5.1 Using the Expression Builder to Create Advanced Filters

The filter icon, where available for searches, appears to the right of the search field. Click the filter icon to activate an expression builder, which lets you create advanced filters by selecting and combining search attributes, operators and expressions, values, and filters that Identity Governance uses to create a focused list of search results.

5.1.1 Choosing Search Attributes

The search attributes available from the drop-down list varies across searches, depending on the data columns available to select for display in the results list. For example, if you want to create a search for specific Business Role approval policies, you can choose from the following search attributes:

  • Name

  • Changed By

  • Created By

  • Description

  • Name

  • Type

5.1.2 Using Operators, Conditions, and Filters

Advanced search filters use the operators AND, OR, and NOT to create expressions that direct the search to include, respectively, ALL of the conditions you define, ANY of the conditions you define, or NONE of the conditions you define in the search filter. Select one of these operators to start building a filter. The operator you select applies to every condition you create.

Conditions allow you to specify search attributes including dates and use additional operators, such as “equal to,” “not equal to,” “equals one of,” “does not equal any of,” “greater than,” “less than,” “greater than or equal to,” “subset of,” “superset of,” “intersects,” and “same as” to define how or if the search item appears as a result of the condition.

Filters are subconditions that allow you to fine-tune a condition by further filtering results using additional AND, OR, and NOT statements.

NOTE:When you use “Not equal to” as a condition, the search function will not evaluate identities with a null value. For example, the condition "is not equal to manager" will result in all Identities that has a title that does not equal manager. It will not include identities that have no value for title. To include null values the advanced search would also need to include the condition “title is empty”: User: Title not equal to manager or User: Title is empty. Also, when using Boolean attributes, you need to account for null values. Follow database search best practices when using advanced searches.