Terminal Emulation with Micro Focus Rumba

Enterprise Developer enables you to use a mainframe display control integrated within the IDE. This is provided through integration with the Micro Focus Rumba+ Desktop product. You can also or launch a mainframe session of an external emulator from within the IDE when running or debugging Mainframe Subsystem applications that require an emulator that supports TN3270 to run.

Enterprise Developer supports the following TN3270 Rumba mainframe displays:

Embedded Rumba display
A Rumba mainframe display control embedded in the IDE.
Important: This option is only available in Visual Studio 2017 and 2019, and if you have installed and licensed Micro Focus Rumba+ Desktop 9.5 or 10.1 (Rumba+ Desktop 10.1 is included with the Enterprise Developer setup file).
Rumba+ Desktop Desktop
You can use a mainframe session of Rumba+ Desktop to run or debug the applications you develop in Enterprise Developer.
Note: For more information, see the Micro Focus Rumba+ Desktop product Help.

You can also run applications through an HACloud session (see Terminal Emulation with Micro Focus Host Access for the Cloud), or connect an external TN3270 emulator with a mainframe display to your mainframe subsystem applications.

Note: The functionality described in this section is only available for native Mainframe Subsystem projects.