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Error Handling Routines

In This Chapter

This chapter explains how to write an ALGOL error handling routine.


DBGenFormat supports error handling routines that analyze, log, and display errors and determine how Databridge Accessories respond to those errors.

To use an error handling routine, you must write a patch file containing the error handling code and specify the error handling routine in the DBGenFormat parameter file.

Whenever an error occurs, the Databridge Accessory calls the DBERRORMANAGER entry point in DBSupport. The error manager procedure calls the user-written error handler to analyze the error and handle it. For example, the error handling routine might write the error to a log, send an e-mail message, or reload a missing audit file. It then returns an EMATYPE value that tells the Accessory what to do: ignore, retry, or fail.


If you do not use an error handler patch, the default error handler in DBSupport returns DBV_Default to the Accessory, indicating that the Accessory can decide whether the error is fatal, should be retried, or should be ignored.

DBERRORMANAGER returns the following EMATYPE values:

EMATYPE Description
DBV_Default The Accessory decides what to do with the error.
DBV_Fatal The Accessory terminates.
DBV_Ignore The Accessory ignores the error and continues.
DBV_Retry The Accessory retries the operation.

Error handling routines must use the DBErrorManagerHead heading defined in SYMBOL/ DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE. While the patch file must be written in ALGOL, the error handling routine could call a COBOL program to perform the actual error handling.

The patch file can contain declarations global to the error manager procedure. See the sample error manager patch called PATCH/DATABRIDGE/SAMPLE/SUPPORT/ERRORHANDLER.

Writing an Error Handling Routine

To write an error handling routine, complete the following steps:

  1. Read this entire chapter so that you get an understanding of what you can make your error handling routine do. For instance, the error handling routine can do the following:
    • Determine what errors the Accessory can handle
    • Determine what the Accessory can do in response to errors (analyze them, log them, display them, continue processing, terminate, and so on)
  2. Familiarize yourself with the error handling sample in Sample Error Handling Routine.
  3. Use CANDE or another editor to retrieve the DBGenFormat parameter file DATA/GENFORMAT/SAMPLE/CONTROL.

    For a general description of the DBGenFormat parameter file, refer to the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide. 4. Rename the file, as follows:


    where databasename is the name of the database for which you are creating the error handling routine.


    If your error handler does not use any database-specific information and you do not need a tailored DBSupport library for any other reason, (for example, because you use filler substitutions) you can put the error handler routine in the non-tailored DBSupport library.

    In this case, skip this step, save DATA/GENFORMAT/SAMPLE/CONTROL found in step 6 below, use START WFL/DATABRIDGE/COMP ("SUPPORT") in found in step 8, and skip step 9.

  4. Declare the patch file that contains the error handling routine, as follows:

    ERROR MANAGER errormanagername IN "patchfiletitle"

    where errormanagername is the name of the error handling routine and patchfiletitle is the name of the patch file that contains the error handling routine. 6. Save DATA/GENFORMAT/databasename/CONTROL. 7. Write the error handling routine.

    A sample error handling routine is described in Sample Error Handling Routine. 8. Compile the tailored support library, as follows:

    START WFL/DATABRIDGE/COMP ("SUPPORT", "databasename" ["logicaldatabasename"])

    Where Is
    "SUPPORT" The literal that represents the DBSupport library

    The quotation marks are required.
    "databasename" The name of the database for which you are creating the tailored support library

    The database name can include a usercode and pack, which are used to locate the database DESCRIPTION file, as follows:

    "(usercode)databasename ON packname"

    The quotation marks are required.
    "logicaldatabasename" The name of a logical database for which you are creating the tailored support library

    This WFL compiles layout tables for each data set in the database designated by databasename or logicaldatabasename. This results in the new tailored support library titled as follows:


    — or —


    These data set-specific layout tables contain the offsets and sizes of individual data items.


    If you have two databases with the same name under different usercodes, and you are running Databridge from a third usercode, be careful when you create a tailored support library. In this case, the second library you compile overwrites the first, because Databridge strips the usercode and pack name from the database name to create the tailored support library title.

  5. In the Accessory parameter file, enter the tailored support library name for the SUPPORT option as follows:

    For Do this
    Databridge Clients In the DBServer parameter file, enter the tailored support library name for the SUPPORT option.

    For more information, refer to the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide.
    Other Accessories In the Accessory parameter file, enter the tailored support library name for the SUPPORT option.

    For more information, refer to the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide.

What to Do Next

You can now use your error handling routine and run your Databridge Accessories as usual.

Sample Error Handling Routine

The sample error handling patch PATCH/DATABRIDGE/SAMPLE/SUPPORT/ERRORHANDLER, does the following:

  1. Uses the DBErrorManager head included in SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE and documented in the Types, Values, and Array Layouts section of this guide.
  2. Writes the error message to the system SUMLOG if the Accessory is privileged, otherwise, it displays the message.
  3. Determines whether or not a missing audit file caused the error, and if that is the case, starts a WFL to recopy the missing audit file. Then the error handler returns DBV_Retry to the Accessory to indicate that it should retry whatever it was doing when it got the error message.

    The ALGOL source code for this example is as follows.


    Read through this patch carefully before implementing it. Its main purpose is to illustrate ways to handle errors as a basis for writing your own custom error handling routine.

    This routine uses a job called WFL/RELOAD/AUDIT, to copy an audit file, but WFL/RELOAD/AUDIT is not included on the Databridge release medium.

$ SET OMIT                                                           09000100
###### ---------------------------------------------------------------------09000200
Project: Databridge                                                  09000260
Description: Databridge Example Error Handler patch                  09000280
(c) Copyright 2019 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.             09000390
          Modification history                                       09002100
          --------------------                                       09002200
Version 41.471 09002400
1     Initial release.                                               09002500
     Example error manager routine. This is a patch                  09002700
        to SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/SUPPORT and can be included by inserting
        the following declaration in DATA/GENFORMAT/<database>/CONTROL:
              ERROR MANAGER ERRORHANDLER                             09003100
      Warning: Read through this patch carefully before implementing
    it. Its main purpose is to *illustrate* some different ways to   09003500
    handle errors, including writing to the SUMLOG and starting a    09003600
    job called WFL/RELOAD/AUDIT, which is not part of the release,   09003700
    to copy an audit file from somewhere.                            09003800
   Use this patch as a basis for writing your own custom error       09004000
   handling routine. If all you want to do is display error          09004100
   messages then simply use the default error handler that is        09004200
     built into DBSupport.                                           09004300
End History                                                          09004500
 $ POP OMIT                                                          09004600
boolean IAmPrivileged;                                               70004900
array ErrScratch [0 : 29];                                           70005100
interlock                                                            70005200
      ErrorHandlerLock;                                              70005300
DBErrorManagerHead [ErrorHandler];                                   70005500
%                 ------------                                       70005600
        begin                                                        70005800
        own boolean                                                  70005900
               Initialized;                                          70006000
        procedure Initialize;                                        70006200
        %         ----------                                         70006300
                begin                                                70006400
              IAmPrivileged := DBPrivileged;                         70006500
              Initialized := true;                                   70006700
              end Initialize;                                        70006800
        procedure LogComment;                                        70007000
        %         ----------                                         70007100
                begin                                                70007200
               % Write a comment to the SUMLOG.                      70007300
               % The log entry will look like:                       70007400
             % SETSTATUS CALL: LC : DBTwin: DBM116: Unknown filter   70007500
               %         name: EXAMPLE2.                             70007600
               define LenLoc = 2 #;                                  70007800
              define pLogStart = pointer (ErrScratch [LenLoc + 1]) #;70007900
               define Build = replace pLog : pLog by #;              70008000
                pointer pLog;                                        70008100
                boolean SSResult;                                    70008200
                pLog := pLogStart;                                   70008400
    $ set omit                                                       70008500
                case AccessoryID of                                  70008600
                begin                                                70008700
                DBV_Span:                                            70008800
                      Build "DBSpan";                                70008900
                DBV_Snapshot:                                        70009000
                      Build "DBSnapshot";                            70009100
                DBV_Server:                                          70009200
                      Build "DBServer";                              70009300
                DBV_Tanker:                                          70009400
                      Build "DBTanker";                              70009500
                DBV_Lister:                                          70009600
                      Build "DBLister";                              70009700
                DBV_Twin:                                            70009800
                      Build "DBTwin";                                70009900
                DBV_GenFormat:                                       70010000
                      Build "DBGenFormat";                           70010100
                DBV_AuditTimer:                                      70010200
                      Build "DBAuditTimer";                          70010300
                DBV_TwinInit:                                        70010400
                      Build "DBTwinInitialize";                      70010500
                else:                                                70010600
                      Build "Accessory";                             70010700
                end;                                                 70010800
$ pop omit                                                           70010900
           Build ": ", pErrMsg for ErrMsgLen;                        70011000
         ErrScratch [0] := LenLoc; % location of length word         70011200
         ErrScratch [LenLoc] := offset (pLog)                        70011300
                          - offset (pLogStart);                      70011400
         SSResult := SETSTATUS (2, 26, 0, ErrScratch);               70011500
           end LogComment;                                           70011600
EMATYPE procedure AuditUnavailable;                                  70011900
%                ----------------                                    70012000
     % If the problem is a missing audit file, we'll run a           70012200
       % WFL job to recopy it.                                       70012300
       begin                                                         70012500
       pointer pAFN;                                                 70012600
       integer AFN;                                                  70012700
       real Rem;                                                     70012800
       real Len;                                                     70012900
       boolean MissingFile;                                          70013000
     % Scan the error message to find the AFN and determine          70013200
      % if the problem is that the file is not found.                70013300
        pAFN := pErrMsg;                                             70013500
        Rem := ErrMsgLen;                                            70013600
        while Rem > 0 do                                             70013700
               begin                                                 70013800
             scan pAFN : pAFN + Len for Rem : Rem - Len              70013900
                    while = " ";                                     70014000
             scan pAFN for Len : Rem                                 70014100
                    until = " ";                                     70014200
             Len := Rem - Len;                                       70014300
             if Len > 0 then                                         70014400
                    begin                                            70014500
                 if pAFN in Numbers for Len then                     70014600
                          begin                                      70014700
                        AFN := integer (pAFN, Len);                  70014800
                          end                                        70014900
                 else                                                70015000
               if pAFN = "not found" then                            70015100
                         begin                                       70015200
                       MissingFile := true;                          70015300
                         end;                                        70015400
                    end;                                             70015500
               end;                                                  70015600
        if MissingFile then                                          70015800
               begin                                                 70015900
             replace pointer (ErrScratch) by                         70016000
                    "START WFL/RELOAD/AUDIT (",                      70016100
                     AFN for * digits, ")", 0;                       70016200
             zip with ErrScratch;                                    70016300
             % Tell Accessory to retry                               70016500
             AuditUnavailable := DBV_Retry;                          70016700
              end;                                                   70016800
          end AuditUnavailable;                                      70016900
        lock (ErrorHandlerLock);                                     70017200
        if ^ Initialized then                                        70017400
               begin                                                 70017500
               Initialize;                                           70017600
               end;                                                  70017700
             % If we are running under a privileged usercode, we     70017900
             % can write it directly to the SUMLOG, else we'll do    70018000
             % a simple display.                                     70018100
        if IAmPrivileged then                                        70018300
               begin                                                 70018400
               LogComment;                                           70018500
               end                                                   70018600
           else                                                      70018700
               begin                                                 70018800
               display (pErrMsg);                                    70018900
               end;                                                  70019000
           unlock (ErrorHandlerLock);                                70019200
               % Check for missing audit file.                       70019400
           if ErrNbr = DBM_AUD_UNAVAIL then                          70019600
               begin                                                 70019700
              ErrorHandler := AuditUnavailable;                      70019800
               end;                                                  70019900
           end ErrorHandler;                                         70020000
    % End of ErrorHandler patch                                      70020200