Client will display this error and exit.

ERROR: Open failed for Null Record file "name" failed, errno=number (errortext)

This message indicates that the Client failed to open the file datasource_NullRec.dat. The most common cause of this error is enabling the configuration parameter read_null_records for a data source that was already replicated. To rectify this problem, run a redefine command with the -R option to rebuild the null record file.

ERROR: Open failed for pipe for shell "filename", errno=number (errortext)

This message, which applies to UNIX, can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that the program could not open the shell script file which launches the SQL*Loader. The included system error should explain the cause of the problem.

ERROR: Open failed for script file "name", errno=number (errortext)

 Example: "ERROR: Open failed for script file "name", errno=2, (No such file or directory)"

This message can occur during a process, clone, generate, refresh, runscript or createscripts command. It indicates that the Client cannot find or open the specified script file. This error typically occurs if the dbscripts sub-directory does not contain the scripts or the user_scripts_dir parameter is not properly set up. Make sure that your scripts are in the directories where they are expected to be (dbscripts or scripts) for this data source and that you have not inadvertently deleted any script files. If you ran a createscripts command before the error occurred, the user_script_dir parameter may point to a nonexistent directory.

ERROR: Open_Stmt failed for thread[nn]

This error, which is limited to multi-threaded updates, is usually caused by an SQL error while creating the STMT. An STMT is a data structure that is used to execute pre-parsed SQL statements using host variables to pass the data. It could also be the result of memory allocation error. See the preceding error message for details about the problem.

ERROR: Operand stack {overflow | underflow}-- contact Micro Focus support

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter file "dbfilter.cfg" present in the config subdirectory for the data source. It indicates that an internal error has occurred while executing the filter pseudo-code. Try to recreate the filter using the makefiler utility and if that fails contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Operands for logical operator {AND | OR} are not both boolean values

This message is an internal error that only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter file "dbfilter.cfg" present in the config subdirectory for the data source. It indicates that the operands for an "AND" or "OR" operation are not both boolean values. Examine the filter source file "dbfilter.txt" to see if you can see something wrong with the filter statement for the given table. If you can see the problem, fix the statement and recompile the filter using the makefiler utility. If that fails or you cannot see anything wrong with the filter command, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Parent DataSet for table number nnn referenced in filter does not have the ds_options "DSOPT_FilteredTable" bit set - Run the makefilter utility to create a new filter file that is current

This message is an internal error that only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter file "dbfilter.cfg" present in the config subdirectory for the data source. It indicates the binary filter and the Client control tables are not in sync. Try recreating the filter by either running the makefilter utility's import command or run a redefine command with the -R option (Redefine All) to try to remedy this situation. This situation should never occur, as whenever you run a redefine command or you run the Client Configurator makefilter is automatically launched. However, you need to pay attention to the cases where the program is unable to compile the filter due to errors in the filter's source file. Look in the makefilter log file to determine why the compile failed.

ERROR: Parser table in error

This is an internal error indicating that the parser table for the Windows console command is in error. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care if you get this error.

ERROR: Partial load failed for table 'name' using sql*loader - see file "sqlld.tablename.log" for more information

This message applies to Oracle (Windows). It can occur when SQL*Loader stops processing during a segmented load of a table. The amount of the segmented load is determined by your setting for max_temp_storage.

ERROR: partial() masking function for item 'name' in table 'name' data type = dtype requires three parameters

(SQL Server Client only) When you specify a partial masking function for a column it must have three comma separated parameters; a numeric prefix, a text padding, and a numeric suffix. The prefix and the suffix specify the number of characters to expose at the start and the end of the string, while the padding replaces the remaining characters. This error indicates that the masking string you created does meet these specifications.

ERROR: partial() masking function is illegal for item 'name' in table 'name' data type = dtype

(SQL Server Client only) This error indicates that you are trying to use the partial masking function for a column whose data type is not char or varchar.

ERROR: Pass1 of two pass modify failed (return code = ddd)

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command, indicates that an error occurred while processing an update for an item with an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause. The value of the item pointed to by the OCCURS DEPENDING ON changed. The Client updates the rows that remain in the table and then inserts new rows or deletes rows that no longer exist from the OCCURS table. The following values indicate the status of updating the tables, and the Client handles them appropriately:

  • 6 - rows to insert
  • 7 - rows to delete
  • 8 - one of the updates found no matching rows

If any other value is returned, it is probably an internal error or some other error that caused the Client to return an unexpected status. Contact Micro Focus Technical Support if this error is not caused by another error during the process of updating the table.

ERROR: Prepare failed for SQL statement: sql_stmt

This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that an error occurred while parsing a SQL statement used to call stored procedures for updating data or control tables. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Processing of configuration file "name" failed

This message occurs any time the Client finds an error in the text-based configuration file that causes it to terminate.

ERROR: Program terminating, due to bulk loader failure

This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that there was a bulk loader failure during data extraction and that the Client is terminating. When you set the verify_bulk_load parameter to True, a bulk loader error causes the client to abort the clone. This avoids having to extract all the data for a data set, only to find out that the bulk loader count verification failed, which causes the client to eventually abort.

ERROR: Program terminating, error occurred in a worker thread

This message indicates that a fatal error occurred in an Update Worker thread causing the program to terminate. This message is displayed by the main thread once it realizes that such an error has occurred. To determine what's causing the problem in the Update Worker thread, look for the additional error messages in the log file.

ERROR: pthread_create failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(UNIX) This error indicates that the system could not create the specified thread. The Index Creator Thread creates indexes for tables whose data extraction completes successfully. The Watchdog Thread performs periodic checks for things such as lack of response from the server. When using multi-threaded updates, several Update Worker Threads are responsible for executing SQL.

This is an internal error that should never occur. It is an indication that the system might be low on resources.

ERROR: pthread_mutex_init failed for 'name', errno=error (errortext)

(UNIX) This error is indicates that the initialization of a mutex in question failed. It is an internal occur that should never occur.

ERROR: QueryPerformanceCounter failed, error=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This is an internal error that indicates that the client was unable to get information about the granularity of the external clock that we use to collect time statistics. Contact Micro Focus support if you get this error. The only time you could legitimately get this error is if you are using ancient hardware that does not have an external clock.

ERROR: quit after command requires an audit file number in the range 0 to 9999

This message can occur during a process or clone command and indicates that the AFN for the QUIT command is invalid.

ERROR: quit command not in the form: "QUIT {AT hh:mm | AFTER nnnn}"

This message indicates that there is a syntax error in the dbutility console QUIT command issued by the operator.

ERROR: random() masking function is illegal for item 'name' in table 'name' data type = dtype

(SQL Server Client only) This error indicates that you are trying to use the random masking function for a column whose data type is not a numeric value (for example int or decimal).

ERROR: Read failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message, which only displays on the screen, indicates that the log descriptor file log.cfg could not be read. This file is a tiny binary file used by the client to keep track of the log file name. If the error persists simply delete this file and let the client create a new one. The most likely source of this error is file ownership conflicts between the command-line client and the service. See the system error in this message for more information about why this error occurred.

ERROR: Read failed for Null Record file, errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a process, clone, or redefine command, indicates that an I/O error occurred while reading the null record file. To rectify this problem, try running a redefine command with the -R option to rebuild the null record file.

ERROR: Read failed for trace descriptor file "name", errno=number (errortext)

The trace descriptor file trace.cfg is a tiny binary file used by the client to keep track of the trace file name. If the error persists simply delete this file and let the client create a new one. The most like source of this error is file ownership conflicts between the command-line client and the service. See the system error in this message for more information about why this error occurred.

ERROR: ReadFile failed for console, error = number

This message indicates that the Console thread for the Windows Client received a read error while reading keyboard input. You typically get this error message when the Client is terminated by pressing Ctrl+C.

ERROR: Real data set link for data set name[/rectype] is NULL, make sure that automate_virtuals is true

In a MISER database, user scripts create a pointer that links the virtual data sets and the real data sets from which they are derived using the virtual_ds_num, real_ds_num and real_ds_rectype columns in the DATASETS Client control table. If the configuration parameter automate_virtuals is not enabled, this pointer is not set up and executing a createscripts command returns this message.

ERROR: Received invalid structure index for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that DBServer returned a negative structure index in the response packet for a DB_Select RPC call. When this occurs, set the active column to 0 in the DATASETS table for the specified data set and try again. If this error continues, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Refresh command failed

This message indicates that dbfixup set a bit in the data source's status_bits column to indicate that there are OCCURS tables present. Upon seeing this bit a process or clone command initiates a refresh command to get the stored procedures z_tablename created. These stored procedures are used to speed up delete operations for such tables. Rather than deleting the rows of secondary table for a given key one by one, we delete them all in a single SQL statement using this stored procedure. This message indicates that the launched command failed, look at the client log file for clues as to why the command failed.

ERROR: Refresh of stored procedures failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during a reorg command, indicates that the Client was unable to drop and recreate the three stored update procedures that are associated with the tables for the data set. See the preceding SQL error to figure out what causes the error.

ERROR: ReleaseSemaphore failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a process or clone command for Windows Clients, indicates that an error occurred while attempting to post the semaphore (either the bcp_work_semaphore or the index_work_semaphore, which pass work items to the corresponding threads during the data extraction phase). This is a system error which should not occur under normal circumstances. Reboot Windows.

ERROR: Resequencing DATAITEMS table entries failed for 'itemname' of table 'tabname'

The define and redefine commands resequence DMSII links to always appear at the end of data tables. This happens because, during data extraction, data for the links is received as a separate record and must be added to the previous record that contained the data part of the data set record. This message indicates that a SQL error occurred during the resequencing. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: RPC response length of dddddd (0xhhhhhhhh) is too large

This message, which is very unlikely to occur, indicates that an RPC response packet has a bad length word. All RPC responses are preceded by a 4-byte length. This error indicates that the message is too long to be valid. In the unlikely event that you get this error, simply restart the client. If you still get the error, call Micro Focus Support.

ERROR: Script generation failed

This message can occur during a generate command. It indicates that the scripts could not be generated. Typically, this message is preceded by other more explanatory messages.

ERROR: Scripts for DataSet name[/rectype] are not current; you must first run a generate command

This message, which can occur at the start of a process or clone command, indicates that the program believes that you need to run a generate command. The DS_Needs_Generating bit of the status_bits column of the DATASETS entry is used to keep track of this. As stated, run a generate command before going any further.

ERROR: Scripts must reside within the global Databridge Client working directory

This error, which can only occur when file security is enabled, indicates that the user scripts are not in a subdirectory of the client working directory. You need to place your scripts either in the scripts subdirectory of the data source’s working directory or in a subdirectory of the Client working directory when these scripts are shared among various data sources (in this case you could name this directory “userscripts”).

ERROR: Select of DATATABLES failed

This message can occur during a define or redefine command. It indicates that the SQL SELECT statement used to get the external table names from the client control table DATATABLES failed. See the relational database API message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: sem_init failed for 'name', error=number (errortext)

(UNIX) This error is indicates that the initialization of a semaphore failed. The Client uses several semaphores to synchronize activities between the various threads. This is an internal occur that should never occur, unless the system is low on resources.

ERROR: Send_DS_Added_Msg() failed

This is an internal error that indicates that the Client was unable to send an IPC message to the service for forwarding to the Console. The most common cause of the error would be a network error.

ERROR: Send_DS_Deleted_Msg() failed

This is an internal error that indicates that the Client was unable to send an IPC message to the service for forwarding to the Console. The most common cause of the error would be a network error.

ERROR: Send_DS_Mode_Chg_Msg() failed

This is an internal error that indicates that the Client was unable to send an IPC message to the service for forwarding to the Console. The most common cause of the error would be a network error.

ERROR: Send_IPC_Message() failed

This is an internal error that indicates that the Client was unable to send an IPC message to the service for forwarding to the Console. The most common cause of the error would be a network error.

ERROR: Send_IPC_Response() failed

This is an internal error that indicates that the Client was unable to send an IPC message to the service for forwarding to the Console. The most common cause of the error would be a network error.


This message applies to the Client for Microsoft SQL Server. It indicates that the attempt to override the database servers default date format was not successful. See the ODBC message that precedes this message (onscreen or in the log file) for more information.

ERROR: Set of nocount off failed

This message applies to the Client for Microsoft SQL Server. It can occur when you first start the Client and it indicates that the attempt to enable row counts by execution the SQL statement SET NOCOUNT OFF failed.

ERROR: SetEntriesInAcl() returned number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message can occur when the Client tries to create an ACL that is uses to create a file or a directory. It indicates that the Windows procedure, which converts of an array of security entries into an ACL, failed. The accompanying error number and error text should help determine what is causing this problem. The most likely source of this error is that the user id under which the Client is running does not have the proper permissions to be able to create an ACL. You may want to temporarily revert to using the default security, until you get this problem resolved.

ERROR: SHCreateDirectoryEx failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

(Windows only) This message can occur when the command-line client tries to create the working directory and the operation fails. The accompanying error number and error text should help determine what is causing this problem. The most likely source of this error is that the user id under which dbutility is running does not have the proper permissions to be able to create the working directory.

ERROR: Source record missing in unload file "name"

This message, which can occur during a DBClntCfgServer configure command (which is not the same as a dbutility configure command), indicates that the unload file that is being used to hold the backup copy of the client control tables does not have a source record ( S, …) immediately following the version record (V, …). It is an indication that the unload file is corrupt. If you haven't modified this file, contact Micro Focus Technical support.

ERROR: sp_recompile failed for table 'name'

This message applies to Microsoft SQL Server. It can occur during a process or clone command after an index for a table is created. The sp_recompile stored procedure informs the relational database that all the procedures associated with the table should be recompiled at the next execution. This ensures that the query plans associated with the tables use the index that was just created.

ERROR: SQL operation [for table 'name'] timed out (elapsed time eee, incident # nn), aborting query

This message is returned by the watchdog timer thread when the client wait time for a SQL operation to complete reaches the secondary threshold specified of the parameter sql_exec_timeout. (A value of 0 disables this timeout.)

If the table name is known to the client, it is included in the message. The value eee is expressed in the appropriate units based on its value (e.g., 15 minutes). The value nn is a thread specific counter that is used to make it easy to see if this is a new problem or a repeat warning for an existing hang. When this situation occurs the client stops with an exit code of 2058.

ERROR: SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV) failed

This error, which can occur with any ODBC or CLI clients, indicates that the ODBC SQLAllocHandle call for the environment handle failed. Check the preceding ODBC error message for more information about the reason for the failure. This error should only occur if the system is totally out of memory.

ERROR: SQLGetDiagRec returned error_name

This message, which can occur in ODBC and CLI clients, indicates that an error occurred while attempting to retrieve an ODBC error. The string error_name is one of the following: "SQL_INVALID_HANDLE", "SQL_STILL_EXECUTING", "SQL_NEED_DATA", "SQL_ERROR", "SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO", "SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND" or "Unknown Error(nnn)". Contact Micro Focus Technical Support if you get this error.

ERROR: SQLLoader control file entry for item 'name' (dms_item_type = tt*) cannot be generated

This message, which applies to the Client for Oracle, can occur during the generate command when creating the SQL*Loader control file. If an item whose dms_item_type column contains an illegal value is encountered, the program displays this error. This message originates from exactly the same conditions as the message “ERROR: Item *'name'* (dms_item_type = number) cannot be cloned,” which can occur during a process or clone command.

ERROR: Stmt allocation failed for table 'name'

This message can occur during a process or clone command, and it indicates that the Client was unable to create a STMT for processing an update to the specified table. See the database API error that precedes this message to determine the cause. The parameter aux_stmts may be set too high for your hardware configuration. Try reducing the number to 25. This is most likely an indication that you do not have enough memory on your system, or that there is a memory leak.

ERROR: system command failed for file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message, which only applies to Windows Clients, can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that an error occurred while spawning a command prompt session to run the bulk loader utility (SQL*Loader for Oracle and bcp for Microsoft SQL Server).

ERROR: Table definition failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message can occur when you run define or redefine. It indicates that the client control tables were not populated. For details on why this occurred, see the error messages that occurred during processing of the data set specified by name.

ERROR: Table 'name' does not contain a res_flag column

This message, which only applies to MISER databases, indicates that a multi-input virtual data set does not have the column it requires for tracking resident history records. Make sure that you did not inadvertently set active to 0 for this column; its name usually contains the text "res_flag" and its dms_subtype value is 255.

ERROR: Table name prefix for DataSource name is too long

This message is an internal error, which indicates that the tab_name_prefix value, read from the DATASOURCES client control table, is longer than 8 characters. The only way this can happen is if you alter the DATASOURCES table and increase the length of this column.

ERROR: Table 'name' which has an index defined has no key items, index script generation failed

This error occurs if you disable cloning for all the key fields in the index for the specified table. When the generate command tries to generate the index creation script, it displays this message instead of generating a bad create index SQL statement.

ERROR: Table 'name' which has links is not using my_aa as the primary_key

This error can occur during a process or clone command and indicates that the specified table contains link items but is not using my_aa as the key. You cannot set active=0 or item_key=0 for the my_aa column for a table that contains links. The AA Value is what allows the client to associate a LINK_AI record with the corresponding record in the table, whose link needs to be updated.

ERROR: Table number nnn referenced in filter file does not exist

This message only occurs when there is an OCCURS table filter file "dbfilter.cfg" present in the config subdirectory for the data source. It indicates that the filter contains a reference to a table number that no longer exists. The most likely cause of this error is that the filter is not current. You should delete the binary filter file "dbfilter.cfg" from the config sub-directory and rerun the makefilter import command to recreate the file. If it this does not work contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Tables for DataSet name[/rectype]are not current; you must first run a redefine command

This message, which can occur at the start of a process or clone command, indicates that the layouts of the tables mapped from the data set are not current; therefore, they need to be updated via the redefine command. The DS_Needs_Redefining bit of the status_bits column of the DATASETS client control table keeps track of this.

ERROR: Tables for DataSet name[/rectype] need to be mapped; you must first run a redefine command

This message, which can occur at the start of a process or clone command, indicates that the mapping of the data set to relational database tables was not performed; therefore, you need to run a redefine command. The DS_Needs_Mapping bit of the status_bits column of the DATASETS client control table is used to keep track of this. This situation typically occurs if you try to run a process or clone command after setting the active column to 1 for a data set that was not previously mapped.

ERROR: The binary configuration file is not compatible with the client being used

The binary configuration file now has an additional parameter in the signon section that identifies the client type for which it was created. If you try to use this configuration with a different client, you will get this error (for example, if you try to use a Flat File Client configuration file with a SQL Server Client).

ERROR: The configured number of stmts (mmm) is insufficient for nn threads

Multi-thread updates need a greater number of configured database API statements (STMT) because of the increased number of concurrently executing SQL operations. The minimum allowed value is 20+ the number of threads.

ERROR: Time must be specified as 'hh:mm', legal ranges are 0 to 23 for hh and 0 to 59 for mm

This message can occur in response to a command from the command-line console and indicates that the time specification values are invalid.

ERROR: Trace file prefix is too long, maximum allowable length is 20, value truncated

You can specify a prefix for the Client trace files in the Client configuration file, however this prefix is limited to 20 characters. If you use a longer prefix, you get this error. The default prefix is “trace”.

ERROR: Tswitch command failed

The TSwitch (trace switch) command is a dbutility console command that closes the current trace file and opens a new file. If an IO error occurs during this operation this error is displayed. For more information, see "Log and Trace Files" in Appendix A of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Unable to access registry key SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Databridge\Client\6.6

The Client needs to access the Windows Registry key created by the installer in order be able to run. If you did not use the installer and tried to copy the files, you will not get very far. Do not attempt to change the registry keys created by the installer as this might result in the Client being unable to operate.

ERROR: Unable to allocate nnnn bytes of memory

This message can occur during almost all Client commands. It indicates that the operating system does not have enough memory for various Client structures. The most common occurrence of this message is while loading the Client control tables. If this error occurs, do the following:

  • Make sure that your system meets the minimum memory requirements for the hardware and software.
  • Check the size of your swap file. The swap file could be too small or you could be running out of disk space on the volume where the swap file is located.
  • Try again after quitting all other applications.
  • Reboot the server if all else fails.

ERROR: Unable to convert DMSII type number to [a numeric] time for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | time set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message can occur during a process or clone command when you map a DMSII ALPHA or REAL item to a relational database integer data type (or in the case of SQL Server, a time data type). The dms_subtype specified must be one of the values defined in "Decoding DMSII Dates, Times, and Date/Times" in Chapter 2 of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Unable to convert DMSII type number to a date for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message can occur during a process or clone command when you map a DMSII NUMBER or ALPHA item to a relational database date type. The dms_subtype (DMSII type number) specified must be one of the values defined in "Decoding DMSII Dates, Times, and Date/Times" in Chapter 2 of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Unable to create "name" directory, errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a dbutility configure or define command or when customizing a new data source using the Client Configurator, indicates that the Client was unable to create the specified directory. (These directories include config, logs, dbscripts, discards, and scripts subdirectories.) You also get this message when the client tries to create the locks subdirectory in the service's working directory and the operation fails.

ERROR: Unable to create backup user script directory "path", errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a createscripts command, indicates that the Client was unable to create the backup user script directory. In some cases this is simply a configuration error; check the configuration parameter user_script_bu_dir to see if it mistyped.

ERROR: Unable to create connection to database name for loading table 'tabname'

(SQL Server Client only) This error indicates that the Client was unable to create an ODBC connection for loading the given table using the BCP API. The only possible cause for this error is that the system does not have the resources. You should not encounter this message.

ERROR: Unable to create DACL, using default security

(Windows only) This message, which is only applicable when file security is enabled, indicates that the Client was unable to create an ACL to set up the security for a file or directory that it is trying to create. When this operation fails, the Client reverts to using default security. The Client sets up the Working Directory and its subdirectory with inheritance enabled so that if a file or sub-directory is created using default security, it inherits the security from its parent directory. This ensures that the files the user copies into the working directory (files created by the bulk loader) also have security enabled.

ERROR: Unable to create working directory "path", errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a dbutility configure or define command, indicates that the Client was unable to create global working directory for the client. The Client requires this is the location of the locks subdirectory.

ERROR: Unable to detect database name; specify it in the configuration file

This error message is limited to Oracle Express when using the default database. You normally should be able to use the client without specifying the database in the configuration file. You will get this message if the attempt to read the default database name fails.

ERROR: Unable to drop Databridge Client control tables

This message can occur during a dbutility dropall command. It indicates that an error occurred while dropping the client control tables. In this case, check the following:

  • See the ODBC message that precedes this message (on the screen or in the log file) for more information.

  • Look at the previous output messages to see how far the Client progressed before encountering the error.


After this message appears, you cannot rerun the dbutility dropall command if some of the Databridge control tables were dropped. You might have to use a relational database query tool to drop the remaining tables.

ERROR: Unable to expand block to number bytes

This message can occur when the client tried to expand a previously allocated memory block and the operation fails. It indicates that the operating system does not have enough memory for various Client structures. In this case, do the following:

  • Quit all other applications and try again.

  • Check the hardware and software requirements to make sure your system meets at least the minimum memory requirements.

  • Check the size of your swap file. The swap file could be too small or you could be running out of disk space on the volume where the swap file is located.

  • Reboot the server if all else fails.

ERROR: Unable to extract data for variable format date for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} - Keys: column_name = value, ...

This message can occur during a process or clone command. It indicates that the client was unable to extract the various components of the variable format date format specified by the dms_subtype. The most likely cause of this error is that the number you entered is incorrect. Refer to "Unique DMSII Date/Time represented as ALPHA or NUMBER" in Chapter 2 of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Unable to find base data set with strnum = nnn for virtual data set name[/rectype]

This message which can occur during a define or redefine command when you have virtual data sets and the parameter automate_virtuals is set to True and you are not using a MISER database. It indicates that the remote procedure call to the get the base structure index for the virtual data set failed. The most likely cause of this error is that the virtual data set is not properly defined.

ERROR: Unable to find control tables for DataSource name in file "name"

This error, which can occur during a reload command, indicates that the archive file does not contain any entries for the data source on the command line. You either mistyped the data source name on the command line, you are not using the correct archive file, or you did not back up the data source you are trying to reload.

ERROR: Unable to find DataSource name

This message can occur during all Client commands except configure, define, and dropall. It indicates that you entered a data source name that is not in the DATASOURCES client control table. This can occur if the data source name is misspelled or you have not created the data source yet.

ERROR: Unable to find matching concat data item (nnn) record for item 'name' in table 'name'

This message indicates that the dms_concat_num column in DMS_ITEMS contains an incorrect value. This value may refer to a nonexistent or inactive column. The user script involved is most likely the cause of the error and should be examined. Avoid using hard-coded number in user scripts; instead, use sub-queries.

ERROR: Unable to find matching data item record for DMS Item Number nnn in table 'name'

This error can occur during any Client command that loads the client control tables when the data source contains an active data set that has active item with an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause. The loading of the client control tables dynamically sets up the links between the given item and the item on which the OCCURS clause depends. This link may go back to the primary table if the OCCURS item is in a secondary table. The dms_item_number column is used as a foreign key. If the load cannot find such an item in the DATAITEMS table this message is displayed.

The only possible cause for this error is the active column of the DMS_ITEMS table of the depends item set to 0, causing it vanish from the DATAITEMS table. To resolve this error, set the active column to 1, set the DS_Needs_Remapping bit in the ds_options column of the corresponding DATASETS client control table, and execute a redefine and a generate command.

ERROR: Unable to get stmt for {insert | delete | update | delete all} statement for table 'name'

This message, which can occur during a process or a clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to get a statement (OCI, ODBC or CLI) for executing the specified SQL statement. This message is typically preceded by a database API error message. This message will only occur when the configuration parameter use_stored_procs is set to False. In this case the client generates INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements instead of calling stored procedures to execute these statements. Both methods use host variables, however not using stored procedures is more efficient, but it uses a bit more memory to hold the SQL statement, which is quite a bit longer. The "delete_all" case applies to OCCURS tables where all the rows for a given key are deleted in one SQL statement by calling the stored procedure z_tablename.

ERROR: Unable to get stmt for stored procedure '{i|u|d|z}_name'

This message, which can occur during a process or a clone command, indicates that the Client was unable to get a statement (OCI, ODBC or CLI) for executing the specified stored procedure. This message is typically preceded by a database API error message.

ERROR: Unable to get stmt for updating control table name

This message, which can occur during most commands, indicates that the Client was unable to get a statement (OCI, ODBC or CLI) for executing an update statement for the corresponding Client control table. This message is typically preceded by a database API error message.

ERROR: Unable to handle sql_type dd for external column 'name' in table 'name'

This message occurs during a process or clone command and indicates that the Client cannot handle the sql_type for the external column being added to the specified data set.

ERROR: Unable to load backup copy of control tables for DataSource name

During Client Configuration operations, the initial state of the control tables is automatically saved in the unload file src_reorg_*ddd*.cct where src is the data source name and ddd is the update level of the database. Client Configuration operations run much like redefine commands. When the Client Configurator needs to compare the old and the new layout it reloads the old control tables from this file.


Deleting the unload file is not recommended until you have completed all customization tasks in the Client Configurator. The Client automatically deletes the unload file when it no longer needs it. If you run the Client Configurator multiple times before running a process command, subsequent executions will not back up the control tables. The Client Configurator needs the unload file (that is, the original backup) to determine which changes have been made.

When you run back to back redefine commands that do not require a reorg command the client will reload the control tables from the backup file it creates instead of using the updated tables, in case you intend to rerun the command (e.g. after fixing a user script that was incorrect). If this operation fails, you will also get this error. Look at the log file and the unload file to see if you can find out why the operation failed.

ERROR: Unable to load data source list

This message occurs during a define or redefine command indicates that the Client cannot load the data source list. When you have more than one data source in the same relational database, the Client uses the data source list to find out the table names used by other data sources and prevent naming conflicts.

ERROR: Unable to locate DLL "name"

(SQL Server Client only) When using the BCP API, the Databridge Client loads the ODBC DLL and sets ups a table of address through which it makes the BCP API calls. This allows the Client to work with the version of the ODBC DLL that supports the features needed. This error indicates the client cannot find the specified DLL. Make sure that the directory where the DLL resides is in the system PATH.

ERROR: Unable to locate the extended translation {DLL | shared library} "filename"

The attempt to locate the external data translation DLL, DBEATRAN.DLL, using a LoadLibrary call failed. Windows looks for a DLL in several places, the first of which is the directory where the program being executed resides. Under normal circumstances, this is the program directory created by the install process of the Client (c:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Databridge\6.6*dbase_type). If you use the Japanese version of the DLL, select the appropriate feature, in the Feature Selection* tab of the installer to copy the DLL and sample configuration files to this directory. If you use a different DLL, we recommend that you move the DLL to this directory. Windows also looks for the DLL in the current directory, the Windows system directory, the Windows directory, and the directories listed in the PATH environment variable. If the DBEATRAN DLL is in none of these places, this error message is displayed when you set the configuration parameter use_ext_translation to Yes.

On UNIX, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain the directory where the shared library resides. On some 32-bit systems (for example, SHLIB_PATH for HP-UX and LIBPATH for AIX), a different environment variable is used.

ERROR: Unable to read first source record from archive file "name", errno= number (errortext)

This error, which can occur during a reload command, indicates that after successfully reading the version record, the client got an I/O error when it tried to read the next record, which should be a data source record. The most likely cause of this error is a corrupt unload file.

ERROR: Unable to read translation configuration files and initialize tables

This message, which only occurs at the start of process or clone command when using an external translation DLL (or shared library), indicates that the translation DLL initialization was unsuccessful. In most cases, the DLL can not find the translation configuration file. The DLL expects these configuration files to be located in the config directory where the client configuration files reside.

ERROR: Unable to read version record from archive file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message can appear if a file I/O error occurs during a reload command when trying to read the first record of the file (which is always V,version). The included system error should give you more information about why this error occurred.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve database/server names from data source

The SQL Server Client uses SQLGetInfo calls to programmatically retrieve the database and server name for the ODBC data source, which eliminates the need to specify the names in the configuration files. This message indicates that there was an error while retrieving these names. Check the preceding ODBC error message for more information about the reason for the failure.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve value for 'FileSecurity' from registry (result = nnn)

This error is an indication that the Windows registry keys for the Client are corrupt. The Client expects to find the string FileSecurity in the Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Databridge\Client\6.6 where the installer saves several values including the name of the directory in which the software was installed. The name FileSecurity is a REG_DWORD, whose value is 1 or 0. This value determines whether file security is enabled or not. This error indicates that there is no such entry in the list of values for above mentioned registry key. To resolve this issue, change the setting for FileSecurity using the setfilesecurity program included with Databridge; do not edit the registry key with regedit.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve ODBC driver name/version from data source

(SQL Server Client only) When starting up the first ODBC connection SQL Server Client makes a couple of ODBC calls to get the ODBC driver name and version. This information is critical in being able to use the BCP API. If you get this error, make sure that you are using one of the recommended ODBC drivers, whose name is of the form MSODBCDLL1x.dll. If you are using one of these drivers and the problem persists try rebooting the server and if that fails contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve value for 'INSTALLDIR' from registry (result = nnn)

This error indicates that the Windows Registry keys for the Client are corrupt. The Client expects to find the string INSTALLDIR (the name of the directory in which the software was installed) in the Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Databridge Client\6.6. The installer saves several values to this key, including the name of the directory in which the software was installed. This error indicates that there is no such entry in the list of values for above mentioned Registry key.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve value for 'UserID' from registry (result = nnn)

This error is an indication that the Windows Registry keys for the Client are corrupt. The Client expects to find the string UserID in the Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Databridge Client\6.6. The installer saves the name of the directory where the software was installed and several other values in this Registry key.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve value for 'WORKINGDIR' from registry (result = nnn)

This error indicates that the Windows Registry keys for the Client are corrupt. The Client expects to find the string WORKINGDIR (the working directory for the service and location of the locks subdirectory) in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Databridge Client\6.6. For more information about the working directory, see the Databridge Installation Guide.

ERROR: Unable to update specified external column nn

This error can only occur when processing a binary configuration file that contains external_column specifications and indicates that the Client was unable to update its internal table for external column definition. If using a text configuration file, check the syntax of the external_column[nn] line. If using a binary file, export the configuration file, verify the syntax, (make any corrections), and then import the file. The import command also checks the syntax for you.

ERROR: Undefined date format type (number) for item 'name' in table 'name', {record will be discarded | date set to NULL} – Keys: columnname = value, ...

This message indicates an invalid value in the dms_subtype column in the DATAITEMS Client control table. For a list of date formats refer to Decoding DMSII Dates, Times, and Date/Times in Chapter 2 of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide.

ERROR: Undefined section header in configuration file line: text

See "Sample SQL Server Client Configuration File" in Appendix C of the Databridge Client Administrator's Guide for valid section headers.

ERROR: Unimplemented command cmd_number

This internal DBClntCfgServer error indicates that the Console or Client Configurator attempted to execute an unimplemented RPC. This can only happen if you try to run a newer version of the Console or Client Configurator with an old Client.

ERROR: Unknown command: command

This message can appear when you misspell a dbutility command, or you enter a command that does not apply to dbutility.

ERROR: Unknown console command; type "help" to get a list of commands

This message indicates that the operator entered an invalid command in the command-line console.

ERROR: Update of colname column in DATASETS table failed for name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during a process, clone, define or redefine command, indicates that an attempt to update the specified column of the DATASETS Client control table failed. The columns in question include the following columns:

  • active
  • ds_mode
  • misc_flags
  • status_bits
  • ds_options

Check the preceding SQL error message to determine why the error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DATAITEMS entries failed for table 'name' [for DataSet name[/rectype]]

This error can occur during a redefine command or when running the Client Configurator. It indicates that the update of the DATAITEMS control table failed when trying to restore customizations. See the SQL errors that precede this message to find out why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DATAITEMS table failed for 'name' of table 'name'

This error can occur when running the Client Configurator or when running a redefine command. If it occurs when running the Client Configurator, it indicates that DBClntCfgServer was unable to update the DATAITEMS control table for the specified item of the given table,while applying customization changes made by the user. The redefine command can get this error whenever it tries to update the DATAITEMS table and something goes wrong. See the preceding SQL errors to determine why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DATASETS table failed for Global_DataSet

This message can occur during a redefine, clone, or process command. It indicates that an error occurred when updating the DATASETS Client control table for the Global_DataSet. See preceding API error messages (onscreen or in the log file) to determine the reason for this error.

ERROR: Update of DATASETS table failed for name[/rectype]

This message can occur during a process or clone command when the DATASETS Client control table is updated for a given data set (the /rectype is added for variable-format data sets except type 0 records). This error can occur during the cloning of a data set when the stateinfo is changed multiple times and at the end of a process command when the global stateinfo is being propagated to all data sets whose in_sync column has a value of 1. This message can occur when running the Client Configurator. See the database API messages that precede this error for more information.

ERROR: Update of DATASOURCES table failed for name

This message can occur whenever the DATASOURCES client control table is updated for a given data source. This can happen at the beginning and end of a process or clone command when the status_bits column is updated. See the database API messages that precede this error for more information.

ERROR: Update of DATATABLES and DATAITEMS tables to preserve pass2 changes failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during a redefine command or when running the Client Configurator, indicates that the Client could not update the DATATABLES and DATAITEMS entries while attempting to preserve changes. Check the SQL error message that precedes this message as to why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DATATABLES failed for table 'name' [for DataSet name[/rectype]]

This message, which can occur during most commands, indicates that the Client could not update the DATATABLES entry for the specified table. Check the SQL error message that precedes this message as to why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DMS_ITEMS table failed for name for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during a redefine command or when running the Client Configurator, indicates that the Client could not update the DMS_ITEMS entries. Check the SQL error message that precedes this message for clues about why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DMS_ITEMS table failed for name (item_number nnn) in DataSet name[/rectype]

This message indicates that the DBClntCfgServer was unable to update the DMS_ITEMS Client control table when processing an update request from the Client Configurator. Check the SQL error message that precedes this message as to why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update of DMS_ITEMS table to preserve pass1 changes failed for DataSet name[/rectype]

This message, which can occur during a redefine command or when running the Client Configurator, indicates that the Client could not update the DMS_ITEMS entries while preserving previous customizations. Check the SQL error message that precedes this message as to why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update statistics failed for table 'name'

This message applies to the Client for Microsoft SQL Server. It can occur during a process or clone command after an index for a table is created. The update statistics SQL Server command causes the software to update the statistics on the current table. This message indicates that the update statistics command has failed.

ERROR: Update Worker thread[nn]: bcp_done() failed for table 'name'

(SQL Server Client only) The SQL Server Client issues a bcp_done call into the BCP API when it receives a State Info record from the Databridge Engine that has a mode of 1 at the end of data extraction. This call commits the current batch of rows and instructs the BCP API that we have reached the end of the data for the load. This error usually means that the database is out of resources. Check any ODBC errors that precede this error for clues about what happened.

ERROR: Update Worker thread[nn]: BCP_Record() failed

(SQL Server Client only) This error can occur when you use multi-threaded updates, and indicates that the attempt to load a row using the BCP API failed. Reference the ODBC errors in the log file to see if you can get any clues as to why this error occurred. If the error persists try setting the parameter n_update_threads to 0 or use the -l option to force the client to use the bulk loader (bcp) or use the -l option to force the client to use the bulk loader (bcp).

ERROR: Update Worker thread[nn]: FinishDataExtraction failed for table 'name'

(Oracle Client or SQL Server Client using bcp only) When processing multi-threaded extracts the Client queues a working storage block which marks the end of extraction. The thread calls the procedure FinishDataExtraction.

In the case of Windows, where the client uses temporary files, this involves closing the temporary file and queuing it on the bulk-loader thread’s work queue. This error usually indicates that the close of the temporary file has failed. In the case of UNIX clients, which use a pipe to run the bulk loader, this error usually indicates a problem with the actual load. Refer to the sql*loader log in the data source working directory for details on why this error occurred.

ERROR: Update Worker thread[nn]: Illegal response type rr encountered

This is an internal error that can only occur when using multi-threaded updates it indicates that an Update Worker encountered a DMS buffer whose record type field is illegal. The only record types that are expected by the Update Worker are CREATE, DELETE, MODIFY, MODIFY_AI, LINK_AI, or DELETE_ALLany other record types are handled in the main thread. Report this error to Micro Focus Technical Support.

ERROR: Update Worker thread[nn]: {Read_CB_CREATE() | Read_CB_DELETE() | Read_CB_DELETE_ALL() | Read_CB_MODIFY() | Read_CB_LINKS()} failed

This error can occur when you use multi-threaded updates, it indicates that the operation in question failed. Look at the SQL errors in the log file to see if you can get any clues as to why this error occurred. If the error persists try setting the parameter n_update_threads to 0.

ERROR: User columns of dms_subtype n1 and n2 are mutually exclusive

This message can occur when processing text configuration files. It indicates that two of the user columns you specified are mutually exclusive. For example 1 (update_type) and 11 (expanded update_type) or 10 (deleted_record) and 11 (expanded update_type).

ERROR: User columns of dms_subtype mmm can only be used in conjunction with dms_subtype mmm

This message can occur when processing text configuration files. It indicates that you are attempting to use the external column delete_seqno when the column deleted_record is not present. The column delete_seqno, which allows more than one delete to be performed for the same record when the second clock remains unchanged, is only meaningful when the column deleted_record is present. In the absence of the delete_seqno column the Client cannot make the update and stalls until the clock changed, thereby degrading performance.

ERROR: User DataSet {define | layout} script "filename" failed

This message can appear during a define or redefine command. It indicates that the specified user script failed. Check API or SQL errors that precede this message to see why the script failed. If you cannot figure out why it is failing, use the –t 0x800 option for the command or use the runscript command to test the script.

ERROR: User DataSets global layout script "filename" failed

This message can appear during a define or redefine command. It indicates that specified user script failed. Check API or SQL errors that precede this message to see why the script failed.

ERROR: User DataTables global define script "filename" failed

This message can appear during a define or a redefine command and indicates that the specified user script failed. Check API or SQL errors that precede this message to see why the script failed. This message may appear after other related error messages that need to be fixed first.

ERROR: User global layout script "filename" failed

A new type of user script that applies to all data sources was added to the 6.5 Client for Miser customers that shares the same scripts with different data source names. This script, which is named “script.user_all_sources”, is run before the global data sets scripts are run. This error indicates that the specified script failed. Check API or SQL errors that precede this message to see why the script failed.

ERROR: User script "filename" failed

This message can appear during a runscript command and indicates that the specified script failed. Check API or SQL errors that precede this message to see why the script failed.

ERROR: User stored procedure creation script "name" failed

This message indicates that the client got an error running the user script, which is used to split up the actions that would normally be executed in the user script script.user_create.*name*. This last user script is executed at the time a table is created at the beginning of the data extraction phase. The stored procedure user script is also executed when a refresh command is executed. This command gets automatically run during the execution of a reorg command. This allows user written stored procedures to be kept current after a DMSII reorganization, rather than just creating them and finding out that they no longer work after a DMSII reorganization.

ERROR: User table creation script "filename" failed

This message can appear during a process or clone command and indicates that specified data table creation user script fails. Check API or SQL errors that precede this message to see why the script failed.

ERROR: Value out of range for 'F' option argument

The F option is used to pass dbutility an AFN after which it stops. If you use a value that is not in the range 1 to 9999 this error is displayed.

ERROR: Value out of range for 'V' option argument – using nn instead

The V option is used to pass dbutility a control table version to use in the unload command. The value being passed must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the present version of the client control tables. For 6.6 clients the client control table version is 31; for the 6.5 client the client control table version is 29, and for 6.2 and 6.3 clients, the client control table version is 26.

ERROR: Virtual data set link for data set name /rectype is NULL, make sure that automate_virtuals is true

In a MISER database, user scripts link the virtual data sets and the real data sets from which they are derived by using the virtual_ds_num, real_ds_num and real_ds_rectype columns in the DATASETS Client control table. If the configuration parameter automate_virtuals is not enabled, this pointer is not set up and executing a createscripts command returns this message.

For non MISER databases, the Client gets the information from the Engine when the parameter automate_virtuals is set to True. This makes the Client handle virtual data sets in a much more coherent manner by paying attention to the relation between virtual data sets and the actual data sets they are derived from.

ERROR: Work_desc pool empty

This error, which only occurs with multi-threaded updates, indicates that there is a bug in the Client. The work descriptors are tiny records that are used to queue the same DMS buffer on multiple update worker work queues. Running out of these structures is an indication that Client is failing to return some of these to the pool when they are no longer needed.

ERROR: Write failed for binary configuration file "name", errno=number (errortext)

This message can occur during a dbutility import command or when DBClntCfgServer updates a client configuration file. It indicates that an I/O error occurred while writing to the specified binary configuration file. The system error included in this message should explain why this error occurred.

ERROR: Write failed for bulk load file for table 'name', errno=number (errortext), Record: recordtext

This message applies only to Windows Clients. This message can occur during a process or clone command and indicates that an I/O error occurred while writing to the specified temporary data file. This message typically occurs when you run out of disk space (resulting in the errortext “Out of Disk Space”). The system error included in this message should explain why this error occurred.

ERROR: Write failed for discard file for table 'name', errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a process or a clone command, indicates that an error occurred while writing a record to a discard file, whose name appears in the message. The system error included in this message should explain why this error occurred. The most common cause of this error is running out of disk space. Make sure you take advantage of the recently added configuration parameter max_discards that allows you to prevent this situation from occurring. You can do this in one of two ways: (1) you can either make the client abort after a certain number of discards, regardless of which table they belong to, or (2) you can limit the number of discards records written to a discard file for any given table.

ERROR: Write failed for log descriptor file "name", errno=number (errortext)

The Client uses the binary file log.cfg to keep track of the log filename. If the error persists, delete this file and the Client will create a new one. The most likely source of this error is file ownership conflicts between the command-line client, dbutility, and the service. The system error message included in this message should provide information about why this error occurred.

ERROR: Write failed for Null Record file, errno=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during a define or redefine command, indicates that an I/ O error occurred while writing to the null record file. The system error included in this message should explain why this error occurred.

ERROR: Write failed for pipe for table 'name', errno=number (errortext), Record: recordtext

This message, which is limited to UNIX, can occur during a process or a clone command when the main process is writing data to a UNIX pipe used to pass data records to the bulk loader process that runs the Oracle SQLLoader utility errortext provides information as to why the error occurred. The most common cause of this error is the bulk loader exceeding the maximum discards threshold and aborting. In this case, the errortext* will be "Broken Pipe".

ERROR: Write failed for trace descriptor file "name", errno=number (errortext)

The Client uses the binary file trace.cfg to track the trace filename. If this error persists, delete this file and the Client will create a new one. The most likely source of this error is file ownership conflicts between the command-line client, dbutility, and the service. The system error message included in this message should provide information about why this error occurred.

ERROR: You need to run a reorg command for DataSource name

This message indicates that you are trying to run a redefine command after a successful run of the command that determined that a reorg command need to be run next. If you do not want to run the reorg command, you must reload the control tables form the backup file created by the redefine command.

ERROR: 'Y' option must be followed by the text 'reclone_all'

When you use the -Y option with the command line Client dbutility, you must specify the argument reclone_all after -Y. Failure to do so results in this error, which is meant to prevent accidental use of -Y, when you meant to type -y.

RPC PROTOCOL ERROR: Type = responsetype StrNum=number

This message can occur during any Client command that involves communications with DBServer or Enterprise Server. It indicates that an RPC protocol error occurred while trying to read a response packet to an RPC. In this case, try again. If this error occurs persistently and is reproducible, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.