Enterprise Developer provides a debugging environment, which is sensitive to COBOL and includes all the standard features, including.
When you debug an application, the source code of each program is displayed in a separate window. Each line of the source is highlighted in turn as each statement is executed, showing the effect of each statement. You can execute the program at full speed and can interrupt execution to examine and change data items.
There are a number of ways to debug code, such as compiling the source yourself first or letting it happen automatically or making available the necessary files created during an earlier compilation. For example you can:
You control the way debugging works on a global scale by setting debug options, and on a project scale by setting the debug properties for the project. See To prepare for debugging for details.
In addition to the topics appearing in this section, see the Related Concepts topics below for a list of debugging topics that appear elsewhere in this documentation, and that apply to specific Enterprise Developer features.