Properties - Mainframe-based Service Interfaces

Interface type
The type of service interface, set when it was created.
Source type
The type of source files used by the service interface, set when it was created.


Enable ES runtime environment
Run this service using the Enterprise Server run-time configuration set in Enterprise Server Administration for this service.
Exit point handler name
The name of a user exit program that customizes the Micro Focus SOAP request handler, which handles messages received for Web services.
Service endpoint URL
The endpoint URL for the service. This must match the address of the listener (TN3270, Web, or Web Services and J2EE) used by the enterprise server that runs the service. The default is http://localhost:9003.
Service name
The name of the deployed service. This name is appended to the Service namespace, forming the name by which the service is invoked.
Service namespace
The namespace of the deployed service. This name is pre-pended to the Service name, forming the name by which the service is invoked. If there is no installation standard, leave it unchanged at the default
Service style
The style of the SOAP Web service. This affects the format of the SOAP messages that the Web service sends and receives.
Transaction management
The type of transaction, application or container. Application managed services must contain all necessary transactional logic to ensure that all resources are either committed or rolled back. Container managed services use databases and files, but do not contain any transactional logic. All CICS and IMS services are container managed.
Username/password required
Provide a user ID and password to the deployment server. When Yes, you are prompted for a user ID and password during the deployment process.


Application character set
The character set used to compile the application.
Driver program name
The name of the generated service driver program. The default is the first eight characters of the service interface name.
Enable system trace
For IMS services, traces the executed service using the Micro Focus Consolidated Tracing Facility. When a service fails, the final trace entry is the point at which it failed.
Facility keep time (seconds)
For CICS services, the number of seconds that the enterprise server environment stays active after each service operation. The default is 30.
Facilitylike name
The name of a virtual terminal to use for CICS applications that run under Enterprise Server/MSS. The default (blank) is for a MOD2 terminal. Specify MER3 for a MOD3 terminal, MER4 for a MOD4 terminal, MER5 for a MOD5 terminal.
Generate trace
For IMS services, generate trace information about the service driver program and run-time.
Generated trace level
For CICS services, the level of trace information generated into the deployed service.
Runtime trace level
For CICS services, the level of trace information written to the trace queue at run time.
Trace queue name
For CICS services. The trace queue name must be in upper case and have a length of eight characters or fewer.
Wait interval (seconds)
For CICS services, the number of seconds that the service driver program should wait if it doesn't hear from the Enterprise Server/MSS run-time. The default is 30.


This section applies to the Java Interface service type only.

Application server
The application server name and J2EE or Java EE version to support EJB deployment. This ensures that the appropriate deployment descriptors are generated and included in the relevant archive files (.ear, .jar, .war).
Archive name
File prefix name for java archive files created during deployment. The default is the service interface name.
Bean name
The name of the JavaBean. The default is the service interface name. It is also the root name given to the home and remote interface classes.
The path to the J2EE implementation classes.
Full path to and filename of the Java compiler. Optionally type compiler directives following the compiler specification. Directives specified here override default java compiler directives. Default value is the Java compiler and directives specified in the mfj.cfg file.
Descriptor name
The name of the EJB. This name is recorded in the deployment descriptor and is used to identify the EJB when it is deployed in the Java application server.
EJB type
The location of the EJB, local or remote.
Java interface type
The type of java interface, EJB or JavaBean.
Package name
The name of the package of Java classes. It is located in a subdirectory of the same name located under the project directory, which is created when the deployment process generates the EJB.
Server host
The name of the machine hosting the enterprise server that runs this service.
Server port
The port number used by ISC listeners configured for the enterprise server that runs this service.
Session type
The session type for the EJB - Stateful or Stateless.
Whether or not the EJB service executes in a transactional context. When set to Yes, the Session type is Stateful by default.


Full Path
The full path to the project directory.

Service Execution Process

SEP session type
Whether the associated SEP (Service Execution Process) attribute is Stateful or Stateless. SEP attributes are only meaningful when the Transactional property is set to Yes.